For the purposes of this chapter, the Village of Honeoye Falls is hereby divided into the following districts:
Residential Districts. (See Article IV.)
R-1: Single-Family Residential.
R-2: Transitional Residential.
R-3: Multifamily Residential.
R-4: Village Residential.
Business Districts. (See Article V.)
NB: Neighborhood Business.
CB: Central Business.
GB: General Business.
Industrial Districts. (See Article VI.)
MI: Mixed-Use Industrial.
LI: Light Industrial.
Environmental Protection Overlay Districts. (See Article VII.)
Floodplain Overlay District.
Watercourse Overlay District.
Steep Slope Overlay District.
Woodland Overlay District.
Wetland Overlay District.
The zoning districts are bounded and defined as shown on the "Village of Honeoye Falls Official Zoning Map," often referred to as the "Zoning Map." Such map is intended to accompany this chapter and is hereby made a part of this chapter with all explanatory matter thereon.[1] The Official Zoning Map will show the effective date of this chapter and of each subsequent amendment to said map and shall be duly certified by the Village Clerk.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is included as an attachment at the end of this chapter.
The district boundary lines, unless shown otherwise, are intended generally to follow property lines, other similar right-of-way lines or lot lines or boundaries of subdivisions or municipal boundary lines as shown upon the duly adopted Zoning Map.
When the location of a district boundary line cannot be otherwise determined, the determination thereof shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer by scaling the distance as shown upon the duly adopted Zoning Map from a line of known location to such district boundary line.