[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
This Off-Premises Billboard Ordinance is adopted in furtherance of the following general purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Section 71.288 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri:
To preserve and promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Leadington;
To maintain and enhance the visual environment and scenic beauty of the City of Leadington;
To improve traffic and pedestrian safety; and
To minimize the possible adverse effect of billboards upon nearby public and private property.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A billboard which has carried no message for more than one hundred eighty (180) days or which no longer identifies a bona fide business, lessor, service, owner, product or activity, date or time of past event, and/or for which no legal owner can be found. This definition shall also include any billboard structure which no longer supports the billboard for which it was designed.
An area of special control that contains unique visual or historic characteristics or whose natural beauty requires special regulations to ensure that all billboards displayed within the area are compatible with the area.
A billboard is an off-premises object, device, display, sign, or structure, or part thereof, displayed outdoors or visible from a public way, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service event or location, or to express a point of view, by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols, advertising flags, fixtures, colors, illuminations or projected images. Each substantially different face of a billboard structure shall constitute a separate billboard. Billboards do not include on-premises commercial or political signage nor small commercial or non-commercial signs temporarily placed in residential lawns by residents, owners, contractors, realtors, or by or on behalf of political candidates or issues.
The facing of a billboard, including copy, insignia, background, structural supports, and border and trim. The measurement shall be determined by the smallest rectangle inclusive of all letters and images. The structural supports shall be excluded if they do not constitute a major part of the billboard or if the structure is not used to identify or attract attention to the business or product.
An area of special control which the City of Leadington designates as appropriate for the display of billboards.
A billboard which identifies goods or services that are not sold on the premises where the billboard is located.
A highway to which access is restricted except by ramps or interchanges.
The contiguous land in the same ownership or control which is not divided by a street.
Spacing of billboard shall be the minimum distance between outdoor advertising billboard structures measured along the nearest edge of the pavement between points directly opposite the billboards along each side of the highway and shall apply to outdoor advertising billboard structures located on both sides of the highway involved.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
No new billboards shall be erected within the city limits of the City of Leadington, Missouri, except in billboard plazas or in designated areas of special control, pursuant to Section 415.060 of this Chapter. New billboards permitted by this Chapter shall conform to the height, size, lighting and spacing requirements prescribed by this Chapter, as modified by the designation of any area of special control in which the billboard is located.
Height. All billboards shall be no greater than twenty-five (25) feet in height.
Size. Billboards shall contain no more than one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area. Except for billboards specifically exempted under Section 415.050 of this Chapter, only one (1) billboard shall be permitted on each billboard structure.
Lighting. In addition to the lighting restrictions prescribed in Section 226.540(1), RSMo. 1997 Supp., as amended, the provisions of which shall be applicable to and incorporated by reference herein, no billboard shall be so illuminated that it:
Interferes with the safety of aircraft flight in the vicinity of the billboard;
Interferes with the use and enjoyment of property of any adjacent landowners; or
Allows the illumination source to be directly visible from any right-of-way or adjoining property.
Spacing. All billboards shall be subject to the following spacing regulations. For the purpose of calculating spacing of billboards, all measurements shall be made parallel to the roadway between perpendiculars extended from the billboard locations in question.
Interstate highways and freeways on federal-aid primary system:
No billboard shall be erected within two thousand (2,000) feet of an existing billboard on either side of the highway.
No billboard shall be erected within two thousand (2,000) feet of an interchange, intersection at grade, or safety rest area.
Non-Freeway Federal-Aid Primary Highways. Within the city limits of the City of Leadington, no billboard shall be erected within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing billboard on either side of the highway.
Designated Scenic Roadsides. No billboards shall be permitted in areas designated as scenic roadsides.
Minimum Setbacks. All billboards and billboard structures must be located at least twenty (20) feet from any property line and placed so as not to pose a visibility or other hazard to vehicular traffic in the vicinity of the sign.
Areas Of Special Control. Areas of special control established under Section 415.060 may have regulations more or less restrictive than those of this section, consistent with the character of the area of special control.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
The following are prohibited unless specifically stated otherwise in this Chapter:
Off-premises billboards, except in billboard plazas of designated areas of special control.
Animated And Moving Billboards. Off-premises billboards employing movement, including, but not limited to, changeable copy signs, pennants, flags, banners, streamers, propellers, discs and searchlights.
Flashing Billboards. Off-premises billboards that include lights which flash, blink or turn on and off intermittently, not including time and temperature signs.
