[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rye 8-21-1944. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The burial plot shall be known as "Town of Rye Military Burial Plot at Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye, New York."
The direct control and supervision of said burial plot shall be vested in the Town Board of the Town of Rye, which shall work in conjunction with the Veterans' Central Committee of the Town of Rye (which Committee shall be composed of representatives of all ex-servicemen's organizations within the Town of Rye) and the owners of said Greenwood Union Cemetery.
All persons are entitled to burial in said plot who served in the federal forces of the United States during any war and who die after honorable discharge from such service, including service in Army; Navy; Marine Corps; Coast Guard; Coast and Geodetic Survey, who were transferred to and served with the Army and Navy by authority of the President; Public Health Service, who were detailed for duty and served with the Army and Navy by authority of the President, including Army Nurses.
Application forms shall be provided by the Town Clerk of the Town of Rye and the Veterans' Central Committee.
Each application shall contain the following information: full name of deceased; place of residence at time of death; date of birth; date of death; married or unmarried; if married, name of wife or husband; name and last address of parents and state whether living or dead; name and address of nearest relative; branch of service in which served; date of discharge; all applications for interment to be approved by the Veterans' Central Committee; all applications to be filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Rye.
In all cases the last service of the deceased must have been honorable.
For those who are not in the service of the United States at the time of death, it is prerequisite that they shall have been honorably discharged from the service.
In all cases where the honorable discharge cannot be produced or where there is reasonable doubt as to the eligibility of the deceased for interment, it shall be the duty of a representative of the Veterans' Central Committee to investigate same and immediately communicate with the Adjutant General of the United States Army for verification of service, furnishing all information it is possible to obtain concerning the service of deceased, including his full name, organization, serial number, if any, and dates of service.
Pension certificates will not be accepted as authority upon which to authorize interment.
All applications for interment must be approved by the Veterans' Central Committee. The production of the honorable discharge shall be sufficient authority for the Veterans' Central Committee to approve the interment, provided the application shall comply with all other rules and regulations.
The Town Clerk shall preserve and file all applications for interment and all other records and documents concerning said burial plot and shall keep a record of the full name of the person interred, date of interment, burial plot number and such other records as may be required by the Town Board of the Town of Rye and Veterans' Central Committee.
Permits for interment in said plot shall be issued to the owners of the cemetery by the Town Clerk of the Town of Rye upon applications approved in writing by the Veterans' Central Committee and filed with the Town Clerk.
The cost of each burial plot shall be $50 and payable to the Town of Rye and to be paid by the applicant to the Town Clerk on or before the interment. The applicant shall also pay the owners of the cemetery a fee of $20 for opening and closing the grave.
If any person entitled to interment in said burial plot at the time of his death shall be in destitute condition, said person shall be permitted to be buried in said plot free of charge and the fee of the owners of the cemetery for opening and closing the grave shall be paid by the Town of Rye, provided the Veterans' Central Committee, after investigation, shall so recommend, which recommendation shall be in writing and filed with the Town Clerk.
There shall be one central monument for said burial plot and all markers shall be uniform and set at the heads of the graves. Only markers authorized by the United States Government shall be permitted.
There shall be no vases, urns, tubs, hanging baskets or other fixtures intended for plants, no chairs, settees or other obstructions upon any plot, and no trees, shrubbery, ivy or other plants of any character or description permitted on said burial plot or grave, or at the base of the marker. Violation of this regulation will result in the removal of such article.
One marker of a military organization of which the decedent may have been a member may be placed on the grave.
Cut flowers may be placed upon the grave at any time.
Assignments of burial plots shall be made on the condition that the regulations and conditions will be strictly enforced.