It is the specific intent of this article to:
Establish standards of performance for planned mobile home parks to ensure their integration into the community.
Reflect the changes in the technology of home building and land development.
Provide for a diversity in housing types and prices.
Create viable residential neighborhoods by allowing for a mix of housing types in close proximity to the Main Street District.
[Added 6-7-2016 by Ord. No. 367]
Promote pedestrian connections between residential and commercial areas.
[Added 6-7-2016 by Ord. No. 367]
[Amended 3-2-1993 by Ord. No. 152]
Within the Mobile Home Park District, property may be used for a mobile home park, which may include the following uses:
Residential uses. A mobile home park may include single- or double-width mobile homes, single-family detached modular homes, conventionally built single-family detached homes and lot line homes or a combination of these, but shall not include travel trailers or motor homes. No more than 40% of the total number of dwelling units in a mobile home park may be conventionally built single-family detached or lot line homes.
The following accessory uses for the uses of mobile home park residents shall be permitted only as part of an approved development plan for the site:
Grocery or convenience store, not to exceed 1,500 square feet.
Recreation facilities.
Accessory structures shall be permitted on individual lots, as specified in § 184-71 herein.
Nothing in this article shall be considered to prohibit the rental, sale or resale of a mobile home located on a mobile home stand and connected to all utilities. Similarly, a model or display area is permissible on a temporary basis, provided that models are developed in accordance with all applicable regulations of this article and that use of the models for sales or rental promotion ceases when the project is fully developed.
Age-restricted mobile home park community.
An age-restricted mobile home park community may be permitted as a conditional use, subject to the standards established herein in § 184-127, and elsewhere in the Limerick Township ordinances. An "age-restricted community" is defined as follows: any mobile home park in which at least 80% of the residences are occupied by adult singles or couples at least one of whom is 55 years of age or more.
In the case of an existing mobile home park being converted to an age-restricted mobile home park community, households who established residency prior to the granting of the conditional use may remain regardless of their age. At least 80% of the residences occupied after the granting of the conditional use must be occupied by adult singles or couples at least one of whom is 55 years of age or more.
Mixed residential development option. The mixed residential development option shall be permitted as a conditional use, subject to the standards established herein in § 184-127.1 and § 184-43. The mixed-use residential development option by conditional use requires the following:
[Added 6-7-2016 by Ord. No. 367]
The landowner must prove at the time of the conditional use hearing that adequate public water and public sewer is available for the project and that there is capacity in the existing collection system and related pump stations, as well as the sewer treatment plant for the use that is being proposed. This may involve a commitment from the landowner to pay for an expansion to the system.
If the conditional use is granted, none of the remaining parcel shall ever be used for a mobile home park development.
If the official street map of the Township indicates a road to be placed anywhere on the landowner's property, then at the time of conditional use, the applicant must file a covenant running with the land indicating that the applicant will install the road at the applicant's expense under the specifications approved by the Township and that the road will be completely installed before any zoning use permit or certificate of occupancy is issued for any of the units on the subject property. At the time of the conditional use hearing, the applicant must show all landscaping for the plan, as well as the landscaping and streetscape improvements within the adjacent Main Street District that are required by the Main Street Zoning District. As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to install all landscaping and streetscape improvements required by the Main Street District before any zoning use permit is permitted for any construction, except any adjustment agreed to by the Board of Supervisors.
[Amended 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 379]
As part of the conditional use hearing, the applicant must prove that they have conceptual agreement from PennDOT or the county for any roads to be built or any roads to be realigned or vacated. It does not have to be a final HOP permit, but the applicant must obtain something, in writing, saying that PennDOT is in general agreement with the concept or, if it is a county road, that the County is in general agreement with the concept.
Development standards shall be as follows:
Minimum tract area. Minimum tract area shall be 10 acres. Parcels less than 10 acres in size may be developed in accordance with the standards of the R-3 District.
Public sewer service, if available, and centralized water service shall be provided. If public sewer facilities are not available, the mobile home park shall be served by a centralized sanitary sewer system. Both water and sewer systems, as applicable, shall meet the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection.
[Amended 6-2-1998 by Ord. No. 196]
Road access. Any tract proposed for a mobile home park shall have direct access to a collector or higher classification street, as classified in Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development.
[Amended 3-2-1993 by Ord. No. 152]
Dimensional and density standards shall be as follows:
Maximum density: five units per net buildable acre.
Minimum lot size:
Single-wide mobile home: 5,000 square feet.
Double-wide mobile home: 6,500 square feet.
Single-family detached: 7,500 square feet (modular or conventional).
