Upon a finding by the Planning Board that a proper case exists for requiring that park/recreational space be suitably located on the plat for playgrounds or other recreational purposes, the Planning Board may require that the developer satisfactorily develop any such area shown on the plat. Any such findings shall include an evaluation of the present and anticipated future needs for park and recreational facilities in the Village based on projected population growth to which the particular subdivision will contribute.
Upon such finding, the Planning Board shall require that not less than 5% nor more than 10% of the total area of the subdivision be allocated for park or recreational use. Such area may be dedicated to the Village by the subdivider if the Village Board approves such dedication. Alternatively, park or recreational space may be turned over to a homeowners' association for control and joint private ownership and maintenance.
In the event that an area to be used for a park or recreation area is required to be so shown, the subdivider shall submit four copies of a site plan to the Planning Board, prior to final approval, drawn at a scale of not less than 30 feet to the inch, showing the following:
The boundaries of the area, giving lengths and bearings of all straight lines, radii, lengths, central angles and cord distances of all curves.
Existing features such as streams, ponds, clusters of trees, rock outcrops, and structures.
Existing and proposed changes in grade and contours of the area and of areas immediately adjacent.