[Ord. No. 1209 §1, 3-5-1991]
All that certain parcel of ground on the west side of Highway 9, commonly known as the Old Parkville Cemetery, and used for the interment of the dead, shall continue to be known as the Old Parkville Cemetery.
[Ord. No. 1209 §2, 3-5-1991]
All persons who have heretofore purchased and paid for lots in said Old Parkville Cemetery may, upon sufficient proof of said purchase and payment therefor, receive from the Mayor of the City a certificate executed by him as Mayor of said City, and countersigned by the City Clerk, for the lot or lots so purchased.
[Ord. No. 1209 §3, 3-5-1991; Ord. No. 2834 §§1 — 2, 1-5-2016[1]]
The Old Parkville Cemetery is rendered inactive to all new burials. The Old Parkville Cemetery is full and plots are no longer available for purchase.
Editor’s Note: Ord. No. 2834 also changed the title of this Section from "Cost of Lot" to "Cemetery Status." Section 3 also provided an effective date of 1-15-2016.
[Ord. No. 1209 §4, 3-5-1991; Ord. No. 1440 §8, 6-7-1994]
The Cemetery Board is hereby expanded to a membership of seven (7) persons who shall have been residents of the City of Parkville for at least one (1) year immediately prior to their appointment. Two (2) shall be appointed for one (1) year, two (2) for two (2) years, and three (3) for three (3) years. At the expiration of these terms, subsequent appointments shall be for three (3) years. Terms of appointment shall be from the date of the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen each May to the date of the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen in May of the year of expiration. The Mayor may, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, remove any member of the Cemetery Board for misconduct or neglect of duty. Vacancies occasioned by removal, resignation or otherwise shall be reported to the Board of Aldermen, and shall be filled in like manner as original appointments, except that the term of office shall be the unexpired term of the office being filled. No member of the Cemetery Board shall receive compensation as such.
One (1) member of the Board of Aldermen shall be appointed as a liaison person with the Cemetery Board.
[Ord. No. 1209 §5, 3-5-1991]
The duties of the Old Parkville Cemetery Board shall be to have the care and custody of the cemetery and enclosures; to see that the enclosures are kept in good order and repair; and that the grounds are always in good order; to assist the City Clerk in keeping a record of all interments made and marking lots sold upon the plat of the Old Parkville Cemetery; to recommend such improvements and repairs at and about said cemetery as they may deem necessary; and also to lay before the Board of Aldermen all such other matters respecting the cemetery as they may think advisable; and generally to do all things which the Board of Aldermen may require of them in and about said cemetery.
[Ord. No. 1209 §6, 3-5-1991]
A plat of the cemetery shall be made showing the blocks and numbers of lots, which shall be kept at the City Clerk's office as one of the City records, and the City Clerk shall be required at least once a year to enter on each new lot sold the name of the grantee and the date of the purchase, which plat shall be at all times subject to the inspection of any parties interested.