[HISTORY: Adopted 5-3-2004 Annual Town Meeting, Art. 21. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Littleton Fire Chief or his designee.
Any fire set in the open air for the purpose of the disposal of brush, cane, driftwood, and forestry debris excluding grass, hay, leaves, and stumps.
Open air burning shall be permitted in the Town of Littleton only as allowable by Massachusetts regulations, 527 CMR 10.22 (fire prevention regulations), and 310 CMR 7.07 (Department of Environmental Protection Regulations). The following restrictions shall also apply:
Authorization to burn shall be given only to those who possess a valid permit under this section. Additionally, the permit holder must obtain specific authority from an Enforcement Official each day a burn is requested. Such Enforcement Official may refuse or cancel any and all burning authorizations for reasons of public safety, atmospheric conditions or a revoked permit.
Burning shall be allowed from January 15 through May 1, inclusive, or on such other dates established by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. A permit shall be valid for the entire burning season, unless revoked by an Enforcement Official.
Residential open air burning shall be conducted only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Fees for both residential and agricultural permits shall be $10 per season or as otherwise established by the Select Board. Said fees shall be payable upon permit application at the fire station.
Anyone conducting open air burning in violation of the burning regulations shall be subject to the following:
First offense: warning and possible extinguishments of fire to be determined by an Enforcement Official.
Second offense: revocation of permit and extinguishment of fire.
Third offense: fine of $100.
As an alternative to criminal prosecution, the Littleton Fire Department may elect to utilize the noncriminal disposition procedure set forth in Massachusetts General Laws c. 40, § 21D, in which case the penalty shall be as follows:
First offense: $25.
Second offense: $100.
Third and subsequent offenses: $300.
Except as otherwise noted in § 69-4A, a permit may be suspended or revoked by an Enforcement Official if the permit holder has engaged in any actions in violation of these regulations or other applicable law, has conducted burning so as to cause a nuisance or hazard to others, or has created or allowed other unsafe conditions as determined by the Enforcement Official.