[HISTORY: Adopted as Art. 12 of the 1977 compilation. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established a Department of Civil Defense, hereinafter called the "Department." It shall be the function of the Department to have charge of civil defense as defined in Section 1, Ch. 639, Acts of 1950, and to perform civil defense functions as authorized or directed by said chapter or by any and all executive orders or general regulations promulgated thereunder and to exercise any authority delegated to it by the Governor under said Chapter 639.
The Department shall be under the direction of a Director of Civil Defense, hereinafter called the "Director," who shall be appointed as prescribed by law.
The Director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the Department, subject to the direction and control of the appointing authority, and shall receive such salary as may be fixed from time to time by the appointing authority.
The Director may, within the limits of the amount appropriated therefor, appoint such experts, clerks and other assistants as the work of the Department may require and may remove them and may make such expenditures as may be necessary to execute effectively the purposes of Ch. 639, Acts of 1950.
The Director shall also have authority to appoint district coordinators and may accept and may receive, on behalf of the Town, services, equipment, supplies, materials or funds, by way of gift, grant or loan, for purposes of civil defense, offered by the federal government or any agency or officer thereof or any person, firm or corporation, subject to the terms of the offer and the rules and regulations, if any, of the agency making the offer. The Director shall cause appropriate records to be kept of all matters relating to such gifts, grants or loans.
There is hereby established a Civil Defense Advisory Council, hereinafter called the "Council." Said Council shall serve without pay and shall consist of the Director of Civil Defense, such other department heads and such other persons as the authority appointing said Director may deem necessary. Such member of said Council as said appointing authority shall designate shall serve as Chairman of said Council. Said Council shall serve subject to the direction and control of the appointing authority and shall advise said appointing authority and the Director on matters pertaining to civil defense.
The Police Department is hereby authorized to go to aid another city or Town at the request of said city or Town in the suppression of riots or other forms of violence therein.
This chapter shall remain in force during the effective period of Ch. 639, Acts of 1950, and any act in amendment or continuation thereof or substitution therefor.
All references to Ch. 639, Acts of 1950, as now in force, shall be applicable to any act or acts in amendment or continuation of or substitution for said Chapter 639.