[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rye 3-19-1931. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall be allowed to excavate, open or dig any trench, ditch or hole in any portion of any public highway in the Town of Rye, outside the incorporated Villages of Port Chester, Rye[1] and Mamaroneck, without first making written application for permission therefor to the Clerk of said Town at least 48 hours before it is desired to make such opening, and then obtaining a permit therefor signed by said Clerk, in the form substantially as follows:
No. ____________________
Town of Rye
Date ____________________
Permission is hereby granted the undersigned to open a trench in _____________________________ Street or Avenue for the purpose of _____________________________ upon the following conditions: The undersigned agrees, in consideration of the granting hereof, that he will not permit or suffer said opening to remain open any longer than is absolutely necessary for the proper doing of the work to be done and for which this permit is granted; that he will at all times keep such opening properly and sufficiently guarded against danger or accident to any person; that he will keep the same well and sufficiently lighted at night, with at least two lanterns; that when said work is finished he will restore said highway to as good condition as it was originally and be responsible for settlement of the ground for any cause for at least six months; and that he will save said Town harmless from all damages in connection with such opening or by reason thereof.
And the undersigned, having deposited with said Town the sum of ____________________________dollars ($_____________), the estimated cost of the work, agrees that in the event that said amount be not sufficient to cover the cost of opening and restoring said highway to its original condition, he will pay said Town the difference between said sum so deposited and the cost of so opening and restoring said highway.
And the undersigned having filed a bond with the Town of Rye as herein provided and not having made any deposit, agrees to pay to the Town of Rye the entire cost of opening and restoring said highway to its original condition.
In the presence of
Received ____________________________________ dollars ($______________)
for the above license.
Town Clerk
Editor's Note: Now the City of Rye.
Before receiving such permit, such applicant shall in the alternative deposit the estimated cost of removing and replacing the pavement as provided herein, for such permit or file a bond, the amount, form and surety thereof to be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Rye to indemnify and save harmless the said Town of Rye from all damage to persons and property caused by work done under any permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Rye shall cause any pavement to be removed, and thereupon the licensee shall proceed to do and complete without delay the work desired, and shall, when filling in the excavation, thoroughly tamp the same, notifying the Superintendent of Highways, in the meanwhile, of the time when such work will be done. Said Superintendent of Highways shall cause the pavement where removed to be replaced in its original condition over the opening made and for a distance of one foot on each side thereof and shall present to the Town Board of the Town of Rye at its next regular meeting his report of the expense of taking up and replacing such pavement. The difference, if any, between such expense and the amount deposited shall within six months be returned to the person on whose application such work was done and the balance retained by the Town to reimburse it for its expenses. If the amount deposited is not sufficient to cover said expenses, then the person upon whose application such work was done shall, on demand, pay said Town the difference. If the applicant shall have filed a bond in lieu of a deposit, as herein provided, such applicant shall on demand pay to the Town the entire expense of the work done.
[Amended 9-20-1949]
The charge to be made by the Town of Rye and to be paid by each applicant for the privilege of opening any highway pursuant to this chapter shall be $15 per square yard, where the highway is paved with concrete, either reinforced concrete or other pavement on concrete base; three $3 per square yard where highway opened is paved with macadam; $7.50 per square yard where concrete gutters are to be disturbed; $1.50 per lineal foot where stone paved gutters are to be disturbed; $3 per lineal foot when any type of curb is to be disturbed; $3 per square yard for blacktop shoulders to be disturbed; $1.50 per lineal foot for shoulder areas to be disturbed (lateral); $1.50 per lineal foot for longitudinal trenching without sheathing (outside pavement); $3 per lineal foot for longitudinal trenching with sheathing; $0.75 per square foot for all types of sidewalk openings. Minimum amount of deposit: $25.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes one or more persons of either sex, natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint stock companies, societies and all other entities of any kind capable of being sued.
Any person who himself, or itself, or by his or its agent or employee, shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, or any order, code, rule or regulation made in pursuance thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to a penalty not exceeding in any one case of violation $50 to be recovered with costs, and shall upon conviction of such violation be subject to a fine or not less than $10 nor more than $50 or to imprisonment for not less than 10 days nor more than 50 days, or to both such fine and imprisonment, and each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Any ordinance or part of any ordinance inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter is hereby repealed.
This chapter shall take effect at the earliest date allowed by law, and the Town Clerk of the Town of Rye is authorized and directed to have the same published in the Port Chester Daily Item and posted in at least three public places in the Town of Rye pursuant to law.