[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Town of Littleton 5-1-1907. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Debris on streets — See Ch. 150, Art. III.
Refuse disposal — See Ch. 221.
Sewers — See Ch. 223.
Any person or persons owning or having control of any building or premises shall keep the same in a clean condition, and any such person having control of any building or premises, in or upon which there is any substance or material, or any condition, which is or may become a source of danger to the public health or a nuisance, shall, when ordered by the Board of Health, in writing, remove or abate the same within the time specified in said order.
Any person or persons owning or having control of any premises abutting on a private way, and having the right to use such private way, shall, when ordered by the Board of Health, in writing, remove or abate from that part of said private way adjoining such premises any substance, material or condition which is, or may become, a menace to the public health or a nuisance, and such removal or abatement shall take place within the time specified in said order.
House offal, commonly called "garbage" or "swill," shall be placed in a suitable watertight receptacle properly covered. Receptacles used for the storing of house offal shall at all times be kept in a reasonably clean condition. No metal, glass, crockery or poisonous substances other than house offal shall be placed in such receptacles.
No person or persons shall place or cause to be placed or left in or upon any public or private street or way, enclosure or grounds, or in any body or stream of water, within the limits of this Town, the body of any dead animal, fowl or any substance or material that is or may become offensive or cause a nuisance.
The owner, agent or lessee of any land or enclosure, used as a dump, either public or private, shall cause all offensive matter dumped thereon to be immediately covered, and all other refuse matter dumped thereon to be kept leveled, and the premises kept in such a manner as to cause no nuisance during the process of filling. No person shall dump any offensive materials upon any dump unless permitted to do so by the Board of Health, and all such offensive materials shall be properly buried or otherwise disposed of to the approval of the Board of Health. All possible care shall be used in preventing the escape of dust and papers from the dump and from the vehicles used in conveying waste materials to the dump.
No owner, occupant or agent of any building or premises shall permit any sewage, garbage, contents or drainage of a privy vault, cesspool or water closet or sink drain or any other filth to empty on the surface of the ground or enter into any ditch, brook, stream or body of water unless specially permitted to do so by the Board of Health.