Minimum lot width:
Single-wide mobile home: 50 feet.
Double-wide mobile home: 65 feet.
Single-family detached: 75 feet.
Lot line home: 60 feet.
Minimum front yard: 20 feet, measured from equivalent right-of-way line or private street. No more than six mobile homes in a row shall have the same setback; when varied setbacks are utilized, the difference shall be at least four feet.
Minimum rear yard: 20 feet.
Minimum side yards:
Single-wide mobile home: five feet; 25 feet aggregate.
Double-wide mobile home: 10 feet; 30 feet aggregate.
Single-family detached: 10 feet; 25 feet aggregate.
Lot line home: five feet; 25 feet aggregate. A lot line home may eliminate the five-foot side yard if a five-foot maintenance easement is provided on the adjacent property.
Minimum common open space: 20% of the net acreage of the tract, no more than 1/3 of which may be in the required buffer area.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or three stories.
Design standards shall be as follows:
Buffers. A landscaped buffer at least 50 feet in width shall be provided along all the boundaries of the mobile home park with external public streets and adjacent residential districts. Where the mobile home park abuts nonresidential districts, a twenty-five-foot buffer shall be provided. Buffers shall be landscaped according to the standards of Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development.
[Amended 5-20-2010 by Ord. No. 314]
Streets in the mobile home park shall be developed according to the standards for private streets in Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development.
Unless otherwise specified, the mobile home park shall be designed in accordance with all mobile home park requirements of Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development, including requirements for utilities and lot layout.
[Amended 3-2-1993 by Ord. No. 152]
License. It shall be unlawful to operate a mobile home park within the Township unless a license has been issued by the Board of Supervisors. Such license shall be annually renewable.
Transfer of license. Licenses are not transferable. The Board of Supervisors shall be notified, in writing, within 10 days after the sale, transfer, lease or other change in the controlling interest of a mobile home park, and a new application for a license shall be made.
Fees. All applications to the Township for a mobile home park shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
[Added 3-2-1993 by Ord. No. 152]
Permitted uses.
Residential uses. A mobile home park may include single- or double-width mobile homes, single-family detached modular homes, conventionally built single-family detached homes and lot line homes, or a combination of these, but shall not include travel trailers or motor homes. No more than 40% of the total number of dwelling units in a mobile home park may be conventionally built single-family detached or lot line homes.
The following accessory uses for the uses of mobile home park residents shall be permitted only as part of an approved development plan for the site:
Those accessory uses permitted in § 184-122B.
A lot for recreational vehicle storage, provided that it is screened from view of adjacent dwelling units.
A utility shed for the use of individual homeowners.
Accessory structures shall be permitted on individual lots, as specified in § 184-71 herein.
Nothing in this article shall be considered to prohibit the rental, sale or resale of a mobile home located on a mobile home stand and connected to all utilities. Similarly, a model or display is permissible on a temporary basis, provided that the models are developed in accordance with all applicable regulations of this article and that use of the models for sales or rental promotion ceases when the project is fully developed.
Development standards: see § 184-123.
Dimensional and density standards shall be as follows:
Maximum density: five units per net buildable acre.
Minimum lot size, mobile home: 5,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width, mobile home: 50 feet.
Minimum front yard, mobile home: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard, mobile home: 20 feet.
Minimum side yards, mobile home: five feet; 15 feet aggregate.
Minimum common open space: 20% of net tract acreage, no more than 1/3 of which may be in the required buffer area.
Maximum building coverage: 45% of the lot area.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or three stories.
Maximum impervious coverage: 70%; includes building coverage.
Design standards:
Buffers. A landscaped buffer at least 50 feet in width shall be provided along all the boundaries of the mobile home park with external public streets and adjacent residential districts. Where the mobile home park abuts nonresidential districts, a twenty-five-foot buffer shall be provided. Buffers shall be landscaped according to the standards of Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development.
[Amended 5-20-2010 by Ord. No. 314]
Streets in the age-restricted mobile home park may be developed according to the following standards, in recognition of their unique residential mix and the lesser standards required therefor:
Street widths:
Minor Collector
Sidewalks: not required.
Cul-de-sac turnaround: required when streets exceed 175 feet and serve 10 or more units.
Curbs: not required except where needed for stormwater management.
Unless otherwise specified, the mobile home park shall be designed in accordance with all mobile home park requirements of Chapter 155, Subdivision and Land Development, including requirements for utilities and lot layout.
