[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Rye as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 1-20-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981]
In addition to the annual fixed salary paid to the Town Attorney of the Town of Rye for all his regular performed duties, the Town Attorney shall receive additional compensation at the rate of $75 per hour, plus expenses and disbursements, for the following legal services performed on behalf of the Town of Rye:
All litigation or proceedings brought by or against the Town of Rye in courts or agencies other than the Rye Town Justice's Court.
All court appearances and appearances before agencies except for the Rye Town Justice's Court.
All negotiations in bringing about settlements in connection with Subsection A(1) and (2) above.
All certiorari matters brought about by litigation or negotiated settlement except for the trials and proceedings forwarded to outside counsel.
Appeals brought about or defended by the Town of Rye.
The hourly fees for the legal services performed shall not exceed $30,000, and this article shall expire on December 31, 1981.