[Adopted 7-6-1959 by Ord. No. 264 (Ch. 84, Art. II, of the 1972 Code)]
In this article, the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall mean as indicated:
Any natural person, partnership, association, firm or corporation.
Any ordained street or public alley in the Borough of Souderton.
Every excavation or trenching within the area of any street in the Borough of Souderton shall be done under the provisions, rules, regulations and conditions of this article.
The Highway Committee of the Borough Council or its duly authorized agent shall have the authority and shall be empowered to stop and prevent the continuance of any excavation in any street within the Borough that may be in violation of any provision, rule, regulation or condition specified in this article.
No excavation or trenching within any street in the Borough shall be commenced until:
The Borough Secretary shall have been notified in writing at least five days before work is to commence, by the person responsible for such work.
A duplicate set of plans outlining the proposed work shall have been presented to the Borough Secretary.
The plans presented shall have been approved by the Borough Council or its duly authorized agent, and a permit shall have been issued by the Borough Secretary.
Plans for proposed street excavation work shall be valid for a period of 60 days following approval thereof. If no work contemplated by any such plans shall have been started within such time limit, such plans shall become invalid, and the permit shall expire by limitation.
All work authorized by this article shall be carried out at such time and in such manner as shall be consistent with the safety of the public. A sufficient number of warning devices shall surround the excavation when work thereon is terminated overnight.
The permittee shall make adequate provision for the protection of all underground facilities at the location of the work.
The permittee shall restore, to the satisfaction of the owner, any facility damaged by him during the excavation or backfilling or damaged as a result of the trench settlement.
The permittee shall not install any utility line parallel to any Borough water or sewer line unless such utility line is installed at a distance greater than 24 inches from the vertical of the Borough water or sewer line.
The permittee shall be responsible for backfilling every trench made by him, such backfilling to be made in six-inch layers and to be tamped mechanically; provided, with prior approval of the Highway Committee of the Borough Council or its duly authorized agent, other methods of backfilling may be used.
The permittee shall be responsible for any settlement in the temporary restoration, and shall, upon notification by the Borough, restore to grade any such settlement.
Permanent restoration shall be made not later than six months after backfilling, and shall consist of cutting back the perimeter of the excavation at least eight inches and removing to a depth of at least eight inches all backfill material within such cut. Such excavation shall be filled with at least six inches of 1:2:3 concrete and at least two inches of asphalt-impregnated stone.
At its discretion, the Borough may make permanent restoration of any excavation, in which case the permittee shall pay for such restoration at the time the permit is applied for, at a cost to be determined by resolution of the Borough Council.
[Amended 8-7-1972 by Ord. No. 408]
The permittee shall be responsible for the excavation and back-fill for a period of one year after permanent restoration shall have been made.
All unused backfill material shall be removed and disposed of by the permittee.
It shall be unlawful to:
Build or maintain a fire within the confines of any street.
Spill upon or allow to be placed on any street any gasoline, kerosene or other liquid deleterious to the wearing surface thereof.
Allow any construction equipment to be operated upon any Borough street that would cut, mark or penetrate such street outside the excavation area.
[Amended 8-7-1972 by Ord. No. 408]
Any person violating any provision, rule or regulation specified in this article shall, upon conviction thereof before any Magisterial District Judge be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $300 and costs of prosecution, and shall be further liable to reimburse the Borough for any damage caused by such violation, provided the Highway Committee, the Borough Engineer or such person as may be designated by the Borough Council shall have the authority to order the removal or discontinuance of any work done contrary to any provision of this article. Refusal to comply with any such order shall constitute a violation of this article and shall subject the offending party to the penalties herein prescribed.