[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Boonville 12-29-1971 (Ch. 40 of the 1971 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Noise — See Ch. 246.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 272.
No person shall hawk, vend, peddle, solicit or offer for sale in or upon any street, park or other public place, or by going from house to house in the Village of Boonville any goods, wares or merchandise, and no person shall solicit from place to place, or house to house, or in any street or public place in said Village, orders for the sale of goods, wares, merchandise, periodicals or other commodities, or for service to be performed, or for the making, manufacturing or repairing of any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery, without a license therefor granted by the Village Clerk, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, except as provided under §§ 278-11 and 278-12.
Every applicant for a license shall file with the Village Clerk of the Village of Boonville a written application for such a license, stating his name and residence; type of goods, wares and merchandise he desires to peddle or sell; name and address of his employer, if any; a statement of his true name and address if he is doing business under an assumed business name; the name and address of every solicitor working with or under him within the Village of Boonville; the license number and name and address of the owner of any motor vehicle used in connection with his activities under and pursuant to said license; and such applicant shall present to the Village Clerk a certificate showing that any weighing or measuring devices used by him have been duly tested and certified by a qualified sealer of weights and measures. Upon the granting of such a license, the applicant shall pay the required license fees therefor. Any applicant for such license shall, upon request, swear that the contents of such application are true before an officer duly qualified to take oaths within the State of New York.
Upon receipt of such application, the Village Clerk shall refer same to the officer in charge of the Police Department for an investigation of the applicant as may be necessary for the protection of the public good, including a check of the applicant's record of convictions of criminal law and municipal ordinances. Within five days from receipt of the application, the officer in charge of the Police Department shall return to the Village Clerk a written recommendation as to whether or not a license should be issued to the applicant and, if the recommendation is that a license should not be issued to the applicant, the reason(s) therefor.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Village Clerk, upon receipt of the application in proper form and the fees as herein provided, shall issue a license to the applicant in the form to be provided, which license shall be exhibited by the holder upon demand to any purchaser of goods, wares and merchandise from said license holder. All licenses shall be numbered in the order in which they are issued and shall contain the name and place of the residence of the licensee and the date of issuance and the date of expiration thereof. No licensee shall deface, remove, change or obliterate any official entry made upon said license in any respect whatsoever, and if such official license shall be defaced, obliterated or changed in any respect, the licensee shall report same immediately to the Village Clerk, who may, upon payment of a fee of $10, issue a replacement license. Any license which shall be defaced, obliterated or changed in any respect shall be deemed void. Willful violation of this section shall subject the licensee to a fine of not more than $200.
The fees for any license issued under and pursuant to this chapter shall be as follows:
For one week or less: $10.
For more than one week but less than six months: $20.
For six months to one year: $30.
A duplicate license shall be issued for each solicitor working with or under the original license holder, and there shall be a charge of $1 for each such duplicate license.
A licensed huckster, peddler or solicitor shall:
Not falsely or fraudulently misrepresent the quantity, character or quality of any article offered for sale, or offer for sale any unwholesome, tainted or diseased provisions or merchandise.
Keep the vehicle and receptacles used by him in a clean and sanitary condition and the foodstuffs and edibles offered for sale well-covered and protected from dirt, dust and insects.
Not blow a horn, ring a bell or use any other noisy device to attract public attention to his wares, or shout or cry out his wares.
Stand or permit the vehicle used by him to stand in one place, in any public place or street, for more than 10 minutes, or in front of any premises for any time if the owner or lessee of the ground floor thereof objects, or in any place if traffic is thereby obstructed.
Sell any confectionery, ice cream or other edibles within 250 feet of any school between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on school days.
Create or maintain any booth or stand, or place any barrels, boxes, crates or other obstructions upon any street or public place for the purpose of selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise.
Deposit or throw, or cause or permit to be deposited or thrown, any refuse or other substance upon any public or private property within the Village of Boonville.
Permit or suffer any vehicle used by him hereunder to stand or remain within 500 feet of any grounds occupied by a school during school hours, except as set forth in Subsection D hereinabove, or within 100 feet of any street intersection.
Attempt to hawk, vend, peddle, or offer anything for sale to any person who objects thereto.
To enter upon private property for the purpose of peddling or soliciting before 9:00 a.m. on any day, or after 1/2 hour before sunset or 7:00 p.m., whichever is later, of any day, except with the consent of the householder or occupant.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
To peddle or solicit on any property which has prominently displayed thereon any sign containing the words "No Peddlers," "No Solicitors," "No Agents" or words to that effect, the purpose of which purports to prohibit peddling or soliciting on the premises.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
An application for a license shall also be accompanied by a surety bond approved as to form and surety by the Village Clerk in the penal sum of $200, with a sufficient surety or sureties or sufficient collateral security for the due observance during the time of the license of any and all provisions of this chapter.
All orders taken by a licensee hereunder who demands, accepts or receives payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery shall be in writing, in duplicate, stating the terms thereof and the amount paid in advance, and one copy shall be given to the purchaser at the time the deposit of money is paid to the licensee.
This chapter shall not apply to:
Religious, civic or philanthropic organizations which are resident or located in Boonville, which have a tax exemption as a charitable institution, pursuant to § 501, as amended, of the Internal Revenue Code.
The hand-delivery of merchandise, goods, wares, newspapers, periodicals or other items or commodities, the purchase of which was not obtained by a door-to-door solicitation.
The Board of Trustees may, at any time, for the violation of this or any ordinance or law, revoke any license. When a license shall be revoked, no refund of any unearned portion of the license fee shall be made. Notice and hearing for revocation and the reason or reasons therefor, in writing, shall be served by the Village Clerk upon the person named in the application or by mailing the same to the address given in the application and upon filling a copy of such notice with the Village Clerk.
Licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the Village Board of the Village of Boonville, after notice and hearing, for any of the following causes:
Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement contained in the application for the license.
Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement made in the course of carrying on his business as peddler.
Any violation of this chapter.
Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
Conducting the business of peddling in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety or general welfare of the public.
Notice of hearing for revocation of a license shall be given in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed to the licensee at his last known address at least five days prior to the date set for hearing.
Any person making a false statement upon his application for a license, or any person failing to procure such a license, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $250.
Nothing in this chapter shall be held to apply to any sales conducted pursuant to statute or by order of any court; or to any person selling personal property at wholesale to dealers in such articles; or to holder of a license granted pursuant to § 32 of the General Business Law.
Nothing in this chapter shall be presumed to require the licensing of any individual or business where licensing is prohibited either by state or federal statute.