[HISTORY: 1973 Code §§ A161-1—A161-8 as amended through October 13, 2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Whereas, Camp Wyanokie Association, a nonprofit corporation of the State of New Jersey, is the owner of approximately 150 acres of land in the Township of West Milford, Passaic County, New Jersey, which has been operated as a picnic and overnight camping area for the benefit of the citizens of Caldwell, Fairfield, North Caldwell, Roseland and West Caldwell, and said Association has offered to convey said premises with the improvements thereon to said boroughs, on condition that said camp be maintained for the benefit of the people of said communities; subject to the payment to Camp Wyanokie Association of the sum of $1200.00 and subject to unpaid taxes due and owing; and
Whereas, the aforesaid municipalities have agreed to create a joint commission, to be known as "Camp Wyanokie Commission," for the purpose of acquiring joint title from said Association and to authorize the execution of a written agreement, subject to the approval of the Director of Local Government in the State Department of the Treasury; and to provide for management and operation of said property and to establish the contributions to be made by each of the municipalities for such purpose.
There is hereby authorized and created jointly with the Borough of Caldwell, Borough of Fairfield, Borough of North Caldwell, Borough of Roseland and Borough of West Caldwell, all in the County of Essex, each of which is a municipal corporation of the State of New Jersey, a commission to be known as "Camp Wyanokie Commission," which is hereby established and constituted and shall consist of a Board of Trustees, for the acquisition, planning, development and operation of recreational facilities in the premises hereinabove referred to and more particularly described in the agreement between the municipalities annexed hereto which is hereby approved.
Said Board of Trustees shall consist of 10 members, one member of each Borough Council appointed by each governing body annually, and five citizens members, one of whom shall be appointed annually by the governing body to each municipality.
Said Board of Trustees shall have full power and authority conferred upon it by said agreement, copy of which is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk and available for inspection by any citizen interested therein.
A Management Commission of seven members shall be created, which shall consist of three members of the Trustees and four other citizens at large designated by the Trustees, all of whom shall be residents of the municipalities and shall serve at the pleasure of the Trustees.
Said Trustees shall have the power and authority to establish rules and regulations for the operation, maintenance, control and supervision of the said property and to authorize the appointment of a Director, under the direction and supervision of the Management Committee.
For the purpose of providing for the acquisition of said property, there shall be raised in the municipal budgets for the year 1972 and appropriated to the use of the Camp Wyanokie Commission the total sum of $10,000, of which sum each of said boroughs shall raise, appropriate and pay over to said Commission its ratable proportion therein, based upon the number of population in each community as follows:
Ratable Proportion
North Caldwell
West Caldwell
The conveyance of said premises from said Camp Wyanokie Association shall be subject to the condition that said premises shall not be sold, encumbered or conveyed by all of the respective municipalities at any time, without the approval and consent of said Camp Wyanokie Association expressed in writing; nothing herein contained, however, shall prevent any one or more of the municipalities from conveying their respective interests in the said lands and premises to other municipalities hereinabove stated, subject to the continued operation of said property as provided in said agreement.
This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law, and the adoption of a similar ordinance by the Borough of Caldwell, Borough of Fairfield, Borough of North Caldwell, Borough of Roseland and Borough of West Caldwell.