Glaring Billboards. Off-premises billboards employing direct, indirect, internal, flashing or other illumination with light sources or reflectivity of such brightness that constitutes a hazard to ground or air traffic, or which constitutes a hazard as determined by the Administrator.
Inflatable billboards and objects, including, but not limited to, balloons.
Roof Billboards. Off-premises billboards which are erected or painted on a roof or which extend in height above the roofline of the building on which the sign is erected.
Simulated Traffic Signs And Obstructions. Any sign which may be confused with or obstruct the view of any authorized traffic sign or signal, or obstruct the sight distance triangle of any street or highway intersection, or extent into the public right-of-way.
Vehicular Billboards. Off-premises signs displayed on parked or stationary vehicles, where the primary purpose of the vehicle is to advertise a product or business, or to direct people to a business or activity. For purposes of this Chapter, vehicular billboards shall not include business logos, identification, or advertising on vehicles primarily used for other business purposes.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
The following signs do not require permits or fee payments under Section 415.090 but must meet the other requirements of this Chapter: traffic control signs, traffic flow informational signs, directional signs, temporary signs and safety control signs.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
The Board of Aldermen may by ordinance upon public notice and hearing, designate billboard plazas or architectural, historic, scenic areas or scenic roadsides as areas of special control.
The Administrator shall maintain and shall continually revise a map of the City of Leadington upon which the Administrator shall indicate the boundaries of all designated areas of special control.
The Board of Aldermen shall adopt special regulations for billboards in areas of special control which shall be consistent with the character of the area of special control.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
All billboards shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the following standards:
All billboards shall comply with the applicable provisions of any uniform building and electrical code which may be in force and effect within the City of Leadington.
All billboards regulated by this Chapter shall be constructed of permanent materials and shall be permanently attached to the ground, by direct attachment to a rigid wall, frame or structure.
All billboards shall be maintained in good structural condition, in compliance with all provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
Continuance. Each non-conforming billboard and billboard structure shall be allowed to be displayed for five (5) years from the date of adoption of this Chapter, to provide a reasonable opportunity for the owner to benefit from the investment made in the billboard.
Removal. Non-conforming billboards and billboard structures shall be removed at the expense of the owner or lessor under the following circumstances:
Not later than five (5) years from the date of adoption of this Chapter, if not brought into compliance with this Chapter;
The billboard is abandoned; or
The billboard becomes damaged or dilapidated to the extent of 50% or more of its physical structure or economic value.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
Enforcement Officer. All administration and enforcement of this Chapter shall be primarily implemented by an enforcement officer ("Administrator") designated by the Board of Aldermen. The Administrator shall have the responsibility and full authority to administer and enforce all provisions of this Chapter, other than those specifically reserved by the Board of Aldermen. However, the provisions hereof shall in all respects be enforceable by prosecution through the municipal court of the City of Leadington, or by any civil action permitted by law filed in any other court of competent jurisdiction. Reports of billboard violations shall be submitted directly to the attention of the Administrator.
Permit Procedure. A billboard permit shall be obtained prior to construction, re-construction, moving or re-location, alteration, placement or repair of any billboard within the City of Leadington. Building permits shall be issued by the Administrator.
Permit Application. All applications for billboard permits shall be submitted to the Administrator, and shall include the following information in written or graphic form:
Application date;
Name, address and telephone number of billboard owner and, if different, the owner of the land upon which the billboard is to be erected;
Address of the property where the billboard or billboard structure will be erected;
Signature(s) of the billboard owner and, if different, the owner of the underlying land;
Location of the billboard on the property in relation to any public right-of-way, lot lines, buildings, sidewalks, streets, and other existing billboards and intersections;
General description of structural design and materials of billboard;
Drawings of the proposed billboard which shall contain specifications indicating height, perimeter and area dimensions, means of support, methods of illumination, if any, and any other significant aspect of the proposed billboard;
A boundary and sign survey showing the property and the proposed sign;
Certification from a licensed professional engineer that the soil surface is capable of sustaining the proposed load and that the electrical and structural strength of the proposed sign is satisfactory;
Any other information requested by the Administrator in order to carry out the purpose and intent of these regulations.
Permit Fees. Each application for a billboard permit shall be accompanied by the applicable permit fees which shall be established by the Board of Aldermen from time to time.
Permit Review. Within five (5) working days of receiving an application for billboard permit, the Administrator shall review it for completeness. If the Administrator finds that it is incomplete, the application shall then be processed. If the Administrator finds that it is incomplete, he or she shall, within such five-day period, send to the applicant a notice of the specific deficiencies therein, with appropriate references to the applicable provisions of this Chapter.
