[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rye 11-21-1950. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as an ordinance regulating blasting and the use of explosives in blasting operations.
No person shall blast or use any explosives in blasting operations in that portion of the Town of Rye outside the limits of any incorporated village therein, unless he is a holder of a blaster's license in the Town of Rye, and unless he obtains a permit for the proposed work from the Building Inspector of the Town of Rye.
Blaster's license shall be issued by the Building Inspector of the Town of Rye upon application on forms prescribed by him. Applicants shall be at least 21 years of age, of good character and habits and shall satisfy the Building Inspector as to their experience in handling explosives and ability to use the same without undue risk. The license shall not be issued until the applicant shall furnish a bond by a solvent fidelity or surety company, authorized to transact such business, in the sum of $25,000 covering the period of his license, which said bond must meet with the approval of the Town Counsel as to form, correctness and sufficiency of surety, and after such approval, said bond shall be filed with the Town Clerk, and in addition, each applicant shall be covered by a public liability insurance policy for not less than $50,000. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $25. Licenses shall expire on December 31 next following the date of their issuance and may be renewed by the Building Inspector for a period of one year on the payment of a registration fee of $5 for each renewal. Each applicant for renewal of license shall furnish a bond as hereinabove provided. License may be revoked if in the opinion of the Building Inspector the holder of such license has proven himself incompetent or careless. If so revoked, no new license shall be issued to the same person for a period of three months and then only upon satisfying the Building Inspector of his fitness for such license.
All bonds herein required shall be conditioned for the payment to the Town of Rye, in full or in part, or to any person entitled thereto, for any loss, damage or injury resulting to persons or property by reason of any use of any explosives in blasting operations, and for the strict and full compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and with such other regulations pertaining to explosives as may hereinafter be lawfully made and enacted.
Permits for blasting shall only be issued by the Building Inspector of the Town of Rye to persons holding a blaster's license or to contractors who have in their employ persons holding such a license.
The permit shall state the location for which it is approved, the date issued, the name of the person or persons authorized to do the blasting and such other information as the Building Inspector may deem necessary. The permit shall be good only for the one location designated therein, shall not be transferable and shall expire not later than one year from date thereof. Application for such permit shall be accompanied by an inspection fee of $1.
It shall be unlawful to blast or carry on any blasting operation after 7:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m., nor shall any blasting be done on Sunday, except with the approval of the Building Inspector.
No person shall use in a blasting operation a quantity of explosives greater than necessary to properly start the rock.
Before firing any blasts, except where the same is in a tunnel, the material to be blasted shall be covered on the top and sides with timber, held securely together by strong chains or ropes of iron or steel, and covered with sheets of tin or heavy woven material of rope or wire.
It shall be unlawful to explode a blasting charge by means of time fuse, slow-burning or safety fuse, or by any means other than some form of electrical apparatus. At least three minutes before firing a blast, the blaster shall give warning thereof by causing a competent man, carrying a red flag, to be stationed at a reasonable distance from the blast at each avenue of approach or point of danger.
The blasting of rock contiguous to any structure shall be so conducted as not to cause damage thereto. To this end, weak walls or other supports shall be shored up, and rotten or decomposed rock shall be removed only by the use of gads, picks or crowbars. When blasting in the vicinity of a weak structure is unavoidable, only light-face blasts with short lines of resistance and small charges shall be used.
Blasting charges shall be tamped only by means of wooden tamping rods and explosives shall be pressed or set into place by steady, even pressure only. All strokes or blows with the tamping rods are forbidden and no tamping rod shall be used which is frayed or split at the end.
Immediately after firing a blast, the blaster shall cause all debris to be removed, and shall thoroughly examine the rock and the drill holes to ascertain whether there remains any unexploded charge, and until this is done, no drills shall be set up. In case a charge shall fail to explode, it must be exploded by drilling one hole at least 12 inches away which shall be loaded and fired in the usual manner, but in no cases shall the charge and tamping be removed from the hole without the special permission of the Building Inspector. In case a blast shall fail to carry away the entire drill hole, and leaves the lower part intact, no further drilling shall be done in that hole.
No person shall load holes in blasting operations except the blaster authorized in the permit, provided, however, that while holes are being actually loaded, drillers and drill-helpers may act as blaster's helpers under the direct supervision and responsibility of the blaster.
Cartridges, while being capped, shall be removed from any magazine to a distance of not less than 50 feet and, after being capped, shall not be returned to a magazine. Cartridge shall be capped only as required for the work and for immediate use.
The violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or failure to comply therewith, shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine which shall not exceed $50 or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment, and each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of the prohibited conditions.
If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this chapter shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this chapter as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.
An ordinance adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rye on the 18th day of April, 1950, and commonly known as "An Ordinance Regulating Blasting and the Use of Explosives in Blasting Operations in that Portion of the Town of Rye outside the limits of any incorporated village therein," as amended, is hereby repealed.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon adoption and publication as provided by law.