In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1975 Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2011 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1975 Code of Ordinances
Location in 2011 Code
Chapter I, Administration and Government
Part 1, Appointed and Elected Officials
Section 1, Mayor and Borough Council
Section 2, Tax Collector
Sections 3 through 5, Auditor
Ch. 8
Sections 7 through10, Borough Manager
Ch. 60
Part 2, Authorities
Ch. 11
Part 3, Boards and Commissions
Subpart A, Civil Service Commission
Ch. 16
Subpart B, Borough Planning Commission
Ch. 78
Subpart C, Regional Planning Commission
Subpart D, Borough Recreation Board
Subpart E, Area Recreational Board
Ch. 90, Art. I
Subpart F, Adjudicatory Board
Ch. 5
Part 4, Firemen's Relief
Ch. 35
Part 5, Police Department
Ch. 81
Part 6, Social Security, Pension and Retirement
Part 7, Employee Benefits
Part 8, Fee for Nonstatutory Tax Collector Services
Part 9, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care
Part 10, Fire Insurance Proceeds
Ch. 242, Art. I
Chapter II, Air Pollution
Ord. No.
Chapter III, Animals
Part 1, Keeping of Pigs Prohibited
Part 2, Prohibition of Dogs in Mosssback Park; Cleanup of Certain Public Ways
Ch. 128, Art. I
Chapter IV Bicycles
Part 1, Riding Bicycles on Sidewalks Prohibited
Ch. 135
Chapter V, Buildings
Part 1, Buildings
Part 2, Construction and Maintenance of Buildings -- First Avenue Redevelopment Area
Part 3, Numbering of Buildings
Ch. 144
Part 4, Building Permits; Floodplains
Superseded by Ord. No. 736; see now Ch. 205
Chapter VI, Conduct
Part 1
Sections 1 and 2, Firearms and Other Weapons
Ch. 197
Section 3, Ballplaying, etc., on Streets and Sidewalks
Section 4 through 9 and 11, Tampering with Public Property
Ch. 322
Section 10, Distribution of Lewd Materials
Ch. 291, Art. I
Part 2, Alcoholic Beverage Open Containers
Ch. 120
Part 3, Public Nudity
Chapter VII, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Chapter VIII, Curfew
Repealed by Ord. No. 700
Chapter IX, Franchises
Part 1, Electric
Ch. A435, Art. I
Part 2, Gas
Ch. A435, Art. II
Part 3, Sewer
Ch. A435, Art. III
Part 4, Telephone
Ch. A435, Art. IV
Part 5, Television
Ch. A435, Art. V
Part 6, Water
Ch. A435, Art. VI
Chapter X, Garbage and Refuse — Not used
Chapter XI, Health and Safety
Part 1, Grass and Weeds
Superseded by Ord. No. 729; see now Ch. 220
Part 2, Foreign Materials in Waterways
Ch. 415, Art. I
Part 3, Transport of Bulk Materials
Ch. 376, Art. I
Chapter XII, Housing
Part 1, Occupancy Reports
Ch. 297
Chapter XIII, Libraries — Not used
Chapter XIV, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Advertising Matter Distribution
Ch. 112, Art. I
Part 2, Posting of Posters, Signs or Billboards
Superseded by Ord. No. 725; see now Ch. 425, Art. VII
Part 3, Transient Retail Business
Ch. 316, Art. I
Part 4, Utility Poles
Part 5, Regulating and Licensing Amusement Devices
Ch. 124
Chapter XV, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks - Not used
Chapter XVI, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Parts 1 through 7 and 9 through 10, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 405
Part 8, Restricting Use of Engine Brakes
Ch. 284, Art. I
Chapter XVII, Parks and Recreation
Part 1, Rules and Regulations
Ch. 305, Art. I
Chapter XVIII, Plumbing — Not used
Chapter XIX, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Parts 1 through 5 and 7, Sewage Disposal
Ch. 340, Part 1
Part 6, Sewer Rental Charges and Fees
Ch. 340, Part 2
Chapter XX, Signs and Billboards — Not used
Chapter XXI, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Street
Ch. 358, Art. IV
Part 2, Sidewalks
Subpart A, Sidewalk Construction and Repair
Ch. 358, Art. III
Subpart B, Sledding on Sidewalks
Subpart C, Snow and Ice Removal
Ch. 358, Art. I
Part 3, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 358, Art. II
Chapter XXII, Subdivision and Land Development — Not used
Chapter XXIII, Swimming Pools — Not used
Chapter XXIV, Taxation, Special
Part 1, Deed Transfer
Ch. 370, Art. IV
Part 2, Earned Income and Net Profits
Ch. 370, Art. II
Part 3, Vending Machines
Ch. 370, Art. V
Part 4, Occupation
Ch. 370, Art. III
Part 5, Per Capita
Ch. 370, Art. I
Part 6, Real Estate Tax Exemption
Subpart A, Commercial, Industrial and Business Real Estate Tax Exemption
Superseded by Ord. No. 679; see now Ch. 370, Art. VI
Subpart B, Rehabilitated Residential Dwelling Units Real Estate Tax Exemption
Subpart C, Construction of New Dwellings Real Estate Tax Exemption
Superseded by Ord. No. 681; see now Ch. 370, Art. VII
Chapter XXV, Trees
Sections 1 through 5, Poplar and Willow Trees
Ch. 382, Art. I
Sections 6 through 7, Shade Trees
Ch. 382, Art. II
Chapter XXVI, Water
Part 1, Water Conservation
Ch. 415, Art. II
Part 2, Water Rationing
Ch. 415, Art. III
Chapter XXVII, Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 725; see now Ch. 425
Legislative Enactments
Legislative Enactments