[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Fairfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as § 2-10 of the 1980 Code]
The Township Committee finds that farming has existed and been carried on in the Township for hundreds of years and is important to the Township's economy. The Township Committee further finds that residences have been located in close proximity to existing "working" farms that engage in spraying, the spreading of animal wastes, fertilizing and irrigation as well as other activities which are indigenous to farming. The Township Committee finds and determines that farmers must be secure in their ability to earn a livelihood and utilize recognized farming procedures and techniques.
The Township Committee further finds that whatever burden may be caused to contiguous property owners, or nearby residents, it is offset by the benefits from farming to the Township, county and state, as well as the preservation of open space areas within the Township.
This article shall not be construed as a zoning ordinance and does not supersede any zoning ordinance and the rights of privileges arising from said ordinances. It is the intent of this article to prohibit farming from being found to be a nuisance when practiced according to recognized farming practices.
The right to farm those lands and properties zoned for that use and properties currently being farmed within the Township of Fairfield is hereby recognized to exist as a right to the farmer, his agents or assigns to utilize his land and properties in such a manner as to pursue his livelihood, subject only to the restrictions and regulations set forth in the Township, county and state health code and regulations. This right to farm recognizes the use of large irrigation pumps and equipment, aerial and ground seeding and spraying, large tractors, the application of chemical fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, as well as other farm equipment utilized by the farmer for the purpose of producing from the land agricultural products such as vegetables, grains, hay, fruits, fibers, wood, trees, plants, shrubs, flowers and seeds. The right to farm shall also include the right to utilize the land for grazing of animals subject to the restrictions as may be required by county, state and federal laws.
The activities set forth herein are incidental to the right to farm and, when conducted in accordance with generally accepted agricultural practices, may occur on holidays, Sundays and weekdays, and at night and during the day. The noise, odors, dust and fumes that are sometimes caused by these activities are recognized as ancillary to the permitted activities set forth in this article and the right to farm.
The Township Committee further recognizes the rights of landowners to prohibit trespassing by hunters or other unauthorized persons.
The Township Committee further finds that the value of woodland to the economy and environment of the Township must be emphasized. Woodland helps conserve topsoil and purify air and water. Large-scale development of woodland should be discouraged.
The protection of farming water supply is important. The Township Committee believes that agriculture cannot have limits placed on its use of water for production of food and horticultural goods. However, the farmer must use whatever water is necessary in a reasonable and acceptable manner.