Purpose. The purpose of this article is to ensure that all uses and development within the Village are adequately served by off-street parking and loading areas. The standards contained herein are designed to provide proper circulation, reduce hazards to pedestrians, and protect the users of adjacent properties from nuisances caused by the noise, fumes, and glare of headlights which may result from the operation of vehicles.
Intent. This article is also intended to achieve the following objectives:
Reduce congestion on the street network in the Village;
Ensure there are adequate amounts of parking and loading facilities to serve the use(s) and users of the property;
Encourage alternative parking designs and modes of transportation to reduce dependence on single-occupancy vehicular trips and improve efficiency during travel;
Provide safe traveling conditions for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists; and
Ensure safe, well-planned multimodal access can be made to all commercial and residential properties within the Village while minimizing potential vehicular and pedestrian conflicts.
The term "vehicle," as used in this section, shall include but not be limited to automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, recreational vehicles, campers and trailers, including recreational and boat trailers.
Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided and kept available as an accessory use to all permitted and specially permitted uses of buildings, structures, and lots in amounts not less than those specified in this section.
Areas that may be considered as off-street parking space include any private garage, carport or other area available for parking other than a street, entrance and exit lanes, or driveway. No vehicle shall be parked or stored in any required fire lane. A driveway may only be used to meet the requirements of this article where it serves a single- or two-family dwelling.
Required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons and employees only, and shall not be used for the storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks or other commercial vehicles used in conducting the business or use.
The requirement for a single use (e.g., a one-family dwelling or a retail store) shall be determined directly from the table of off-street parking requirements in § 190-76E of this article, unless otherwise noted within this chapter.
The requirements for a combination of uses made up of multiple permitted or specially permitted uses (e.g. a restaurant and bar or a retail store combined with an office building) shall be determined by establishing the requirement for each individual use and adding them together, unless otherwise provided for by this article or approved by the ZBA.
If the use is not specifically listed in the schedule of such requirements, the requirement shall be the same as for the most similar listed use as determined by the CEO.
When the required number of spaces result in a fraction, any fraction of less than 1/2 (0.50) is rounded down to the next lower whole number, and any fraction of 1/2 (0.50) or more is rounded up to the next higher whole number.
Bicycle parking shall be provided with all multifamily and nonresidential development of at least 10% of the vehicle parking requirements as outlined in the table of off-street parking requirements in Subsection E, but in no case shall be less than two bicycle spaces for any single use.
The maximum number of parking spaces allowable for any use is not to exceed 125% of the requirement as outlined in the table of off-street parking requirements in Subsection E, unless otherwise approved by the ZBA.
The ZBA may reduce the number of off-street parking spaces required if the applicant can make permanent arrangements for shared parking with other residential or nonresidential uses or can otherwise prove that the parking standards are excessive for the particular use proposed.
The ZBA may require off-street parking spaces in addition to those required by this article if it is deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.
Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following table:
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Land Use
Minimum Space Requirement
Single-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit
Two-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit
Multifamily dwelling
1.5 per dwelling unit
Accessory dwelling unit
1 in addition to single-family dwelling requirement
Upper-floor dwelling unit
1 per dwelling unit
Nursing home or adult care facility
0.50 per bed plus 0.50 per employee1
1 per room
Home occupation
1 per employee not living on premises
School, elementary or intermediate
2 per classroom plus 1 per employee1
School, secondary
2 per classroom plus 1 per 10 students plus 1 per employee1
School, occupational or skill training
1 per 3 students plus 1 per employee1
Religious institution
1 per 3.5 seats
Museums or libraries
2 per 1,000 square feet2
1 per bed plus 1 per employee1
Medical clinic
3 per 1,000 square feet2
Day care or nursery
1 per 6 persons (by capacity) plus 1 per employee 1
Retail store or shop
3 per 1,000 square feet2
Repair shop
2 per 1,000 square feet2
Grocery store
4 per 1,000 square feet2
Bar or tavern
4 per 1,000 square feet2
1 per room plus 0.50 per employee 1
Funeral home
4 per 1,000 square feet2
3 per 1,000 square feet2
4 per 1,000 square feet2
Vehicle sales
2 per employee1
Indoor recreation facility
2 per 1,000 square feet2
All uses
1 per employee1
"Per employee" requirements shall be based on the number of employees during the maximum shift.
As measured by the gross floor area of the proposed use.
Whenever the normal operation of any development requires that goods, merchandise, or equipment be routinely delivered to or shipped from that development, a sufficient off-street loading area must be provided in accordance with this section to accommodate the delivery or shipment operations in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys.
Loading spaces shall have a minimum clearance height of 14 feet. The related aisle shall have the same minimum clearance height.
Loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the table below.
