[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Fairfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as § 10-1 of the 1980 Code]
No refuse, rubbish, garbage or other wastes (hereafter referred to collectively as wastes) shall be disposed in the Township except by the sanitary landfill method performed in compliance with the standards for design, operation and maintenance thereof required by the New Jersey State Sanitary Code or other rules and regulations of the New Jersey State Department of Health, or other agency having jurisdiction thereof, and the provisions of any applicable local ordinance. This prohibition shall not apply to the disposal of such wastes on land where the same originated, by owners or lessees of such land or their agents and employees.
The Township Committee may designate one or more areas within or without the Township as a municipal sanitary landfill and may adopt reasonable rules and regulations and supplement and amend the same, for the use, maintenance and operation of any duly designated municipal sanitary landfill site; such rules and regulations to be posted at each landfill site and made available at the office of the Township Clerk. Failure to post or provide the same, however, shall not affect the validity or enforcement of this article.
The Township Committee may also designate a limited area or areas within a municipal sanitary landfill site which may be used for the disposal of all waste matter or particular types of waste matter. Thereafter, while such designation is in effect, this area shall not be used except in compliance with such designation, which designation shall be publicly made known by signs marking the designated area or by written instructions given to the user. This authority may be delegated to one member of the Committee or any agent or employee of the Township who is responsible for the supervision of such municipal sanitary landfill site.
The municipal sanitary landfill site shall be open to the public for the disposal of wastes during those days of the week and those hours of each day as the Township Committee may designate by resolution.
No persons shall transport, deliver, place, deposit, empty, throw or dispose of wastes on the municipal sanitary landfill site or order, direct or cause the same to be done, except in accordance with the provisions of this article and in the manner prescribed herein.
No wastes originating or collected outside of the territorial limits of the Township shall be placed, deposited, emptied, thrown or disposed of on any municipal sanitary landfill site of the Township nor shall nonresidents be permitted to use any designated municipal sanitary landfill site for the purpose of disposing of wastes.
It shall be unlawful to make use of any designated municipal sanitary landfill site of the Township for the purpose of emptying, unloading, depositions or disposing of:
Any substance or things which omit or cause foul, offensive, noxious or disagreeable smells or odors or any other substance which would otherwise be prohibited by the rules and regulations by the State Department of Health.
Carcasses of dead animals, birds, fowl or any decaying animal or vegetable matter in which flies, mosquitoes, disease-carrying insects, rats or other vermin may breed.
Any wrecked or discarded motor vehicles or major components thereof.
Tree trunks, tree stubs, bushes or other vegetative matter unless cut smaller than four feet in any dimension.
Any material used in or resulting from the construction or demolition of any building or structure, excepting with prior approval and upon special arrangements with the Township Committee as to quantity, time and place of dumpings.
Any nondecomposing refuse, rubbish or other wastes other than that normally found in household waste and intermixed with household waste.
Any refuse, rubbish, garbage or waste of any sort whatsoever in packages or units bigger than four feet in any dimension, provided, however, that this shall not be construed to prohibit delivery of large quantities of waste no one item of which is bigger than four feet but which are transported together for convenience or disposal.
Commercially collected wastes.
Industrial wastes.
Any and all wastes collected or transported within the Township which shall spill or fall while being carried or conveyed to or from a container or a vehicle, or while such container or vehicle is in transit, shall immediately be removed and the affected area broom-cleaned so as to leave the premises or street in a clean condition.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provisions of this article or any rules or regulations made pursuant thereto and posted on any sign at the municipal sanitary landfill or to deface, destroy or remove any such sign. Any such violation shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-5 of this Code.
[Adopted 6-19-2007 by Ord. No. 05-2007]
As used in this article, the following definitions shall apply:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The New Jersey Statewide Mandatory Recycling Act as may be amended from time to time, N.J.S.A. 13:1E-99.11 et seq.
Food and beverage containers which are comprised entirely of aluminum and which contain and formerly contained only non-aerosol, edible substances.
Food and beverage containers comprised of aluminum, tin, steel or combination thereof, which contain or formerly contained only non-aerosol, edible substances or such other substances that have been approved for recycling by the CCIA.
All corrugated or other cardboard normally used for packing, mailing, shipping, or containerizing goods, merchandise or other material, but excluding plastics, foam or wax coated or soiled cardboard.
The Cumberland County Improvement Authority, its successors and assigns.
A site where one or more containers are located for temporary storage of solid waste and/or recyclable materials brought to the site by persons transporting only their own household solid waste and/or recyclable materials in passenger automobiles bearing general registration plates.
The County of Cumberland, State of New Jersey.
The district Solid Waste Management Plan for Cumberland County as approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
All clear, green and brown or amber colored glass food and beverage containers. Cannot include crystal, ceramic, light bulbs, plate windows, laminated, wired or mirrored glass.
Quite commonly found in homes such as glass beverage containers, as well as those type of containers various foods are packed in, such as mayonnaise, pickle jars, ketchup bottles. Also, such containers include beverage cans, soup cans, etc. Not included are aerosol cans or cans that have been used to contain a contaminant such as but not limited to cans that held paint, tar, motor oil, thinners or such other materials not expressly approved for recycling by the CCIA.
High density polyethylene containers of varying sizes used as milk and water jugs.
The Township of Fairfield located within the County of Cumberland, State of New Jersey.
Paper commonly referred to as "newsprint" or "old newspapers" and distributed daily or weekly. Magazines are not considered "newspaper."
All newspaper, high grade office paper, fine paper, bond paper, graphic paper, xerographic paper, duplication paper and similar cellulosic material, but excluding fax paper, plastic or foil coated paper, envelopes with glassine windows, carbon paper or blueprint paper, food contaminated paper, soiled paper and cardboard.
All clear soft drink beverage containers manufactured of PET plastic.
Any material which would otherwise become solid waste, which can be collected, separated or processed and returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials or products.
Any process by which waste materials which would otherwise become solid waste are collected, separated or processed and returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials or products.
Any facility designed and operated solely for the receiving and storing of source separated nonputrescible metal, glass, paper, plastic containers and cardboard.
Any human residing within the Municipality on a temporary or permanent basis, but excluding persons residing in hotels, motels, or rooming houses.
Garbage, refuge and other discarded materials resulting from industrial, commercial and agriculture operations and from domestic and community activities and shall include all other waste materials, including liquid, except for solid animal and vegetable waste collected by swine producers licensed by the State Department of Agriculture to collect, prepare and feed such waste to animals on their own farms.
To separate recyclable materials from the solid waste at the point of waste generation.
New Jersey Solid Waste Management Act, as amended, N.J.S.A. 13:1E-99.11 et seq.
All large appliances, including but not limited to refrigerators, clothes washers and dryers, ranges, dishwashers, water heaters and microwaves.
All other terms and phrases shall be defined in the SWMA and regulations promulgated thereunder.
There is hereby established a program ("public dropoff program") for the sort, separation and delivery to the Fairfield Township Convenience Center of newspaper, GMFBC and PET-plastic bottles and HDPE-plastic containers from all residents located in areas of the Municipality with the exception of those specific complexes referred to herein.
All residents of the Municipality shall source-separate all designated recyclables and shall deposit all such recyclables at the aforementioned Convenience Center during the normal and posted hours of operation.
Designated recyclables for the public dropoff program established pursuant to this section shall consist of the following materials:
GMFBC, PET-plastic bottles and HDPE-plastic containers.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 3, Establishment of dropoff program for complexes, of Ord. No. 05-2007, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Designated recyclables to be placed at the Township Convenience Center pursuant to this article shall be consistent with the following:
All newspaper shall be placed in paper bags or tied in bundles not exceeding 35 pounds in weight nor exceeding one foot in thickness.
