[Adopted 1-25-1994; amended in its entirety 4-23-2024]
There shall be three regular members and three alternate members appointed to the Board of Assessment Appeals. The Mayor shall appoint these members subject to confirmation by the Common Council. Each regular member shall serve a term of four years from the date of appointment and until their successor is appointed and confirmed by the Common Council. Each alternate member shall serve a term of one year from the date of appointment.
In accordance with the provisions of CGS § 9-199(c), the Board of Assessment Appeals is hereby increased to seven regular members and seven alternate members for any assessment year during which a revaluation becomes effective. The Mayor shall appoint the additional members, subject to confirmation by the Common Council, the year that the revaluation becomes effective.
The provisions of CGS § 9-167a concerning minority representation shall apply to the Board of Assessment Appeals.
Upon the completion by the Board of Assessment Appeals of its work for any revaluation assessment year described above for which the additional members were appointed, the terms of the additional members appointed and confirmed pursuant to this section shall expire and no successors shall be appointed.