Loading Space Requirements
Floor Area
(Square Feet)
Minimum Spaces
Minimum Size
Less than 4,000
4,000 to 15,000
12 by 25
15,000 to 30,000
14 by 50
or 2
12 by 25
30,000 or greater
14 by 50
and 1
12 by 25
Each additional 15,000 or fraction thereof
12 by 25
No parking or storage of a commercial vehicle shall be permitted in any residential district except in such case that said vehicle is used by the occupant of the premises and does not exceed three-fourths-ton rated capacity. Such vehicle may only be parked or stored behind the front building line of the principal structure.
Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided only in the side or rear lot areas. Front yard parking may be permitted in the General Business District with ZBA approval.
Off-street parking spaces in residential districts may be provided in any yard space except front yard space. However, parking in front yard space shall be allowed on a designated driveway for single- and two-family dwellings.
All off-street parking and loading spaces shall be on the same lot as the use they are intended to serve unless otherwise specified in this chapter. With Village Board approval, uses within 400 feet of a municipal parking lot or designated on-street parking may be wholly or partially exempt from the off-street parking requirements.
Where parking areas are provided for a mix of uses that include residential units, the parking spaces provided for such units should be clearly marked and designated for the use of residents.
Off-street parking spaces shall not be located within 10 feet of a residential district.
Loading spaces shall not be located within 50 feet of a residential district.
Parking and loading spaces may not be located within 10 feet of street frontage.
Joint off-street parking spaces by two or more buildings or uses located on the same lot or adjacent lots is permitted, provided that the total of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses computed separately. The land upon which the joint parking spaces are located shall be owned or leased by one or more of the collective users.
Shared off-street parking spaces for two or more uses that are located on the same lot or share a common property boundary and have different peak parking demands or operating hours may be permitted, provided that:
Parking is located within 400 feet of the buildings or uses it is intended to serve.
The applicant demonstrates that the uses have different peak hour parking demands or that the total parking demand at one time would be adequately served by the total number of parking spaces proposed.
A shared parking agreement is executed documenting the joint use and must be reflected in a deed, lease, contract, easement or other appropriate legal document.
A maintenance agreement is executed documenting the responsibility of each user in the maintenance and upkeep of said shared parking facilities.
Shared access agreements are created by the initial developer and/or owner of a site and are established in a continuum to adjoining properties as a contingency of site plan approval.
Off-street parking and loading spaces required by this article serving multifamily dwellings and nonresidential uses shall conform to the following design requirements:
All spaces shall be surfaced with asphalt bituminous, concrete, or dustless material approved by the ZBA and shall be maintained in smooth and well-graded condition. Such surface shall be permanent and capable of being kept free of snow, dust, and dirt and must be permanently marked. Pervious pavement materials are encouraged.
All spaces shall be clearly marked with a minimum painted strip of four inches in width.
All spaces and their access driveways shall be graded so as to provide for the proper mitigation of stormwater and runoff. Centerline gradients of aisles shall not exceed 8%.
All new or reconstructed off-street parking lots must conform to Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
All off-street parking areas that contain more than 10 spaces must include:
A clearly identified pedestrian route from the parking spaces to the main building entrance and public sidewalk, where applicable.
A dedicated area independent of required parking and loading spaces for the placing and storage of snow.
All parking areas shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Article XI.
All illumination of off-street parking areas shall be in conformity with Article XIII.
Parking space and aisle dimensions shall follow the requirements of the table below.
Parking Space and Aisle Minimum Dimensions
Angle of Parking
Minimum Aisle Width
Minimum Parking Space
Parallel parking
The following alternative arrangements may be utilized to satisfy off-street parking requirements with ZBA approval:
On-street and municipally owned parking. On-street and municipally owned parking spaces may be used to satisfy up to 25% of the requirements for off-street parking, provided such spaces are no more than 1,000 feet from the use.
Parking demand analysis. The number of off-street parking spaces required for any use may be adjusted with the completion of a parking demand analysis by the applicant. When parking will be shared with other functions, the parking demand analysis may be used to determine the sharing factor. Such analysis shall include, at a minimum:
An estimate of the number of spaces needed to accommodate the proposed use.
A summary and map of the proposed location and/or configuration of spaces (on site, public lots, on street, etc.).
A market study and/or other supporting information and rationale behind the requested number of parking spaces.
An analysis of existing parking conditions in the surrounding area, to include a radius of at least 1,000 feet.
Existing building exemption. No existing building within the Central Business District shall be required to provide additional off-street parking except when the amount of space devoted to any permitted use is expanded. In such case, the required amount of additional off-street parking required shall be based on the additional space devoted to the permitted use only.