Commingled GMFBC containers, PET-plastic bottles, HDPE-plastic containers and cans shall be rinsed free of contaminants and shall have caps and lids removed.
Commingled GMFBC and PET-plastic bottles, HDPE-plastic containers and cans shall be placed in a receptacle designated for these containers at the recycling dropoff.
Newspaper shall be neatly stacked in the container designated in the recycling dropoff for such materials.
All persons within this Municipality who are not residents shall source separate to the maximum feasible extent at maximum practical levels and arrange for the collection and recycling of any of the designated recyclables in conformance with the County Plan.
Designated recyclables for the mandatory commercial and institutional source-separation program shall consist of the following materials:
High-grade paper, including and limited to white letterhead paper, white bond paper, white typing paper, white copier paper, white notepad paper, white writing paper, white envelopes without glassine windows, other nonglossy white office paper without plastic, computer printout paper, manila folders, computer tab cards and white onionskin paper.
Corrugated cardboard.
Glass bottles and aluminum cans generated by food and beverage service establishments.
Food waste generated by food service establishments and food sales establishments.
Mixed paper not included in Subsection B(1) above.
Any other metal or material unique to an establishment for which a market is available.
The arrangement for collection of designated recyclables for disposition hereunder shall be the responsibility of the person who generated the recyclables ("generator") or the person contractually obligated to the generator to arrange for collection and disposal of its solid waste. Said arrangements may include, without limitation, direct marketing of recyclables, delivery to a dropoff, contracts with solid waste collectors/haulers for separate collection of any or all designated recyclables or contracts with other persons for separate collection of any or all designated recyclables.
No person shall dispose of leaves, arrange for the disposal of leaves or cause leaves to be disposed at any solid waste facility other than a composting facility.
All persons who gather leaves and who are served by a municipal program for separate collection of leaves shall source-separate all leaves and place them for collection at the times and in the manner heretofore or hereafter prescribed by this Municipality.
All persons who gather leaves and who are not served by a municipal or county program for separate collection of leaves shall arrange for the separate disposal or processing of leaves at a composting facility or an agricultural, horticulture, silviculture or other commercial operation which processes or utilizes leaves for compost, mulch or other beneficial uses.
Nothing herein shall require any person to gather leaves or prevent any person from utilizing leaves for compost, mulch, or other agricultural, horticultural, silvicultural, gardening or landscaping purposes.
Leaves that are clean, bagged, or covered such as they do not spill while being transported to the Convenience Center may be accepted so long as the Township has in place a container for the acceptance of same. Leaves must be placed in the container for the acceptance of same. Leaves must be emptied from the bag and placed in the container by the resident and must contain no trash or debris.
[Added 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 03-2008; amended 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
[Added 10-18-2023 by Ord. No. 9-2023]
Purpose: a section to establish a yard waste collection and disposal program in the Township of Fairfield, so as to protect public health, safety, and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply.
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this section clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
The placement of yard waste in a trash can, bucket, bag, or other vessel, such as to prevent the yard waste from spilling or blowing out into the street and coming into contact with stormwater.
Any individual, corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this state subject to municipal jurisdiction.
Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, parkway, viaduct, drive, or other way, which is an existing state, county, or municipal roadway, and includes the land between the street lines, whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, curbs, sidewalks, parking areas, and other areas within the street lines.
Leaves and grass clippings.
Yard waste collection. Sweeping, raking, blowing, or otherwise placing yard waste that is not containerized at the curb or along the street is only allowed during the seven days' prior to a scheduled and announced collection, and shall not be placed closer than 10 feet from any storm drain inlet. Placement of such yard waste at the curb or along the street at any other time or in any other manner is a violation of this section. If such placement of yard waste occurs, the party responsible for placement of the yard waste must remove the yard waste from the street or said party shall be deemed in violation of this section.
Enforcement. The provisions of this section shall be enforced by the Fairfield Township Code Enforcement Officer.
