[HISTORY: Adopted 5-5-2014 Annual Town Meeting, Art. 25. amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall apply to all Town of Littleton departments and to all positions of all employees in the service of the Town, whether benefit eligible, non-benefit eligible or seasonal, other than the School Department, Light and Water Departments, and other than those positions which are covered by separate agreement between any association of employees and the Town or any individual employee and the Town and developed through collective bargaining, except that all provisions of this chapter shall be applicable in so far as any collective bargaining agreement may refer to this chapter and to the extent applicable by statute or in the absence of any other provision.
In the employment of individuals for all positions subject to this Chapter, preference shall be given to citizens of the Commonwealth who have been residents of the Commonwealth for at least six months at the commencement of their employment who are veterans as defined in G.L. c.4 § 7, Clause 43, and who are qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates. "Preference" in this context means that if two or more individuals are equally qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates, the qualified veteran, as defined in this provision, shall be offered the position over the other qualified candidates.