[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Steelton 10-6-1958 by Ord. No. 58-10, approved 10-7-1958. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Borough Council hereby signifies its intention and desire to organize an Authority under the provisions of the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945,[1] as amended.
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
The President and Secretary of the Borough Council are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the Borough of Steelton, Articles of Incorporation for said Authority.[1]
Editor's Note: The Articles of Incorporation and a current listing of members is on file in the office of the Borough Secretary.
The Borough Secretary is hereby directed to cause a notice of the substance of this chapter, including the substances of the Articles of Incorporation, to be published once in Patriot and Evening News, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a daily newspaper published and of general circulation in the County of Dauphin, and in the Dauphin County Reporter, the legal journal designated by the Rules of Court for the publication of legal notices in said county, as required by the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, as amended.
The President and Secretary of the Borough Council are directed to file said Articles of Incorporation, together with the necessary proofs of publication, with the Secretary of the commonwealth, and to do all other acts and things necessary or appropriate to effect the incorporation of the Steelton Borough Authority.
The initial project to be undertaken by said Authority is to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own, lease either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, sewers, sewer systems or part thereof and sewage treatment works, including works for treating and disposing of industrial waste, for the Borough of Steelton and for such other territory as it may be authorized to serve.