[Added 6-7-2016 by Ord. No. 367]
For the purposes of this section, the term "senior independent living unit" shall be defined as follows:
A single dwelling unit, as defined by the Fair Housing Act, in a building for senior residents aged 55 years or older who do not require assistance with daily activities or 24/7 skilled nursing. Senior independent living buildings may contain common facilities, including but not limited to common dining areas, personal service shops and recreational areas. Such common facilities shall be open to the residents and their guests, not the general public.
Development standards for mixed residential developments:
The minimum tract size shall be 25 gross acres.
The tract shall be adjacent to the MS-Main Street Zoning District.
A mixed residential development shall be designed in accordance with a master plan for the entire tract, but may be executed in phases with a phasing plan approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Conceptual landscape design and architectural renderings shall be submitted and approved as part of the conditional use approval.
In a mixed residential development, all signs permitted in Article XII of this chapter for residential districts shall be permitted. Signs for each use provided shall be permitted, provided they comply with the applicable requirements of Article XII for type, placement, size, number, and illumination.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot held in single or separate ownership, the use and dimensional standards of either district may be extended into the other district for a distance of not more than 20 feet beyond the zoning district boundary provided a master plan for the entire tract is submitted in accordance with § 184-127.1B(3) above.
Permitted uses.
Residential uses. The following residential uses are permitted within a mixed-use neighborhood development.
Single-family detached homes.
Single-family attached homes (townhouses).
Senior independent living units.
Senior assisted living and memory care facilities.
One medical office building that is less than 40,000 square feet and two stories or less is permitted.
Accessory structures shall be permitted on individual lots, as specified in § 184-71 herein, however, livestock or agricultural accessory uses are not permitted.
Mix requirements. A mixed residential development shall provide a mix of residential dwelling types as follows:
No more than 40% of the total dwelling units shall be market rate single-family detached or single-family attached townhouses.
No more than 70% of the total dwelling units shall be any combination of senior independent living units, senior assisted living units or memory care units.
Dimensional and density standards.
Tract building setbacks. All buildings shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the ultimate rights-of-way of existing and proposed streets and all other property lines.
Buffers. A landscaped buffer at least 25 feet in width shall be provided along all boundaries within the tract setback. Buffers shall be landscaped in accordance with § 155.27.1.
Maximum building coverage: 35% of net buildable site area.
Maximum impervious coverage: 70% of net buildable site area.
Total residential density for all dwelling types shall not exceed 19 units per net buildable acre.
Residential uses. If fee simple lots are not proposed, equivalent lot areas and dimensional standards shall be used.
Single-family detached:
Maximum density: six units per net buildable acre of land developed as single-family detached.
Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 60 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum side yard: 10 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 20 feet.
Single-family attached (townhouses).
Maximum density: 10 units per net buildable acre of land developed as single-family attached.
Minimum lot size: 1,700 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 20 feet.
Minimum front yard: 25 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 20 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Side to side: 25 feet.
Side to front/rear: 35 feet.
Rear to rear: 45 feet.
Maximum number of townhouses per building: six.
Maximum height: maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
Minimum parking: 2.3 spaces per unit total, which is inclusive of 2.0 spaces per unit and 0.3 space per unit for guests.
Senior independent living units.
Maximum density: 36 units per net buildable acre of land developed as senior independent living.
Minimum building setbacks:
From interior streets or drives: 30 feet.
From parking areas: 10 feet.
From other residential uses: 50 feet.
From nonresidential uses: 30 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings: 40 feet.
Maximum height: The maximum building height shall be 60 feet and a maximum of four stories.
Minimum parking: 1.0 space per senior unit; however, 15% of the required spaces may be reserved and built at the direction of the Township.
Senior assisted living and memory care facilities.
Maximum density: 45 units per net buildable acre of land developed as senior assisted living and memory care facilities.
Minimum building setbacks:
From interior streets or drives: 30 feet.
From parking areas: 10 feet.
From other residential uses: 50 feet.
From nonresidential uses: 30 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings: 45 feet.
Maximum height: The maximum building height shall be 60 feet and a maximum of four stories.
Minimum parking: 0.65 space per unit. This provision shall supersede § 184-87 for senior assisted living and memory care facilities.
Nonresidential uses. If fee simple lots are not proposed, equivalent lot areas and dimensional standards shall be used.
Medical office building.
Maximum building of less than 40,000 square feet and limited to only one building.
Minimum lot size: 60,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 125 feet.
Minimum building setbacks:
From interior streets or drives: 30 feet.
From parking areas: 10 feet.
From other residential uses: 50 feet.
From non-residential uses: 30 feet.
Maximum height: The maximum building height shall be 35 feet and a maximum of two stories.
Minimum parking: five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.