[R.O. 1996 § 110.010; Code 1985, § 21.010; CC 1990 § 2-26]
No person shall be eligible to the office of Alderman who is not at least eighteen (18) years of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant and resident of the City for at least one (1) year next before his/her election and a resident of the Ward from which he/she is elected; nor shall any person be elected an Alderman who is in arrears for any tax, lien, forfeiture or defalcation in office. All members of the Board shall hold their office for a term of two (2) years.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.020; Code 1985, §§ 21.020, 21.130; CC 1990 § 2-27]
Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his/her office, each Alderman shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the City Clerk that he/she possesses all the qualifications prescribed for his/her office by the laws of the State and this Code or other ordinances of this City; that he/she will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State, and this Code and other ordinances of this City, and that he/she will faithfully demean himself/herself in office.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.030; Code 1985, § 21.030; CC 1990 § 2-28]
The members of the Board of Aldermen shall be two (2) in number from each Ward of the City.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.040; Code 1985, § 21.040; CC 1990 § 2-29]
The duties and powers of the members of the Board of Aldermen shall be as set forth in Chapter 79, RSMo.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.050; Code 1985, § 24.010; CC 1990 § 2-32; Ord. No. 627 § 1, 9-12-1988; Ord. No. 974 § 1, 8-28-1995; Ord. No. 2444, 3-11-2024]
The Board of Aldermen of this City shall generally meet in regular session in the council room of the City Hall at the hour of 6:30 P.M. on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
If deemed necessary, the Board of Aldermen may move the regular scheduled meeting to another location, including online, provided it is appropriately noticed.
When any such meeting day falls on an observed holiday, the Board of Aldermen will determine if the regular meeting shall be cancelled or rescheduled at such time provided by the Board prior to the date of the scheduled meeting.
When deemed necessary by the Mayor to conduct a regular meeting by use of an online meeting platform, notification will given at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting time. Such platform and details, including the link to the online meeting, will be identified on the posting of the meeting agenda by the City Clerk.
The Board may, by motion, dispense with any regular meeting, but at least one (1) meeting, regular or special, must be held in each calendar month.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.060; Code 1985, § 24.020; CC 1990 § 2-33; Ord. No. 2444, 3-11-2024]
Special meetings of the Board of Aldermen may be called by the Mayor or by any two (2) members of the Board by written request filed with the City Clerk, who shall thereupon prepare a notice of such special meeting, stating time, place and object thereof, which notice shall be served upon each member of the Board by telephone, email or any other reasonable method as soon as possible but at least twelve (12) hours before the time of the meeting should twenty-four (24) hours notice be impossible or impractical as identified in Section 610.020, RSMo. It shall also be the duty of the City Clerk, immediately upon receipt of the request for the meeting, to make a diligent effort to notify each member of the Board in person, either by telephone or otherwise, of such special session.
The City Clerk shall make a diligent effort to notify those members of the mass media who customarily attend meetings of the Board of Aldermen of the special session, in the same manner as described above.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this Section shall not invalidate any action taken at a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.070; Code 1985, § 24.030; CC 1990 § 2-34]
A quorum of the Board of Aldermen shall consist of a majority of the full membership, including vacancies and the Mayor of the City.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.080; Code 1985, § 24.040; CC 1990 § 2-35]
If a lesser number than a quorum shall convene at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Aldermen, the majority of the members present are authorized to direct the Chief of Police or other City Officer to send for and compel the attendance of any or all absent members upon such terms and conditions and at such time as such majority of the members present shall agree.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.090; Code 1985, § 24.045; CC 1990 § 2-36]
All adjourned meetings of the Board shall, to all intents and purposes, be continuations of the meetings of which they are adjournments, and the same proceedings may be had at such adjourned meetings as at the meeting of which they are adjournments.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.100; Code 1985, § 24.050; CC 1990 § 2-37]
At the hour designated for Board meetings the Mayor shall call the Board of Aldermen to order and act as President of the Board.
The Mayor shall appoint all committees, subject to the concurrence of the Board of Aldermen, the appointment or election of which is not otherwise provided for by this Code or other ordinance.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.110; Code 1985, § 21.210; CC 1990 § 2-38]
The Mayor shall, at the first meeting of the Board of Aldermen after each annual election, name the members of such standing committees as he/she deems necessary, which shall consist of two (2) or more members of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.120]
The Board shall elect one of their own number who shall be styled "Acting President of the Board of Aldermen" and who shall serve for a term of one (1) year.
[R.O. 1996 § 110.130; Code 1985, § 24.060; CC 1990 § 2-40]
When any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor by death, resignation, removal from the City, removal from office, refusal to qualify, or from any other cause whatever, the Acting President of the Board of Aldermen shall, for the time being, perform the duties of Mayor, with all the rights, privileges, powers and jurisdiction of the Mayor, until such vacancy be filled or such disability be removed; or, in case of temporary absence, until the Mayor's return.