All uses reviewed by the Planning Board pursuant to Articles VI and VIII of this chapter shall conform to the standards of all sections below.
Access to all sites shall be consistent with the standards set forth in "Policy and Standards for Entrances to State Highways," as revised, published by the New York State Department of Transportation.
Facilities with drive-up service windows shall have a minimum of five waiting spaces for each drive-up lane. Each waiting space shall be at least 20 feet in length. Where multiple drive-up windows exist, there shall be one additional waiting space which shall be in a common lane.
In commercial and industrial zones, exterior site lighting shall be planned, erected, and maintained so the light is confined to the property and will not cast direct light or glare upon adjacent properties or public rights-of-way.
Light levels at lot lines or street lines adjoining either residentially developed land or residential zones shall not exceed 0.6 footcandles, measured at ground level. High-intensity lighting shall not be permitted.
No illumination source (lamp) shall be higher than 15 feet in C-1 and C-2 Zones, or 20 feet in C-3 Zones. No illumination source (lamp) shall be directly visible from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. All illumination sources shall be appropriately shielded.
Architectural lighting shall be shielded and developed as necessary to adequately promote business operation and public safety. Floodlighting and dramatic landscape lighting shall be minimized and used only for specific effects as noted by the developer on the lighting plan.
Open storage areas, exposed machinery, and outdoor areas used for the storage and collection of rubbish shall be visually screened from streets and surrounding land uses.
Suitable types of screening include opaque and semiopaque wood fences (such as board-on-board) and dense, mixed evergreen and deciduous hedges of a height necessary to screen the intended use. The screening shall be sufficient to screen the site in all seasons.
In locations where potential health or safety hazards may arise, such as rubbish storage/collection areas, a solid wooden fence, six feet in height, is required to deter children and animals from entering the premises. Where new fencing would create a continuous surface greater than 10 feet in length, the visual expanse of bare fence shall be alleviated by plant groupings, consisting of mixed evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees.
All multifamily uses and nonresidential uses shall provide sidewalks, street trees and planted areas along streets in keeping with the pattern established for the street and neighboring properties.
Side and rear yard buffer areas shall be required by the Planning Board as a landscape and utility area in the following circumstances:
Where a nonresidential use in a nonresidential district abuts land in a residential district.
Where a nonresidential use in a residential district abuts a residential use in a residential district.
Buffer areas shall be of such width and landscaping as to eliminate the impacts of objectionable lights, noise, smoke, odor, and aesthetics.
Buffer area landscaping shall take the form of shade trees, deciduous shrubs, evergreens, well-kept grassed areas and ground cover. One shade tree at least eight feet in height and at least two inches in diameter measured at a point six inches above finished grade level shall be planted no nearer than five feet to any lot line for each 500 square feet of required landscaped area; and one deciduous shrub or evergreen shall be planted for each 200 square feet of required landscaped area.
Landscaping and screening plans shall specify the types of vegetative materials, planting schedule and minimum sizes, and shall be designed to provide suitable cover within three years of time of installation. Material will be selected to provide year-round coverage suitable to the climate.
All vegetation shall be maintained in a healthy state and condition by the owner, with ground cover or grassed areas, and damaged and dead shrubs and trees shall be removed and replaced at the property owner's expense.