[Amended 10-17-2020 STM by Art. 17]
Any person owning or harboring a dog shall not cause or allow said dog to roam at large in any of the streets or public ways or places within the confines of the Town of Littleton or upon the premises of anyone other than the owner or keeper unless the owner or occupant of such premises expressly grants permission. Under no circumstances shall a dog, even though secured by suitable lead, be allowed on private property unless specific permission has been granted by the owner of said property.
No dog shall be permitted in any public place or on any public thoroughfare, inclusive of all Town-owned property and properties under the authority of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that are situated in the Town of Littleton, unless said dog is restrained by a chain or lead not exceeding seven feet in length that is of suitable test for the size of dog that is being restrained and is attended by a person of adequate age and discretion to properly control its actions or is at the heel position close to or slightly behind a competent person and demonstrably obedient to the person’s command. When off-leash/at-heel, dogs must be leashed when passing within 25 feet of other residents or dogs.
All persons in care, custody and control of a dog(s) are required to be in possession of leash/lead for each dog.
All persons in care, custody and control of a dog(s) are required to use a poop bag to pick-up dog waste. Poop bag(s) must be properly disposed of in an off-site waste receptacle.
It is prohibited to have any dog on Town property that is unlicensed or untagged in violation of state law.
Each person is permitted to have care, custody or control of no more than three dogs at the same time on Town conservation land and trails.
The Town of Littleton may specify certain properties whereby dogs shall be leashed at all times. Such list of properties shall be maintained and published by the Select Board and posted at each property or designated area.
No dog shall be permitted to disturb the peace or quiet of any neighborhood or endanger the safety of any person, by biting, barking, howling, or in any other manner; or to worry, kill, maim or otherwise injure another’s fowl, livestock or domesticated animal.
No dog shall be permitted to chase a vehicle, bicycles and pedestrians on any way open to the public travel.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A dog under complete control of a person of adequate age and discretion to control its actions as adequately as a dog that is on a lead.
A dog which is unaccompanied by a person of adequate age and discretion to properly control its actions and is unrestrained by a lead or chain of less than seven feet that is of suitable test for the size of the dog being restrained.