Public streets shall be of sufficient width, suitably located, and adequately constituted to conform to the Comprehensive/Master Plan, and to accommodate the prospective traffic and afford access for firefighting, snow removal and other street maintenance equipment. The arrangement of streets shall be such as to cause no undue hardship to adjoining properties, and shall be coordinated so as to compose a convenient system.
Public streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and all other improvements within the street right-of-way shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Village of Boonville Street Specifications. Storm drainage facilities, water mains, sewers, lights, signs, trees and fire hydrants shall be provided as required.
The street plan of a proposed subdivision shall bear a logical relationship to the topography of the property.
The arrangement of streets in subdivisions shall provide for the continuation of principal streets of adjoining subdivisions, and for proper projection of principal streets into adjoining properties which are not yet subdivided, in order to make possible necessary fire protection, movement of traffic and the construction or extension of future utilities and public services such as sewers and water and drainage facilities.
When a subdivision abuts State Route 12, marginal access streets may be required for commercial properties to afford separation of through and local traffic.
Access streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
Paved rear service streets of not less than 20 feet in width, or in lieu thereof, adequate off-street loading space, suitably surfaced, shall be provided in connection with lots designed for commercial use.
The creation of dead-end or loop residential streets may be allowed whenever such type of development will not interfere with normal traffic circulation in the area.
A fifty-foot-wide easement may be required to provide for continuation of pedestrian traffic and utilities to the next street.
Subdivisions containing 10 lots or more shall have at least two street outlets.
Streets designed to be permanently dead-ended shall not exceed 400 feet in length. Such streets shall be terminated in a circular turn-around having a pavement radius of 30 feet. A T- or Y-turnaround may be used with pavement dimensions of 60 feet wide by 20 feet deep. All rights-of-way shall extend 10 feet from the street pavement.
Streets shall have the following right-of-way widths:
Collector street: 60 feet.
Access street: 50 feet.
Alleys: 20 feet.
Streets shall have the following pavement widths:
Collector street: 36 feet.
Access street: 24 feet to 26 feet.
Alleys: 20 feet.
Street right-of-way and pavement widths may be increased as deemed necessary by the Planning Board to accommodate on-street parking in commercial zones.
Street grades shall conform in general to the terrain, and shall not be less than 0.5% nor more than 6% for collector streets or 10% for access streets. No grade shall be more than 2% within 50 feet of any intersection.
All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of length and radius such that clear visibility shall be provided for a safe distance.
A combination of steep grades and curves shall be avoided.
All streets shall join each other so that for a distance of at least 50 feet, the street is approximately at right angles to the street it joins, and no street shall intersect any other street at less than a sixty-degree angle.
Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 150 feet shall be avoided.
The curb radius at the intersection of two access streets shall be between 15 to 20 feet, and at any intersection including a collector street shall be between 25 feet to 30 feet.
The street center line radius of horizontal curves shall be greater than 100 feet for access streets, and greater than 150 feet for collector streets.
A tangent of at least 50 feet shall be provided between reverse curves.
All public and private streets shall be named. Street names shall not be numbers or letters. Street names shall be selected so as not to be confused in sound or spelling with existing street names. Streets that join or align with streets of an abutting or neighboring property shall bear the same name. No street should change direction by more than 90° without a change in name. Signs bearing street names shall be erected by the subdivider at all intersections.
Underground utilities shall be placed, wherever possible, between the street pavement and the street line to simplify location and repair of utilities. Underground service connections shall be installed to the lot line of each lot for all required utilities prior to street pavement.
Where topography is such as to make impractical the inclusion of utilities within street rights-of-way, perpetual unobstructed easements at least 15 feet in width shall be provided with satisfactory access to the street. Wherever possible, easements shall be continued from block to block and shall present as few irregularities as possible. Such easements shall be cleared and graded where required.
Fire hydrants shall be spaced and installed in conformity with all requirements of the Insurance Services Organization.
Streetlighting shall be in conformance with the lighting system of the Village.
Sidewalks shall be provided in all subdivisions in R-1, R-2, C-1, and C-2 Zones. Sidewalks shall also be provided in such other subdivisions as are connected to the existing sidewalk system of the Village, as required by the Planning Board.
Where curbs exist on abutting properties, their extension by the subdivider as that term is used above in § 336-85 will be required throughout the subdivision.
Where curbs are not required, adequate gutters shall be provided of a type approved by the Planning Board.