Issuance Or Denial Of Permit. All billboard permits shall be dated and numbered in the order of issuance. Within ten (10) working days of the submission of a complete application for billboard permit, the Administrator shall either:
Issue the billboard permit, if the billboard that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirements of this Chapter; or
Deny the billboard permit, if the billboard that is the subject of the application fails in any way to conform to the requirements of this Chapter. In case of a rejection, the Administrator shall specify in the rejection the applicable sections of this Chapter with which the billboard is inconsistent.
Inspection Upon Completion. Any person installing, structurally altering or relocating a billboard for which a permit has been issued shall notify the Administrator upon completion of the work. The Administrator shall then conduct an inspection within seven (7) working days. If the construction is complete and in full compliance with this Chapter and with any buildings and electrical codes then in effect in the City, the Administrator shall affix to the billboard a permanent symbol identifying the billboard and the applicable permit by number or other reference. If the construction is substantially complete but not in full compliance with this Chapter and any applicable codes, the Administrator shall give the owner or applicant notice of the deficiencies and shall allow an additional thirty (30) days from date of inspection for the deficiencies to be corrected. If the deficiencies are not corrected by such date, the permit shall lapse. If the construction is then complete, the Administrator shall affix to the billboard the permanent symbol described above.
Lapses Of Billboard Permit. A billboard permit shall lapse if the billboard is an abandoned billboard, or if the permitee's business license lapses, is revoked or is not renewed. A billboard permit shall lapse if the use of the billboard is discontinued for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more. A billboard that was constructed or maintained in conformance with a permit under this Chapter, but for which the permit has lapsed, shall be in violation of the Chapter.
Assignment Of Billboard Permit. A current and valid billboard permit shall be freely assignable to a successor, as owner of the property where the billboard is located or of the leasehold of the billboard, subject to filing such application as the Administrator may require and by paying any applicable fee. The assignment shall be accomplished by filing and shall not require any further approval from the City.
Violations. The Administrator, upon finding any provision of this Chapter or any condition of a permit issued under this Chapter is violated, is authorized to institute prosecution or other legal proceeds to enforce this Chapter, including any injunctive or other legal or equitable relief.
Complaints And Revocations. The Administrator shall investigate any complaints of violations of this Chapter and may revoke a permit if there is any violation of the provisions of this Chapter or there was misrepresentation of any material facts in either the application or plans.
Appeal Procedure. Any person applying for a billboard permit who is denied a permit or disagrees with any ruling by the Administrator may appeal to the Board of Aldermen. The Board may review or overturn the ruling, but may not issue a billboard permit. The findings of the Board are then remanded back to the Administrator for further action consistent therewith.
Permits For Existing Billboards. For any billboard already existing in the City of Leadington on the effective date of this Chapter, an application for a billboard permit must be submitted to the Administrator within one hundred eighty (180) days. For any billboard on property annexed at a later date, applications for billboard permits shall be submitted within six (6) months of the effective date of annexation, or within such period as may be established on an annexation agreement between the City and landowner. Applications for permits for existing billboards submitted within one hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of this Chapter shall be exempt from the initial fees adopted under authority of this Chapter, but not from any subsequent fees.
Business Tax. All new and existing billboards subject to this Chapter shall be taxed at a rate to be established by the governing body of the City of Leadington, not to exceed two percent (2%) of the gross annual revenue produced by the billboard.
Expiration Of Billboard Permits. If an approved billboard is not erected within a permit of twelve (12) months from the date the permit was originally issued, the permit shall expire and become null and void.
Fines. A person who violates the provisions of this Chapter or the conditions of any permit shall be guilty of a civil violation. Each day of the violation shall constitute a separate offense, subject to a fine in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Any violator shall also be liable for court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the enforcement of these provisions.
Illegal Billboards. The Administrator may remove or order the removal at the expense of the billboard owner or lessor of any illegal billboard and any billboard, other than a non-conforming billboard governed by Section 415.080, not in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Immediate Peril. If the Administrator shall find any billboard which poses an immediate peril to persons or property, the billboard shall be removed. If the Administrator cannot locate the billboard owner or lessor for immediate removal of the billboard, he/she shall remove or order the removal of the billboard at the expense of the billboard owner or lessor.
[Ord. No. 149, 1999]
Any billboard, display or device allowed under this Chapter may contained, in lieu of any other copy, any otherwise lawful, non-commercial message, including any political message, that does not direct attention to a business operated for profit or to a commodity or service for sale, and that complies with all other requirements of this Chapter.