[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Boonville as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Excavations — See Ch. 176.
Sewers — See Ch. 311.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 336.
Water — See Ch. 372.
[Adopted 6-1-1959 (Ch. 72, Art. I, of the 1971 Code)]
In new developments within the incorporated limits of the Village of Boonville, requiring New York State Board of Health approval pursuant to §§ 1115, 1116 and 1117 of the Public Health Law, the owner and/or developer shall pay the following costs of construction of storm and sanitary sewers:
The developer shall pay 100% of the actual cost of the sewer pipe and labor of laying and refilling, and shall pay the actual cost of construction of manholes.
The developer may construct the sewer lines after submitting plans for approval by the Board of Trustees and upon approval of the plans and specifications by the State Board of Health.
All construction and specifications of materials are to be under the supervision of the Board of Trustees.
In the event the Village does the actual construction, the cost of the sewer pipe shall be paid by the owner and/or developer in advance and the cost of labor of laying and refilling shall be paid upon completion of construction and before connection.
[Amended 12-29-1971]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be punished, upon conviction, by a fine not exceeding $250 for each violation. In addition, each violation of this article shall constitute disorderly conduct, and each person violating the same shall be a disorderly person. Each day that a violation or failure to comply with any provision of this article or any regulation promulgated hereunder by the Board of Trustees occurs shall constitute a separate and distinct violation.
[Adopted 6-1-1959 by the Water Commissioners (Ch. 72, Art. II, of the 1971 Code)]
For any new street, road or highway approved and accepted by the Village of Boonville, the Water Department will install and maintain mains or water lines, including pipe, valves, hydrants, etc., where necessary. Cost of such project will be as follows:
Developer of street to pay 50% of the actual cost from the nearest main available. This cost includes pipe, digging and backfilling of ditch, and labor of installing.
Developer of street to pay in advance as follows:
2-inch line: $0.50 per foot
4-inch line: $1.00 per foot
6-inch line: $1.50 per foot
Balance of actual cost to be paid when water is turned on.
For any main over six inches, the Water Department will establish the rate. All prices to be payable in advance.
The Water Department will pay 50% of the actual cost of pipe, digging and backfilling of ditch, and labor of installing pipe.
In addition, the Water Department will furnish and install all necessary valves and hydrants, and make all necessary taps, free of charge.
If solid rock is encountered, the developer will be required to pay 75% of the cost of removing rock.
Editor's Note: All existing rules and regulations relating to extension of new mains are rescinded.