Violations and penalties. Any person(s) who is found to be in violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine assessed in accordance with Chapter 1, § 1-5, General penalty.
Severability. Each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase of this section is declared to be an independent section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase, and the finding or holding of any such portion of this section to be unconstitutional, void, or ineffective for any cause, or reason, shall not affect any other portion of this section.
When effective.
This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and any publication as may be required by law.
It shall be unlawful for:
Any person, other than those persons authorized, to collect any designated recyclable which has been placed at the roadside for collection or within a recycling dropoff pursuant to this article.
Any person to violate or to cause or to assist in the violation of any provision of this article or any provision of the County Plan concerning recycling.
Any person to place or to cause to be placed any material other than a designated recyclable in or near recycling dropoff.
Any person to hinder, to obstruct, to prevent or to interfere with this Municipality, the county or any other authorized persons in the performance or any duty under this article or in the enforcement of this article.
All unlawful conduct set forth in Subsection A shall constitute a public nuisance.
This Municipality or any other person collecting or accepting solid waste generated within this Municipality may refuse to collect solid waste from any person who has clearly failed to source-separate recyclables designated under an applicable section of this article.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any resident of the Municipality may donate or sell any recyclable to any other person, whether operating for a profit or not for profit; provided, however, that the person receiving the recyclables shall not, under any circumstances, collect the donated or solid material from an established recycling collection route or from a recycling dropoff without prior written permission from this Municipality for such collection. Collection from an established recycling route or from a recycling dropoff point without written permission from the Township shall constitute actionable pilfering.
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to interfere with or in any way modify the provisions of any existing contract which is consistent with N.J.S.A. 13:1E-29 and in force in the Municipality on the effective date of this article.
No renewal of any existing contract upon the expiration of the original term thereof and no new contract for the collection, transportation, processing or purchase of solid waste or recyclables shall be entered into after the effective date of this article, unless such renewal or such contract shall conform to the requirements of this article.
Use of the Township Convenience Center shall be limited to the disposal of household waste by residents of the Township. Agricultural, commercial or industrial solid waste disposal at the Center shall not be permitted. Residents of apartment or condominium complexes with facilities on site shall not be permitted to access the Township recycling center.
No person shall dispose of solid waste at the Convenience Center which was generated and/or collected from other than a residential dwelling unit located in Fairfield Township or which is other than household solid waste. For purposes of this section, "household solid waste" shall mean that waste generated within a residential dwelling unit and incidental to or resulting from such residential use of the property as set forth herein. The Township reserves the right to refuse to accept waste material considered other than household solid waste, including waste generated as a result or agricultural, commercial or industrial use or activity carried out in conjunction with the residential use of a structure or property.
No resident shall bring to the Convenience Center in excess of 12 bags of trash on any day. Bag size for the purposes of the 12 bags of trash limit shall be 36 gallons.
[Added 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 03-2008; amended 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
Pursuant to agreement and approval by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Cumberland County Improvement Authority, the Fairfield Township Committee, in realization that there are a number of Township residents who are senior citizens and/or disabled, desiring to make the Township Convenience Center accessible to all residents, hereby implements a Good Samaritan Policy allowing one-on-one assistance to disabled residents by another Fairfield Township resident as follows:
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
Any Fairfield Township resident age 65 or older that may be physically unable to transport their household waste to the Convenience Center, either due to age limitations, physical impairment, or lack of transportation means, or another person within the household that could provide the service, that submits proof of the above consisting of a certified, original birth certificate which shall be submitted for copying, and any Fairfield Township resident who is physically impaired to the degree that they are unable to transport their household waste to the Convenience Center demonstrating the disability with a letter from a physician, currently licensed to practice medicine in NJ, PA or DE, stating that they suffer from a disability, which creates limitations, and certifying that providing their own trash disposal would have an adverse effect on their health condition, which letter shall be no older than six months old unless the disability is designated as "permanent" shall qualify providing they comply with the following.
Fairfield Township shall permit any resident who qualifies above to have their household waste brought to the Convenience Center by another individual, provided that that person meets the following criteria:
The individual shall be designated by letter from the qualifying resident, having met the above criteria, as the one who will be bringing their household waste to the Convenience Center.
The qualifying resident shall certify in the above letter that the individual appointed will be doing the task free of charge, out of charity, good will, or act of kindness, without monetary compensation or other such benefit to them.
The designated person must be a Fairfield Township resident, using a personal vehicle which is properly registered in the State of New Jersey and to a Fairfield Township address. This address shall be verified by Township tax records.
The designated person shall not be permitted to carry more than one additional person's household waste to the Center. Further they shall not exceed one trip per day, nor a total of 18 trash bags per trip.
The Convenience Center sticker for the designated person shall be at the discretion of the Chief Financial Officer, to reflect the person's voluntary tasks. This shall enable the Convenience Center staff to perform their duties accordingly.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Waste, as defined by this article, as the same has been or shall be modified, may be hauled by the assisting resident.
The rules to implement the Good Samaritan Policy shall be promulgated by resolution of the Committee and may be updated from time to time based upon input from any source including the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Cumberland County Improvement Authority personnel.
In the instance of an estate where a party has been appointed administrator or executor and can produce from the surrogate's office a short certificate memorializing such appointment together with a death certificate, the executor/administrator shall have the right to access and use the Fairfield Township Convenience Center.
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
Any vehicle used to transport or carry solid waste to the Convenience Center shall display a current Township-issued identification sticker. Said sticker shall be available to all residents of the Township not residing in an apartment or condominium complex having its own facility. Issuance of use stickers shall be in accordance with rules and regulations as prescribed by resolution of the Township Committee.
Each residence or household shall, upon application and verification or residency in the Township, be entitled to one use sticker per year. One additional sticker shall be available to each household upon application and payment of a fee of $5. Replacement stickers will be available upon application and payment of a fee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No vehicle will be permitted to dispose of waste at the Convenience Center which does not display a valid use sticker which must be affixed to the vehicle. Stickers shall be affixed to the vehicle and clearly visible to the Convenience Center attendant.
Convenience stickers can be obtained at the municipal building Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
[Amended 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
The Township Committee may by resolution fix the hours of operation for the Convenience Center, set hours to be posted prominently at the Convenience Center and at the Municipal Building for the ease of residents and further, the Township Committee may, by resolution, set bulk days allowing items already approved by the Committee as may be set forth specifically in the enabling resolution for such bulk days in such quantities as may be set forth in the enabling resolution.
All waste brought to the Convenience Center shall be separated according to the categories of waste accepted at the Center as set forth herein. All recyclable materials shall be separated from the waste and deposited appropriately as set forth herein.
Separated waste according to category shall be suitably bagged, bound or otherwise contained for disposal at the Convenience Center as directed by Center attendants. All waste shall be deposited at the appropriate location or in the proper facility or container to receive said waste as posted or as otherwise directed by the Center's attendants.
[Amended 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
Only the following types of waste shall be accepted at the Township Convenience Center:
General household waste, including paper, metal, glass, plastic, wood or other materials normally generated in and incidental to a residence. "Wood" shall be further defined in the context of waste accepted as "scrap wood furniture, toys, tools and accessories normally generated in and incidental to a residence." Under no circumstances shall this reference be construed to countermand the prohibition on accepting construction/demolition debris.
All recyclable materials as specified herein.
Appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves or similar metal equipment.
Scrap metal.
The Township Committee continues to seek options for residents to dispose of brush such that brush may be accepted so long as the Township has in place a container labeled for the acceptance of same. To be accepted brush must be placed in the labeled container for the acceptance of same. Brush must be placed in the container by the resident, must contain no trash or debris, and can contain no trunks and nothing over three inches in diameter. Absent a labeled container being available at the convenience center, no brush can or will be accepted.
[Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 03-2008; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The following waste materials shall not be disposed of at the Township Convenience Center:
Any waste generated in connection with a commercial or industrial use or activity.
