[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Fairfield as § 2-5 of the 1980 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
All monies received from any source by any official or employee of the Township by or on behalf of the Township of Fairfield, or by any Township Committee member thereof, except school monies, shall be paid to the Township Chief Financial Officer, within the time limit as prescribed by law.
It shall not be lawful for the Township Committee or the financial officers of the Township to pay out or disburse any of the monies of the Township of Fairfield to any person, unless the person claiming or receiving such monies shall first present to the Township Committee a detailed bill of items of demand on voucher forms as adopted by the Township specifying particularly how such bill is made up, with the certification of the party claiming the money, provided that, in the case of a corporation, said certification shall be made by some officer or agent of the corporation having knowledge of the facts attested to.
[Amended 4-15-2002 by Ord. No. 491-2002]
All warrants for the disbursement of monies of the Township shall be drawn on the appropriate Township bank account. The signatures required on each check shall depend on the account the check is issued from. Each year the Township Committee shall approve a Cash Management Plan. Within this plan each Township bank account shall be specified indicating the number of signatures required and the Township positions that shall execute the signatures (i.e., Clerk, CFO, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, etc.). Warrants for stated salaries and to meet the payroll of persons regularly employed by the Township shall be drawn as of course, without being presented to the Township Committee, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee.