[HISTORY: 1973 Code §§ 78-1—78-8 as amended through October 13, 2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Residential homes, condominiums, townhouses.
It shall be mandatory for all occupants of homes, condominiums, and townhouses to separate those materials specified and defined herein for the purpose of recycling. The materials so designated for recycling shall be placed for collection by each occupant in the manner provided for in this chapter. All such materials shall no longer be considered as solid waste, as defined herein. Any materials placed for solid waste collection which contain recyclable material will be rejected for collection as solid waste, and the occupant shall be required to effect the mandatory separation of recyclable materials.
Commercial, institutional, industrial.
Every commercial, institutional, or industrial facility within the Borough of North Caldwell, as well as all recycling firms collecting recyclables from the Borough of North Caldwell establishments must submit to the Municipal Recycling Coordinator on an annual basis, on such forms as may be prescribed, all recycling activities at their premises, including accurate weight slips with the amount of recycled material, material type collected and recycled, and the vendor or vendors providing recycling service.
Documentation will be at no charge to the Borough of North Caldwell and must satisfy state requirements for eligibility for state tonnage grants. Documentation for each calendar year must be submitted no later than March 1 of the following year to the Municipal Recycling Coordinator. Anyone not complying shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 78-3B(2).
Multifamily complexes.
All new multifamily housing developments that require subdivision or site plan approval shall include collection or storage facilities which allow for the placement and temporary storage of all recyclable materials required of other borough residences. For the purposes of this provision, "multifamily housing" shall mean three or more housing units.
Any application to the Planning Board of the Borough of North Caldwell for subdivision or site plan approval for the construction of 25 or more units of multifamily residential housing, single-family developments of 50 or more units, or any commercial, institutional, or industrial development proposal for the utilization of 1,000 square feet or more of land, must include a recycling plan to be compliant.
Summarized List of Mandatory Materials.
RESIDENTIAL: All homes, condominiums, townhouses, apartments, trailer parks, etc., including certain housing types considered institutional (i.e. senior citizen homes) are to recycle the following materials. There are no de minimum standards based upon amount or weight:
Mixed paper (i.e. junk mail, office paper, all marketable grades)
Old corrugated containers
Glass food and beverage containers
Aluminum beverage containers
Used motor oil
White goods
Lead acid batteries (vehicle batteries)
Plastics (#1 to #7)
Steel/Tin Containers
Ferrous Scrap
Poly Board
COMMERCIAL: All places of business (wholesale, retail, service, food, transportation, etc.) are included in this sector:
Glass food and beverage containers
Aluminum beverage containers
Old corrugated containers
Office paper (all marketable grades)
Used motor oil
White goods
Lead acid batteries (vehicle batteries)
Plastics (#1 to #7)
Steel/Tin Containers
Ferrous Scrap
INSTITUTIONAL: All government buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, etc. are included in this sector:
Glass food and beverage containers
Aluminum beverage containers
Old corrugated containers
Office paper (all marketable grades)
Used motor oil
White goods
Lead acid batteries (vehicle batteries)
Plastics (#1 to #7)
Steel/Tin Containers
Ferrous Scrap
Compliance by nonresidential locations, penalty.
It shall be mandatory for owners, operators and/or their respective agents of all nonresidential locations to prepare and implement a program of mandatory recycling for the occupants of said locations. The program so required by the terms of this chapter shall be subject to the review and approval of the Mayor and Borough Council to assure that the goal of mandatory recycling is met by the nonresidential locations situated in the borough. Any person, firm or corporation who or which neglects to comply with the provisions for recycling, as set forth herein, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000. Each and every day that a violation of this nature continues shall be considered a separate offense.
As used in this chapter:
Includes all containers normally used for products for consumer end-use purposes, typically beverage containers.
The corporations, firms, organizations or individuals who or which have been awarded contracts by the Borough of North Caldwell for the collection of solid waste and/or recyclables.
Large items of solid waste which because of their size or weight cannot be contained in suitable receptacles. Typical items include but are not limited to furniture, carpeting, mattresses and bedsprings.
Includes but is not limited to brick, cement, roofing materials, scrap metals, window glass, wood, tree stumps, logs, branches and other like materials.
Material commonly used for boxes, shipping containers and packing material having exterior cardboard plies separated by air spaces created by one or more fabricated cardboard plies.
Includes all metal containers made of steel and/or tin (most commonly food cans), bimetal cans with steel sides and bottoms and aluminum tops.
Includes all containers and vessels such as bottles, jars, glasses and jugs made entirely and exclusively of glass. Plate glass, mirrors and light bulbs are specifically excluded from this definition.
All waste which poses a present or potential danger or threat to human health, living organisms or the environment. It shall include waste which is toxic, corrosive, irritating, radioactive, biologically infectious, explosive or flammable. Included as typical of this waste are insecticides, acids, cleaning compounds and paint products.
Automobile batteries constructed of a plastic housing, containing primarily a combination of lead and sulfuric acid. Specifically excluded are consumer batteries or household batteries.
Natural foliage from deciduous trees and bushes that are suitable for composting and mulching.
All newspaper, fine paper, bond paper, brown paper, office paper, magazines, paperback books, school paper, catalogs, computer paper, telephone books, envelopes with or without windows and similar cellulosic material, whether shredded or whole.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
Includes paper of the type commonly referred to as "newsprint," usually of a daily or weekly distribution and availability character and containing printed matter of public interest and advertisements. Expressly excluded are magazines and other periodicals, as well as other paper products of any nature whatsoever, unless delivered or purchased as newspaper inserts.
White typed, print shop, copier or computer printout paper and envelopes. Excluded are colored materials used in this regard.
Any containers commonly used for beverages or food.
A process by which specified materials which would otherwise be discarded as solid waste are separated, collected, processed and converted into commercially valuable materials or products.
A receptacle, made of plastic, metal or fiberglass, having handles and a capacity not to exceed 35 gallons. The weight of the container and its contents shall not exceed 65 pounds.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
All putrescible and nonputrescible materials not otherwise specifically described in this section.
Rubber tires from automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles and light-duty trucks, exclusive of rims.
Any crankcase oil recovered as a result of periodic maintenance of internal-combustion engines.
Appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, dryers, steel or cast-iron plumbing fixtures, dishwashers and water heaters.
All materials designated by the Borough of North Caldwell as recyclable shall be separated at the source of generation and recycled in the manner herein stated. In accordance with a schedule announced by the Borough of North Caldwell, the following materials will be collected at curbside in the manner herein set forth.
Newspaper, mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, and office paper shall be placed in recycling containers, as defined herein and placed at the curb for collection at such times as established by the Borough of North Caldwell.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
Aluminum containers, ferrous metal, glass and plastic containers shall be emptied of products and shall be commingled and placed in recycling containers as defined herein and placed at the curb for collection at such times as established by the Borough of North Caldwell.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
Lead-acid batteries shall be delivered to any automobile supply establishment or service station which accepts used lead-acid batteries.
Leaves shall be placed at curbside in biodegradable paper bags only at such times as established by the Borough of North Caldwell.
Used motor oil shall be delivered to any area service station for recycling.
White goods not removed by the seller, installer or deliverer of new items shall be placed at curbside at such times as established by the Borough of North Caldwell.
Construction and demolition debris.
As a condition to the issuance of any permanent certificate of occupancy, it shall be mandatory that written proof be submitted that all construction and demolition debris has been properly recycled. Written documentation of tonnage of the material recycled shall be made by accurate weight slips and/or in such form as required by the Borough Engineer as will satisfy State of New Jersey requirements for Borough of North Caldwell eligibility for tonnage grants and required recycling goals.
Any person, firm or corporation who or which neglects to comply with the provisions for recycling of construction and demolition debris shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000. Each and every day that a violation of this nature continues shall be considered a separate offense.
Placement of receptacles at curbside; penalty.
Placement of Receptacles at Curbside; Penalty. No receptacles or materials should be placed at curbside prior to 4:00 p.m. of the day before the scheduled collection day, nor shall the receptacle be permitted to remain in public view beyond 11:30 p.m. of the day collected.
[Amended Ord. No. 5-2016; 9-27-2023 by Ord. No. O-18-2023]
Any person who fails to comply with the aforesaid provision of § 78-3B(1) shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $50. Each and every day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
Persons who are incapacitated may request, in writing, for direct assistance from the Borough of North Caldwell for alternate means of collection of recyclable materials.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
The Code Enforcement Official, the Department of Health, the Recycling Coordinator, the Property Maintenance Official, and the Essex County Department of Health are hereby individually and severally empowered to enforce the provisions of this chapter. An inspection may consist of, but is not limited to, sorting through containers and opening of solid waste bags to detect, by sound or sight, the presence of any recyclable material.
The Borough Administrator is hereby authorized to promulgate from time to time additional rules and regulations relating to the separation, preparation, collection and schedule of collection of the recyclable materials pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with terms and provisions of this chapter and shall be approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council. Failure to comply with such rules and regulations duly adopted pursuant to this chapter shall constitute a violation of the provisions of this chapter.
From the time of placement by any person of recyclables for collection by the borough or its authorized agent, such recyclables shall become the property of the borough or its authorized agent. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation not so authorized by the borough to collect or pick up or cause to be collected or picked up any such recyclables for any purpose whatsoever. Each such collection in violation hereof from one or more locations shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each location and shall be punishable as hereinafter provided. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500.