[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Littleton 4-6-1998. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The use of Fay Park for events shall be by permit only, issued by the Littleton Board of Selectmen. A $25 fee will be charged for Use of Fay Park. Said fee may be waived for organizations of the Town of Littleton.
Fay Park shall be closed to the public at 9:00 p.m. daily, except by permission of the Littleton Board of Selectmen.
The use of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of Fay Park is not permitted at any time.
Permit applications must be endorsed by the Chief of Police, Fire Department and Highway Department prior to approval of the Board of Selectmen.
The requirement for Police Detail Officers and parking at an event shall be determined by the Chief of Police and noted on the application form.
Users of Fay Park agree not to obstruct fire lanes, egress of emergency equipment, or Fire Department parking areas.
Applicants for the use of Fay Park may be required to submit proof of liability insurance and, in any event, agree to save and hold harmless the Town from all damages on account of such use.
Vehicles will not be permitted on the grounds of Fay Park for any reason.
Comply with the Town's rules and regulations with respect to noise levels in Town.
Users of Fay Park must clean and restore the entire area and dispose of trash off the premises.