Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish standards for the fabrication, erection, and use of signs, symbols, markings, and advertising devices within the Village. These standards are designed to protect and promote the public welfare, health and safety of the public and to aid in the development and promotion of business, industry, and community by providing sign regulations which encourage aesthetic creativity, effectiveness and flexibility in the design and use of such devices without creating detriment to the general public.
Intent. The intent of this article is to achieve the following objectives:
Ensure right to free speech as protected under the Constitution;
Establish a clear and impartial process for those seeking to install signs;
Promote the safety, comfort and well-being of the users of streets, roads and highways in the Village;
Protect property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, and protect the physical appearance of the community;
Provide structures and uses with effective means of identification while reducing visual clutter through the prevention of excessive and confusing sign displays;
Reduce traffic conflicts or hazards by minimizing visual distractions or obstacles in or visible from the public rights-of-way;
Discourage excessive visual competition in signage and ensure that signs aid orientation and adequately identify uses and activities to the public; and
Enforce and encourage the objectives and goals of the Village's Comprehensive Plan.
The regulations of this article shall govern and control the erection, enlargement, expansion, renovation, operation, maintenance, relocation and removal of all signs within the Village visible from any street, sidewalk, public right-of-way, or public space.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to safety signs, road signs, historical markers, or highway directional signs erected by municipal or public agencies.
This article shall in no event be construed to prohibit the temporary decoration of premises in any district during religious, patriotic or holiday seasons in a customary manner.
If any portion of this article is found to be in conflict with any other provision of any zoning, building, fire safety or health law of the Village or other local or state agency, the provision which establishes the higher standard shall prevail.
Permit required. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall erect, alter, construct, relocate or cause to be erected, altered, constructed or relocated any sign without first having obtained a sign permit from the CEO or their designee.
Permit exceptions. The following actions shall not require the issuance of a sign permit, provided such maintenance, changes, or alterations do not in any way alter the physical size, design, or nature of the sign:
Normal maintenance and repair of a sign not involving structural or design changes, including, but not limited to, repainting, repairing, changing of parts, or cleaning.
Changes to the content of window displays and permitted temporary signs.
Changes in the sign user, owner, or owner of the property on which the sign is located.
Alteration. Any sign for which a permit has been issued shall not be modified, relocated, altered, or replaced, unless an amended or new sign permit is obtained from the CEO.
Expiration. A sign permit shall expire if the sign for which the permit has been issued is not fully constructed within 180 days from the date of issuance of the sign permit. The CEO may grant an extension, provided the applicant submits a written request with sufficient reason for the delay in construction.
Revocation. The CEO, at any time for a violation of this article, may issue a notice of violation. A written notice of the violation including all reasons for the violation shall be mailed to the property, building, and/or sign owner. Said violation must be corrected within 30 days of the date of notice, otherwise the sign permit shall be revoked and the sign in question shall be required to be removed.
Application submittal.
Sign permit applications shall be submitted to the CEO on the appropriate forms provided by the Village of Honeoye Falls.
Incomplete applications will not be processed. The CEO shall provide written or electronic notice of application deficiencies to applicants. If such deficiencies are not corrected within 30 days of notice, the application will be considered withdrawn.
Application requirements. The following shall be provided in all sign permit applications. The CEO may require application materials to be prepared by a licensed engineer or sign professional if deemed necessary for adequate review of the proposed sign.
Name, address, contact information, and signature of the applicant.
Name, address, and signature of the building and/or property owner (if not the applicant), and a statement of consent for the applicant to seek such sign permit.
Dimensions and drawings indicating the size, shape, construct, materials, and layout of the proposed sign(s).
Site plan and elevations indicating the proposed location and size of the sign(s) drawn to scale.
Color illustrations and/or photographs of the proposed sign and sign area.
Proposed illumination system, if any, and the type of lighting to be used.
All applicable permit fee(s).
Any additional site and/or sign information deemed necessary by the CEO for the proper review of such application.
Fees. A schedule of fees for sign permits may be established and amended from time to time by the Village of Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.
Administrative review procedures.
The CEO or their designee shall issue a decision within 30 days upon receipt of a complete application.
Sign applications may be approved, approved with modifications, or denied based on the standards and requirements set forth in this article.
A sign permit shall be issued only when an application therefor has been properly made and it is determined that the sign complies with this article and all other applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
ZBA referral.
The CEO may, at his or her discretion, refer any sign application to the ZBA for review and comment.
Such review may occur at any regularly or specially scheduled ZBA meeting.
The ZBA may issue a written recommendation to the CEO to approve, approve with conditions, or deny such sign application. A copy of the written findings shall also be mailed to the applicant.
Site plan or special permit review. Developments subject to review and approval under this chapter may have proposed signage reviewed and approved as part of the special permit or site plan review process. In the event of such review, all required sign permit application materials shall be provided as part of the special permit or site plan application.
Appeals. Any person aggrieved by a decision for a sign permit by the CEO or their designee may submit an appeal to the Village of Honeoye Falls Zoning Board of Appeals. Such appeal must be made within 30 days of the date of decision.
Area of signs.
Single sign face. The area of a sign shall be computed by means of the smallest square, circle, rectangle, triangle, or geometric combination thereof that will encompass the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, graphic, and/or other display, together with any material, backdrop, or structure on which it is placed. See Figures 1 and 2.
Multifaced signs. In the case of a multifaced sign only one side of the sign is considered in determining sign area if the sides of the sign are back-to-back or diverge at an angle of 45° or less.
Structural support. The supporting structure or bracing of a sign shall not be computed as part of the sign area unless such supporting structure or bracing is made a part of the message with the inclusion of any text or graphics. If such is the case, a combination of regular geometric shapes which can encompass the area of said text or graphics shall be included as part of the total sign area computation. See Figures 3 and 4.
Height of signs.
Freestanding sign. The height of a freestanding sign (such as a ground sign or pole sign) shall be calculated by measuring the vertical distance between the topmost edge of such sign or its structure, whichever is highest, to the elevation of the ground directly beneath the center of the sign. See Figures 3 and 4.
Other signs. The height of an awning, projecting, suspended, wall, or window sign shall be determined by measuring the vertical distance between the topmost edge of the sign face to the bottommost edge of the sign face. See Figures 1 and 2.
All signs shall be designed, constructed, and located in accordance with the following criteria to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the public:
No sign shall be erected, constructed, or maintained so as to obstruct free egress from a window, door or fire escape, to interfere with any opening required for ventilation, or to become a menace to life, health or property.
No sign shall be erected at or near any intersection of streets, alleys, or railways in a manner that obstructs free and clear vision for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
No sign shall be of a shape, color, or design that may be confused with any federal, state, or locally authorized traffic control sign or device.
No rotating beam, beacon, or flashing illumination shall be used with any sign.
Signs shall maintain clearance from high-voltage power lines.
The erection of any sign and its supports, including any wiring and/or electrical components utilized therein, shall be consistent with the requirements of the NYS Uniform Code and National Electrical Code, as applicable.
The erection of any sign, its supports, wiring, or other structural and/or electrical elements may be subject to inspection and approval by the Village CEO or their designee.
No sign may be posted on public property or within a public right-of-way unless otherwise provided for by this article or approved by the Village Board.
No sign may be affixed to any tree, shrub, rock, or other natural object.
No sign shall cover or cause the removal of architectural details such as, but not limited to, arches, sills, moldings, cornices, and transom windows.
All signs shall be located on the site being promoted, identified, advertised, or otherwise associated with the message of the sign.
All signs shall maintain a setback of at least six feet from all property lines, unless otherwise noted within this article.
No signage shall be permitted over three feet in height within the sight triangle of any intersection or driveway. The sight triangle shall have dimensions of six feet from the intersection of the right-of-way or property lines at such corner or driveway. See Figure 5.
All signs shall be constructed of permanent, weather resistant, and durable materials, except for banners, flags, temporary signs, and window signs otherwise in conformance with this article.
Where applicable, signs shall be supported by structures that are designed to resist wind pressures, dead loads, and lateral loads in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the NYS Uniform Code. Sign support structures may be subject to review and approval by the Village CEO or their designee.
No sign may be constructed of untreated, unfinished, or unpainted wood, or sandblasted metal. All wood components of signs must be sealed and protected from the elements.
DayGlo and fluorescent colors are prohibited. Signs are encouraged to utilize light-colored lettering on dark backgrounds to maximize legibility and use no more than three colors to reduce visual clutter.
In no event shall any illuminated sign or lighting device be placed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed upon a public street, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance.
All lighting fixtures shall be shielded and directed so as not to cast an illumination of more than two footcandles on adjacent nonresidential properties or more than 0.1 footcandle on adjacent residential properties.
Intermittent illumination or illumination which involves movement, or causes the illusion of movement resulting from the arrangement of lighting, is prohibited.
The use of internal illumination or channel lettering shall be prohibited. Reverse channel lettering may be utilized as permitted by this article for certain sign types and districts.
External lighting fixtures for freestanding signs may be mounted on the ground or on the sign, but shall be so directed and shielded to illuminate the sign face only.
Overhead wires or exposed wires on a sign or its supporting structure are prohibited.
The following signs are prohibited within the Village:
Any sign for which no sign permit was issued, for which a sign permit was revoked, or any other sign not explicitly authorized herein.
Any sign that is not properly maintained, considered structurally unsound, hazardous, or otherwise unsafe.
Any sign placed on a curb, sidewalk, hydrant, utility pole, tree or other object located on or over any public street unless otherwise permitted by this article.
Any sign that advertises an activity, business, product or service no longer conducted or available on the premises on which the sign is located.
Any sign that is located off-premises from the use and/or structure to which it serves, unless otherwise permitted by this article.
Any sign that contains words or pictures of an obscene or pornographic nature.
Any sign that emits audible sounds, odor, or visible matter.
Any sign that may be confused with a traffic control sign, signal or device or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle or any sign which hides from public view any traffic or street sign, signal, or device.
Any sign that flashes, blinks, rotates, or revolves, or utilizes unshielded lighting devices, mirrors, or reflective material.
Any internally illuminated sign, except signs utilizing reverse channel lettering.
Any sign that is mounted on wheels or mounted on any structure on wheels.
Any sign that is painted directly on a wall, fence, or other structure.
Any sign erected upon or projecting above the roof of a structure.
Any banner, poster, pennant, ribbon, streamer, spinner, or balloon, unless such material is utilized as temporary signage subject to the regulations of § 190-130G.
The following types of signs may be erected in the Village without obtaining a sign permit. Although permits are not required for these signs, they shall conform to the requirements of this article or may be subject to removal by the CEO.
Directional signs. Signs that provide direction to pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorists shall not require a sign permit, provided the following conditions are met. Such signs may include but are not limited to signs providing direction to parking, restrooms, walkways, entrances, or exits.
Directional signs shall be located entirely on the property to which they pertain and shall not contain a commercial message (e.g., business name).
The total of directional signs on any one property shall not exceed an area of six square feet in a residential district, or 16 square feet in a nonresidential district.
Directional signs shall not exceed three feet in height.
Directional signs may not extend above the first floor of any given structure or project beyond property lines.
Illumination of directional signs shall require the issuance of a sign permit.
Gasoline pump signs. Signs attached to a gasoline pump shall not require a permit, provided they do not exceed six square feet in area and are not illuminated.
Governmental signs. Any official sign, public notice, or warning sign supported by federal, state or local law, including but not limited to signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any government functions. (Example: NYS inspection station or authorized repair shop identification.) There are no size requirements or time limits for governmental signs.
Internal signs. Signs within a building or structure not legible from the public right-of-way or adjacent lots, or any sign within an enclosed outdoor space, such as an athletic field, where such sign is intended only to be seen from within the enclosed space and is so oriented.
Lawn signs. Lawn signs shall be allowed on any lot without a permit, provided it is in conformance with the following:
No single sign exceeds three feet in height and six square feet in area.
No sign is displayed for more than 60 days in a ninety-day period.
No sign is illuminated.
The cumulative area of all signs on the lot does not exceed 12 square feet.
Neon signs. Neon signs are permitted in nonresidential districts, provided they conform to the following:
No more than one neon sign per window, covering no more than 10% of the window area.
No more than two neon signs per use.
Noncommercial signs. Any sign that does not contain a commercial message shall not require the issuance of a sign permit, provided such sign is in conformance with the following:
There is no more than one sign per use.
The sign does not exceed three feet in height and six feet in area.
The sign is not illuminated.
Sandwich board signs. Sandwich board signs shall not require a permit, provided the following conditions are met:
There is no more than one per use.
The sign is not illuminated.
The sign does not exceed three feet in height and two feet in width.
The sign is not located in the public right-of-way, unless such use is located within the Central Business District, and does not impede visibility or access of pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorists.
The sign is brought in each day at the close of business.
The following table indicates the number and types of signs permitted in the Village of Honeoye Falls zoning districts, as established by this chapter.
A fully filled dot indicates that the sign type is permitted and may be illuminated.
An outline of a dot indicates that the sign type is permitted but may not be illuminated.
A "-" indicates that the sign type is not permitted.
Maximum Number
Projecting or Suspended
Residential Districts (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4)
Per use
Business Districts (NB, CB, GB)
Per use
GB •
Industrial Districts (LI, MI)
Per use
Requirements by sign Type see § 190-34.14
Window and temporary signs shall not count towards the allotted signage for any given use.
The following table indicates the permitted number of signs and sign types for certain development and building configurations. Unless noted as additional signage, these regulations supersede that of the previous Subsection A, regardless of zoning district.
Maximum Number
Permitted Sign Type and Standards
Single-Family or Multifamily Residential Development
Per street entrance
1 (maximum 2)
Ground sign, maximum height 4 feet and maximum area 24 square feet
Mixed-Use or Multitenant Commercial Development
Per use or tenant
As permitted in zoning district, except ground signs shall be prohibited
Additional per lot
Ground or pole sign, maximum height 15 feet and maximum area 32 square feet
Multistory, Mixed-Use or Multitenant Commercial Building
Per first-floor entrance
As permitted in zoning district
Per upper-floor entrance
As permitted in zoning district, sign shall be shared by upper-floor uses
Corner Building
Per primary facade or entrance
1 additional
As permitted in zoning district
Awning sign: a sign that is part of or attached to a roof-like protective cover of canvas or other flexible material over a door, entrance, window or outdoor service area that projects from the facade of a structure.
All awning signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning District
Maximum number (per awning)
Maximum area
Maximum height (inches)
Minimum clearance (feet)
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Awning signs shall be flat against the surface of the awning and may not extend beyond the valence area or be located on the underside of the awning.
Ground sign: a sign not attached to any building or structure, which may be supported by one or two columns or posts, provided the distance between the ground and bottommost edge of the sign is no greater than three feet.
All ground signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
Maximum number (per lot)
Maximum area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Not permitted
No ground sign shall be permitted on any lot where the principal structure is not set back at least 20 feet from the front property line.
The use of reverse channel lettering is permitted in districts allowing illumination of signs.
A landscaped area extending at least one foot beyond the width and depth of the sign shall be required at the base of all ground signs.
Pole sign: a sign not attached to any building or structure supported by one or two columns or posts with a distance exceeding three feet between the ground and the bottommost edge of the sign.
All pole signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
Maximum number (per lot)
Maximum area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
No pole sign shall be permitted on any lot where the principal structure is not set back at least 20 feet from the front property line.
The use of reverse channel lettering is permitted in districts allowing illumination of signs.
A landscaped area of at least four square feet in area shall be required at the base of all pole signs.
Projecting or suspended sign:
A projecting sign is a sign which is wholly dependent upon a building for support and which projects more than six inches but less than 39 inches from such building.
A suspended sign is a sign attached to and supported by the underside of a horizontal plane.
All projecting and suspended signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
Maximum number (per use)
Maximum area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Minimum clearance (feet)
8; 13 over driveways
8; 13 over driveways
8; 13 over driveways
Signs which overhang a public right-of-way, including sidewalks, shall be covered by a public liability insurance policy satisfactory to the Village and which names the Village as an insured party.
The top of the sign may be suspended in line with one of the following, whichever is the most successful application of scale, linear continuity and visibility as determined by the CEO:
Suspended between the bottom sills of the second story windows and the top of the doors and windows of the ground floor; or
The lowest point of the roof of a one-story building.
Wall sign: a sign fastened to the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for or forms the background surface of the sign and which does not project outward more than six inches from such building or structure.
All wall signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
Maximum number (per use)
Maximum area (square feet)
1 per linear foot of building frontage or 20% of facade, whichever is less
1 per linear foot of building frontage or 20% of facade, whichever is less
Maximum height (feet)
Not permitted
Where two or more wall signs are affixed to one wall, the maximum area shall be the sum total of all sign areas.
The use of reverse channel lettering is permitted in districts allowing illumination of signs.
Window sign: a sign visible from a sidewalk, street or other public place, painted or affixed on glass or other window material, or located inside within three feet of the window, but shall not include graphics in connection with customary window display of products.
All window signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
Maximum number
Maximum area
25% of window
30% of window
30% of window
30% of window
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Window signs shall be limited to first-floor windows only.
Temporary sign: a sign which is not intended to be used for a period of time exceeding 30 days and is not attached to a building, structure, or ground in a permanent manner; such signs usually being constructed of poster board, cardboard, masonite, plywood, or plastic material and mounted to wood, metal, wire or rope frames or supports.
All temporary signs shall be in conformance with the standards of the following table:
Zoning Districts
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4
Maximum number (per use)
Maximum area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Temporary signs shall require the issuance of a permit from the CEO.
Temporary signs shall not be displayed for more than 30 days in a ninety-day period. The display of a temporary sign may be extended for up to two additional thirty-day periods upon written request to the CEO setting forth the special circumstances requiring such extension.
Digital sign: a sign that utilizes computer-generated messages or some other electronic means of changing copy. These signs may include displays using incandescent lamps, LEDs, LCDs or a flipper matrix.
Digital signs shall be permitted only as part of a legal ground or pole sign. The use of digital signs is prohibited in residential districts and the Central Business District.
The digital sign component of any ground or pole sign shall not exceed 30% of the total sign area.
Digital signs shall display static messages with no animation, no effects simulating animation, and no video.
Changes in copy, message, or graphics shall occur no more than once every 12 hours.
Each transition shall be accomplished immediately with no fade, scroll, travel, flash, spin, revolve, shake or include any other type of movement or motion.
Digital signs shall be equipped with photosensitive equipment that is programmed to automatically adjust the brightness and contrast of the sign in direct relation to the ambient outdoor illumination.
The illuminance of a digital sign shall be measured with an illuminance meter set to measure footcandles accurate to at least two decimals. Illuminance shall be measured with the digital sign off, and again with the digital sign displaying a white image for a full color-capable sign, or a solid message for a single-color sign. All measurements shall be taken at a height of at least five feet and a distance determined by the following calculation. All fractions shall round up to the nearest foot.
The difference between the digital sign measurements when off and when displaying a solid-message (using the digital sign measurement criteria) shall not exceed 0.3 footcandle, regardless of ambient lighting conditions.
All digital signs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device that automatically determines the ambient illumination and programmed to automatically dim according to ambient light conditions, or that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 footcandle measurements.
Digital signs shall be programmed or set in such a manner that the display will turn dark and emit no light in case of malfunction.
No digital sign shall be located within 50 feet of a residentially zoned property as measured in a straight line from the location of the sign to the nearest residential property line.
All signs shall be maintained in safe and good structural condition, in compliance with all applicable building and electrical codes, and in conformance with this article at all times.
Such maintenance includes replacement of all defective bulbs, parts, materials, painting, repainting, cleaning, replacement of lettering, and other acts required for maintenance of such sign. If any sign does not comply with these standards, the CEO may require its removal.
Where required by this article, the removal of signs shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the property upon which the sign is located.
Signs requiring removal in accordance with this article shall be removed within 30 days of the date of written notice by the CEO. Failure to remove such signs upon notice hereby authorizes the CEO or their designee to effect their removal.
The CEO may remove any sign that is found to be in violation of this article. The property owner shall subsequently be given written notice of such removal. If the sign is not claimed within 30 days of the written notice, it may be recovered by the owner upon paying the Village for cost of removal and storage and upon payment of any imposed fine. If not recovered within the thirty-day period, the sign or sign structure is hereby declared abandoned and title thereto shall be vested in the Village for disposal.
Any costs incurred by the Village for the removal of a sign shall be fully reimbursed to the Village of Honeoye Falls by the owner of the property upon which the sign is located. Such costs may be assessed to the property for collection by the Village.
Other than sign maintenance, a sign which does not conform to the sign law shall not be replaced, reconstructed, remodeled, relocated or changed in size unless such action will make the sign conforming in all respects to this article.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent or discourage repair and maintenance of a nonconforming sign, including sign maintenance, repainting and replacement of broken or deteriorated parts of the sign itself. Supporting structures of nonconforming signs shall not be replaced, unless such replacement will make the sign and sign structure conforming in all respects to this article.
A nonconforming sign or sign structure which is destroyed or damaged by any casualty may be restored within six months after such destruction or damage only after the owner has shown that the damage did not exceed 50% of the appraised value of the sign. If such sign or sign structure is destroyed or damaged to an extent exceeding 50% of the appraised value of the sign, it shall be removed and shall not be reconstructed or replaced unless such action makes the sign and sign structure conforming in all respects to said sign law.
Violation of any provision of this article or any lawful order of the CEO or their designee shall be subject to a fine of not more than $250 per offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. A second violation will result in a fine of $500 per offense. A third violation will result in a fine of $1,000 per offense.
In the event that the Village Board makes a determination that the property and/or sign owner in violation is actively working with the Village to remedy any and all offenses and has an identified action plan, the Village Board may waive the consideration of each day as a separate offense.