Demolition debris, including plastic, plasterboard or debris, shingles, concrete, pallets, general lumber waste or other separate or commingled waste resulting from the demolition of a structure or part thereof.
Chemicals, solvents, oils, petroleum products, paints, pesticides, dyes or any hazardous material as classified by any federal, state or county agencies or their containers.
Waste generated as a result of an agricultural use or activity.
Dead animals.
Liquid waste.
Any material or waste not included within this article.
The custodian of the Convenience Center or other duly authorized personnel of the Township shall have the right and obligation to inspect any waste to be disposed of at the Convenience Center, including bagged or containerized waste.
Any waste not permitted for acceptance as set forth herein or which, in the considered opinion of the Township employee, is deemed hazardous or a threat to the safety of life or property shall be prohibited from disposal.
No person shall be permitted to scavenge, sort, rummage, remove or take any waste deposited at the Convenience Center.
[Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 03-2008]
The following activities or behavior are prohibited at the Convenience Center:
Horseplay or playing, climbing, entering or otherwise tampering with containers, debris or waste material or equipment.
Using or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
The use of foul or abusive language.
Driving or operating a motor vehicle in an unsafe or hazardous manner.
The parking or standing of a vehicle so as to block driveways or accessways to designated dropoff or disposal areas or facilities.
Disposal of waste except as directed by Township employees at the Convenience Center.
Any activity or behavior which threatens the safety or well-being of a person, including riding in any spot on any vehicle or trailer which is not a spot designated by the vehicle manufacturer for a passenger, this to include riding in the back of a truck or on a trailer.
All open loads must be covered with a tarp.
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
Containers of material other than as specifically accepted (i.e., leaves when and where accepted) shall be bagged.
[Added 5-19-2009 by Ord. No. 02-2009]
The Township Committee or its duly authorized officers shall appoint or assign Township employees to oversee, monitor, direct and maintain the Township Convenience Center. Said employees are hereby authorized to:
Maintain order and oversee the operation of the Convenience Center.
Restrict the use of the Convenience Center to Township residents whose vehicles bear a current use sticker as set forth herein.
Oversee, monitor and inspect waste to be disposed of at the Convenience Center to ensure compliance with the provisions of this article.
Prohibit the disposal of waste not permitted in this article.
Supervise the method of disposal as required by this article, the location of facilities for disposal, the direction of traffic within the Center's confines and the activity of persons using the Center or its facilities, including, by way of example and not limitation, the creation of separate lanes for trailers or limitation of times as to trailers.
Prohibit the disposal of waste generated outside the Township of Fairfield or as a result of agricultural, commercial or industrial uses regardless of the location of such waste's generation.
Issue warnings and summonses to any person violating the provisions of this article, and make reports to municipal Code Enforcement Officers of any violations. The Municipal Code Enforcement Officer shall be charged with issuing summons to violators as well as coordination of enforcement officials with county and state officials.
Do such other activities or actions necessary and reasonable to implement the provisions of this article, including the ordering to leave the Center's premises of any person found violating the provisions of this article.
Any person who engages in unlawful conduct as defined in this article shall, upon conviction thereof in a proceeding before a court of competent jurisdiction, be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-5 of this Code.
[Amended 4-20-2016 by Ord. No. 8-2016; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Each continuing day of violation of this article shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person or persons convicted of falsifying an application for a convenience center use sticker or violating the rules and regulations governing the use of said use sticker may have said use sticker revoked and deemed invalid.
In addition to any other remedy provided in this article, this Municipality may institute a suit in equity where unlawful conduct or public nuisance exists as defined in this article for an injunction to restrain a violation of this article or the County Plan. In addition to an injunction, the court may impose penalties as authorized herein.
The penalties and remedies prescribed by this article shall be deemed concurrent. The existence or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent this Municipality or the county from exercising any other remedy provided by this article or otherwise provided by law or equity.