[R.O. 1996 § 215.195]
As used in Sections 215.195 through 215.210, the following words shall have the meanings set out herein:
Any act involving the genitals of one person and the mouth, tongue, or anus of another person or a sexual act involving the penetration, however slight, of the male or female sex organ or the anus by a finger, instrument or object done for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of any person.
Sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse or sexual contact.
Any touching of another person with the genitals or any touching of the genitals or anus of another person, or the breast of a female person, for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire of any person.
Any penetration, however slight, of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, whether or not an emission results.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.200; Ord. No. 2450, 6-10-2024]
A person commits the offense of sexual misconduct if such person :
Exposes his/her genitals under circumstances in which he/she knows that his/her conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm; or
Has sexual contact in the presence of a third person or persons under circumstances in which he/she knows that such conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm; or
Has sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse in a public place in the presence of a third person.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.205]
A person commits the offense of sexual abuse if he/she subjects another person to sexual contact by the use of forcible compulsion.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.210; Ord. No. 2420, 5-8-2023]
Whenever in this Chapter or Chapter 566, RSMo., the criminality of conduct depends upon a child being less than fourteen (14) years of age, it is no defense that the defendant believed the child to be older.
Whenever in this Chapter or Chapter 566, RSMo., the criminality of conduct depends upon a child being less than eighteen (18) years of age, it is an affirmative defense that the defendant reasonably believed that the child was eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Consent is not a defense to any offense under this Chapter or Chapter 566, RSMo., if the alleged victim is less than fourteen (14) years of age.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.215; Ord. No. 836 § 16-101, 2-8-1993]
It shall be unlawful for any person to be found in the City trespassing upon the premises of another, such person being upon such premises and being then and there engaged in peeping or peering into a dwelling house, or being upon such premises with the intention of peeping or peering into such dwelling house.
Editor's Note: Former Section 215.215, Indecent Exposure, was repealed 6-10-2024 by Ord. No. Ord. No. 2450. Prior history includes: Ord. No. 2586. See now Section 215.200, Sexual Misconduct.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.220; Ord. No. 836 § 16-102, 2-8-1993]
As used in Sections 215.225 through 215.235, the following words shall have the meanings set out herein:
A person commits "prostitution" if he/she engages or offers or agrees to engage in sexual conduct with another person for something of value to be received by the person or by a third person.
Occurs when there is:
"Sexual Intercourse," which means any penetration, however slight, of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, whether or not an emission results; or
"Deviate Sexual Intercourse," which means any sexual act involving the genitals of one person and the mouth, hand, tongue or anus of another person; or
"Sexual Contact," which means any touching, manual or otherwise, of the anus or genitals of one person by another, done for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire of either party.
Any money or property, or any token, object, or article exchangeable for money or property.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.225; Ord. No. 836 § 16-103, 2-8-1993]
A person commits the offense of prostitution if he/she performs an act of prostitution.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.230; Ord. No. 836 § 16-104, 2-8-1993]
In any prosecution for prostitution the sex of the two (2) parties or prospective parties to the sexual conduct engaged in, contemplated, or solicited is immaterial, and it is no defense that:
Both persons were of the same sex; or
The person who received, agreed to receive, or solicited something of value was a male and the person who gave or agreed or offered to give something of value was a female.
[R.O. 1996 § 215.235; Ord. No. 836 § 16-105, 2-8-1993]
Any room, building, or other structure regularly used for sexual contact for pay as defined in Section 215.220 or any unlawful prostitution activity prohibited by this Article is a public nuisance.
The City Prosecutor may, in addition to all sanctions contained in this Article, prosecute a suit in equity to enjoin the nuisance. Such suit shall be prosecuted pursuant to Section 567.080, RSMo.