[HISTORY: Adopted as Art. 15, Sec. 5, of the 1977 compilation. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Street numbers shall be provided for each dwelling, each business building and each industrial building by the owners of such structure in accordance with the following.
The number shall be at least three inches in height and shall be clearly visible from the street or roadway upon which the building faces. The numbers shall be placed on the structure itself or on a suitable support near the main entrance of the structure.
The numbers shall be those which have been in current use, except as provided in Subsection C below. If the structure has not been previously assigned a street number, it shall be the owner's responsibility to obtain such number from the Board of Assessors of the Town during regular office hours.
If a survey of the street numbering is completed, and if changes in street numbering are required in order to implement that survey, then the owner of the affected structure shall make the required changes within three months of receiving proper notification. Numbers shall be installed as outlined in Subsection A above.
The enforcement of this chapter shall be in the jurisdiction of the Select Board.
Failure to comply with this chapter shall subject the offending property owner to a fine not exceeding $10.