P-100.1 Title: These regulations
shall be known as the "Plumbing Code of the Borough of Steelton,"
hereinafter referred to as the Plumbing Code or "this code."
P-104.1 Continuation: The legal
use and occupancy of any structure existing before the adoption of
this code or for which it had been heretofore approved may be continued
without change, except as may be specifically covered in this code
or deemed necessary by the Plumbing Official for the general safety
and welfare of the occupants and the public.
Plumbing Official: The Code Enforcement
P-303.2 Public sewer available: A public water supply system or public sewer system shall be deemed
available to premises used for human occupancy, if such premises are
within 300 feet, measured along a street, alley or easement, of the
public water supply or sewer system, and a connection conforming with
the standards set forth in this code may be made thereto.
P-308.3 Freezing: Water service
piping and sewers shall be installed below recorded frost penetration,
but not less than three feet below grade for water piping and three
feet below grade for sewers. In climates with freezing temperatures,
plumbing piping in exterior building walls or areas subjected to freezing
temperatures shall be adequately protected against freezing by insulation
or heat or both.
P-404.1.2 Water service pipe: Water
service pipe shall be copper pipe or copper tubing Type K, conforming
to the standard listed in Table P-404.1.2. All pipe or tubing, when
used underground for water service and when installed outside of the
building, shall have a minimum working pressure of 160 pounds per
square inch at 73.4° F. All joints and connections underground
shall be a flared joint made with approved fittings.
P-404.2.3 Building sewer pipe: Building
sewer pipe shall be cast iron, conforming to the standard listed in
Table P-404.2.3.
P-602.3.1 Prohibited fittings: A
tee branch shall not be used as a drainage fitting. A fitting or connection
which has an enlargement chamber or recess with a ledge or shoulder,
or reduction in pipe area shall not be used. Running threads, bands
shall not be used. Drainage or vent piping shall not be drilled or
tapped unless otherwise permitted by the plumbing official.
P-1001.3 Prohibited traps: The
following traps are prohibited:
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Traps which depend upon moving parts to maintain
their seal.
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Bell traps.
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Crown vented traps.
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Separate fixture traps which depend on interior
partitions for their seal.
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"S" traps, except where specifically approved
by the Code Enforcement Officer.
P-1702.1 New, altered, or repaired systems: New plumbing systems, and parts of existing systems, which have
been altered, extended or repaired shall be tested as prescribed hereinafter
to disclose leaks and defects, except that testing may be waived in
the following cases:
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In any case which does not include addition
to, replacement, alteration or relocation of any water supply, drainage
or vent piping.
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In any case where plumbing equipment may be
set up temporarily for exhibition purposes.
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One- and two-family dwellings. If tested, Section
P-1702.0 shall be used.
Registration of Plumbers: In order to prevent damage to the Borough streets and the Borough water and sewer systems from not being repaired, all plumbers engaged in the practice of plumbing within the Borough shall apply for and obtain a license from the Borough. A copy of liability insurance policy shall be submitted to the Borough. The fee shall be in accordance with the fee schedule stated in Chapter 2, Code Enforcement. The Borough may suspend or revoke any license and the privilege of having a license upon violation of or nonconforming with any provision of this chapter and the BOCA Basic Plumbing Code, 1981 Edition, adopted herein, and for any other conduct evidencing similar unfitness for the position.