[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Littleton 3-24-2013. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The provisions of Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code shall not apply to any person engaging in solicitation for charitable, benevolent, fraternal, religious or political activities, or to any person exempted by Chapter 101 of the Massachusetts General Laws or by Sections 54 and 76 of Chapter 140 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
Application for a Valuable Second Hand Items license, as required by Section 163 of the Littleton Town Code, shall be made, in writing, on forms approved by the Board.
No application shall be considered unless the applicant is the primary operator of the entity and makes a business of purchasing or purchasing and selling valuable second hand items pursuant to Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code.
Upon approval of licensure by the Board of Selectmen, the applicant shall remit a fee of $100.
All applications shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police for his review and findings, which shall be forwarded to the Board in writing.
When an application is received by the Board on the required form, the Board shall cause a legal notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town at least once and not more than twice, and at least seven days prior to the date set by the Board for a public hearing on said application.
The applicant shall remit to the Town the actual cost of advertising the legal notice set forth in § SR11-6 above. No license shall be issued until payment of such costs has been received and acknowledged by the Board.
No Applicant shall receive a license if the Board determines, in its sole discretion, that such licensure is not in the best interest of the Town.
Any entity, as set forth in Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code and these regulations, found to be in violation of any provision of these regulations, Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code, MGL c. 140, § 55 or MGL c. 140, § 74 shall be liable for a fine of up to $300 per day, or as set forth in the applicable statute, payable to the Town or appropriate entity as set for in the applicable statute. Each day that such violation continues constitutes a new violation of these regulations.
Each and every section of these regulations and Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Board, whose determination of compliance shall be final. The Board reserves its right to reject or deny any application and to revoke any license, as it deems to be in the best interests of the Town.
Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code is supplementary to existing statutes governing the purchasing or purchasing and selling of gold or silver, coins, stamps, other precious metals, jewelry, and electronics, including, but not limited to, the following: MGL c. 140, §§ 54-56, 70-85 and 202-205, MGL c.266, § 142A. In the event of a conflict between Section 163 of the Littleton Town Code or these regulations and any such existing statute(s), the provision or language of the existing statute(s) shall control.
The Board of Selectmen may subject any license holder that violates his license, these regulations or Chapter 163 of the Littleton Town Code to suspension or revocation of the license holder's Valuable Second Hand Items License. The Board shall initiate such suspension or revocation by written notification sent to the license holder. The Board shall hold a Public Hearing upon such suspension or revocation. The hearing shall be commenced within two weeks of the notice of intent to suspend or revoke said license.