Access road development shall apply to all districts with adjoining property boundaries where points of ingress or egress are separated by a distance of less than 500 feet and shall conform to the following standards:
The Village Engineer or their designee shall review all access roads and driveways to insure the safety and welfare of the public. The Village may engage the services of other engineers, planners, or other professionals to assist in such review, all costs at the expense of the applicant.
Shared access agreements will be required by the first developer and/or owner of a site and shall be established in a continuum to adjoining properties as a contingency of site plan approval.
All direct access driveways to public highways shall be minimized and meet or exceed the minimum spacing requirements, excluding single-family residences, listed in the table below. Minimum driveway spacing is to be measured from the closest edge of the driveway to the closest edge of the nearest driveway.
Minimum Driveway Spacing
Speed Limit
Minimum Spacing
35 or less
36 to 44
45 or greater
All parking spaces, except those required for single- or two-family dwellings, shall have access to a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or into a public street or alley shall be traveling in a forward motion.
No driveway providing access to an off-street parking area shall be located closer than 60 feet to the intersection of public streets.
The minimum width of an access driveway shall be determined by the table below.
Access Driveway Dimensions by Use
Minimum Width
Maximum Width
16 (combined drive)
All other uses
12 (one way)
20 (two way)
The paving of new driveways or driveway expansions in any residential district shall require the issuance of a driveway permit by the Village's CEO, unless otherwise approved by the ZBA as part of the site plan review process.
Driveway permit applications shall be submitted to the CEO on forms provided by the Village Clerk and shall be accompanied by the following:
A to-scale drawing of the parcel indicating the location and dimensions of the proposed driveway;
A current survey map completed by a professional land surveyor depicting the proposed location and dimensions of the driveway;
A stormwater management and drainage plan, unless the driveway or driveway expansion is to consist of permeable paving materials; and
Any other materials deemed necessary by the CEO to conduct an adequate review of the site and proposed driveway or driveway expansion.
Driveway or driveway expansion applications must meet the following minimum requirements to be considered for approval:
The driveway shall be at least one foot away from side and rear property lines;
The driveway shall not cause the parcel's total lot coverage to exceed the maximum amount permitted as stated in Article IV, Residential Districts;
The driveway width must be in conformance with the table of access driveway dimensions by use in § 190-82F; and
The paving of said driveway shall not obscure or in any way alter existing public sidewalks.
One commercial vehicle may be housed or parked on a residential property, provided that such vehicle does not exceed a gross motor vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or 25 feet in length. Such commercial vehicle shall be parked on a permitted driveway behind the front building line or inside a garage building out of public view.
Recreational or accessory vehicles may be stored and parked on residential property in accordance with the following:
No more than two recreational or accessory vehicles or combination thereof may be parked on a residential property at any one time.
Only one such vehicle may exceed 10 feet in height or 25 feet in length.
The vehicle shall be owned by a full-time resident of the property on which it is located.
The vehicle, if required to be registered and/or inspected in order to be operated upon the roads or waterways of the state, was registered and/or issued a valid inspection certificate within the past 12 months or, if not required to be registered and/or inspected to be operated upon the roads or waterways of the state, is in operable condition.
The vehicle shall be stored in an enclosed garage structure or parked on a permitted driveway behind the front building line and maintain a setback from property lines of five feet if less than six feet in height and a setback of 10 feet if more than six feet in height.
The vehicle shall be screened from view, except from the street, by a solid fence or evergreen hedge at least six feet in height.
No mobile home, recreational vehicle or motor home shall be used on any property for use as sleeping or living quarters or for any other purpose in connection with such sleeping or living quarters, except that visiting guests owning or operating such vehicles may occupy them for a period of 21 days. The occupants of such vehicles must be guests of the full-time residents of the property upon which the vehicle is parked.
Recreational vehicles shall not be connected to electricity, water, or other utilities unless they are being used pursuant to Subsection B above or being prepared for use or storage by the owner.
No commercial vehicle having an overall length in excess of 18 feet, nor any semitractor, semi-tractor-trailer, semitrailer, dump truck, tow truck, bus, step van, freight van, flatbed or stake truck, or construction vehicle or equipment of any length may be parked in any residential district unless temporarily, in conjunction with a permitted construction project, service, sales, or delivery to the property.
This section shall not apply to temporary storage of a recreational vehicle. For purposes of this section, "temporary storage" shall mean the existence of a recreational vehicle, owned by a full-time resident of the property, stored out-of-doors on the property, which does not comply with this chapter for a period not to exceed 10 consecutive days, under any of the following circumstances:
The recreational vehicle is en route to or from its permanent storage location;
The recreational vehicle is being prepared for use or for storage; or
The recreational vehicle is a motor home, camper trailer, or travel trailer and is either being prepared prior to a trip or being unloaded, cleaned or prepared for storage upon return from a trip.