[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Parkside 4-27-2005 by Ord. No. 453. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 158.
Subdivision and land development — See Ch. 161.
Zoning — See Ch. 182.
For the purpose of planting, removing, maintaining and protecting shade trees in the Borough of Parkside, a Shade Tree Commission is hereby established consisting of five members who shall be residents of the Borough, shall be appointed by the Borough Council, and shall serve without compensation. The Borough Council shall appoint members to staggered terms so that one term expires every year. On the expiration of the term of any Commissioner, a successor shall be appointed by Council to serve for a term of five years. Vacancies in the office of Commissioner shall be filled by the Council for the unexpected term.
The following words and phrases when used herein shall have the meaning hereby ascribed to them, except in those instances where the context already indicates a different meaning:
The Shade Tree Commission of the Borough of Parkside.
Any permit, in writing, as issued by the Secretary of the Shade Tree Commission.
Any natural person, firm, association, partnership or corporation.
Any street, sidewalk or alley open to the public.
The Secretary of the Shade Tree Commission of the Borough of Parkside.
Any tree, shrub, or any other woody plant on any public highway in the Borough of Parkside, or that part of any tree, shrub or other woody plant which extends within the lines of any public highway.
The part of a street not covered by sidewalk or other paving lying between the property line and that portion of the street or highway usually used for vehicular traffic.
The Shade Tree Commission shall have the exclusive custody and control of the shade trees within the street right-of-way and along the streets and highways of the Borough, and may plant, remove, maintain and protect shade trees along the streets and highways of the Borough. The Commission may require the planting or replanting of shade trees, and alignment and locations of the trees shall be determined by the Commission but shall not prevent necessary and reasonable use of the streets, sidewalks, abutting property or the conduct of business.
Any person wishing to plant, remove, maintain and/or protect shade trees along the streets or highways of the Borough shall file an application made in writing to the Commission. It shall specify the particular kind of work or operation the applicant desires to perform thereunder and shall state the exact location and the species of trees to be affected. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to submit every such application promptly to the Commission for approval or disapproval. Any application not acted upon within 30 days from the date thereof shall be deemed to have been granted and allowed. The permit shall be effective for such length of time as the Commission shall in each case determine, and such time shall be indicated on the permit. Any such permit may be revoked at any time upon proof satisfactory to the Commission that any of the terms or conditions of the permit have been violated.
No person shall plant, cut down, or remove any shade trees under the jurisdiction of the Shade Tree Commission; or fasten any sign, wire, rope, or other materials to, around, or through any such shade tree; or deposit, place, store or maintain any stone, brick, sand, concrete, or other material which may impede the free passages of water, air, or fertilizer to the roots of any such shade tree, unless he shall first obtain a permit from the Shade Tree Commission to do so. Exception: Newly planted trees may be guyed to provide stability during the first growing season.
No person shall move any building or other object on or over any public street or highway within the Borough in such a manner as to damage or injure any shade tree or shrub in such street or highway unless he first obtains a permit from the Shade Tree Commission to do so.
As a condition to any permit to move any building or object on or over any public street or highway, the Shade Tree Commission may require the applicant to furnish bond in the amount sufficient to cover any damage or injury to any shade tree or shrub in such street and it may direct the route of any such moving so as to minimize damage or injury to shade trees and shrubs.
As a condition to any permit to remove any shade tree, the Shade Tree Commission may require that the applicant plant, at his expense, another tree in the place of the one removed. The Shade Tree Commission in such case shall direct the type, size and location of the tree to be planted and the time within which the work shall be done.
In the event of a shade tree being damaged, the Shade Tree Commission may make a charge for repairs to the tree, plus the devaluation of the tree, against the person causing the damage to said tree. In the event of a shade tree being destroyed by any person, the Shade Tree Commission may make a charge for the appraised value of the tree, plus the cost of removal and replacement thereof, against the person causing the destruction of said tree.
In the event any shade tree or trees are felled by a storm or other casualty, the said trees, branches or stumps thereof, shall be removed from the cartway by the Borough without charge. Replacement of such trees will be made at the discretion of the Shade Tree Commission and at the expense of the property owner or Borough, as determined by the Commission.
No person shall break, injure, mutilate, kill or destroy any shade tree or set fire or permit any fire to burn where such a fire or the heat thereof will injure any shade tree, and no person shall knowingly permit any leak to exist in any gas or steam pipe or main within the root zone of any such shade tree, or permit any toxic chemical, either solid or liquid, to seep, drain or empty so as to come in contact with any shade trees, unless protected by a method to be approved by the Shade Tree Commission. No person shall attach any electric installation to any shade tree or excavate any ditches, tunnels or trenches or lay any driveway within a ten-foot radius of any shade tree without first obtaining a written permit from the Shade Tree Commission.
Whenever the Shade Tree Commission determines it to be necessary to prune, remove or do other maintenance work to any shade tree which may temporarily interrupt electric or other utility services, the owner of such utilities shall be given written notice of such work and will be allowed 24 hours in which to comply with said notice.
The owner of the property shall trim branches from any shade trees overhanging the streets and highways of the Borough so that they will not obstruct the light from any streetlight, and so that there shall be a clear height of 14 feet above the surface of the street and eight feet over the sidewalk. If any property owner shall neglect or refuse to trim any shade trees as required by this section, upon notice, in writing, by the Commission, within the time limits specified in such notice, the Commission may cause such trimming to be done at the expense of the owner.
Owners of such utilities may submit to the Commission for approval a proposed schedule of work to be done in the Borough, insofar as it affects shade trees, for a period of several weeks, months or three years, as the case may be.
The Commission shall plant or permit to be planted trees of not less than one-and-one-half-inch caliper, six inches above the ground, symmetrical in shape, with a clean trunk, and straight without branches for a distance of six feet from the ground. The planting of any species other than those of the approved list on file in the Borough Office is prohibited.
The spacing between newly planted shade trees shall not be less than 30 feet. No shade tree shall be planted less than 20 feet from a curb intersection or less than 10 feet from a fire hydrant, sewer inlet, light standard or utility pole.
When any tree along the streets or highways of the Borough, or growing on private property but overhanging any street or highway, in the opinion of the Commission endangers the life, health, safety, or property of the public, or is affected by any contagious disease or insect infestation, it shall be within the discretion of the Commission to determine what remedy is necessary and whether or not such tree must be removed. The owner of the property shall be notified, in writing, of the existence of the danger, disease, or insect infestation and shall be given reasonable time for removal of the same, except when trees are infected with Dutch elm disease. In such case, no notice is necessary, and the Borough shall immediately take steps to remove such trees. If a dangerous, diseased, or infected tree is not removed or corrected within the allotted time by the property owner, the Commission shall cause the matter to be corrected or the tree removed, and the costs thereof shall be assessed to the owner of the property.
No shade tree may be planted in any treelawn less than four feet in width. Where trees are to be planted in existing pavement, a space of four feet shall be provided for each tree. At the discretion of the Commission, exceptions may be granted in certain specific instances.
No shade tree shall be planted on any street or highway of the Borough where curbs have not been constructed.
There shall be close cooperation between the Commission and other Borough departments when their work affects shade trees on or along the streets and highways of the Borough. The Commission shall approve all building permits that may affect shade trees of the Borough. All sewer, lighting and paving plans shall be cleared with the Commission.
Whenever any of the regulations herein conflicts with Chapter 182, Zoning, of the Parkside General Code adopted by the Borough, the zoning regulations shall apply.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300 plus the costs of prosecution. Every day that a violation of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate offense.