[HISTORY: 1973 Code §§ 21-1—21-11 as amended through October 13, 2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
For the purposes of this chapter, the terms herein are defined as follows:
A power-operated, water-cooled, or air-cooled device connected to a duct system, designed for human comfort cooling, but excludes a fixed or movable type of air conditioner installed in a room or window or through a wall, intended to cool an individual room.
No central air conditioner shall hereafter be installed to serve any existing dwelling erected on a lot located in any residence district delineated on the Zoning Map mentioned and referred to in § 107-10 of Code Chapter 107, Zoning and land use unless a permit so to do is first obtained from the Building Inspector. Where the condensing unit, fan, circulator or water tower of such central air conditioner is to be placed outside the confines of such dwelling, the same shall be located in the rear yard or the side yard of the lot. All such condensing units, fans, circulators or water towers placed in the side yard shall be screened with shrubbery at least four feet in height as approved by the Building Inspector. All screening shall be maintained as originally approved. If the screening is not so maintained, any permit granted is subject to revocation by the Building Inspector.
No central air conditioner shall be installed to serve any dwelling hereafter erected on a lot located in any such residence district, where the condensing unit, fan, circulator, or water tower of such central air conditioner is to be placed outside the confines of such dwelling, unless the same is located as set forth in the preceding section.
The condensing unit, fan, circulator, or water tower of a central air conditioner hereafter installed to serve a building or structure erected or to be erected in any zoning district other than a residence district, if not located upon the roof of such building or structure, shall be so placed as to comply with the setback provisions of the zoning district in which the lot is located.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, where, by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific piece of property, or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, or by reason of other extraordinary and exceptional situation or condition of such piece of property, or in the case of a corner lot, the strict application of the foregoing provisions respecting the location of the condensing unit, fan, circulator or water tower of a central air conditioner would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to the owner of such property, then, upon application to and approval by the Mayor and Council, the Building Inspector may be authorized to issue a permit for the location of the same at a place other than as herein specified, provided the Council is satisfied that such alternative location will not substantially impair the intent and purpose of this chapter and will not result in loud, offensive or unnecessary noise to the occupants of any adjoining dwelling or structure.
Application, in duplicate, on forms supplied by the Building Inspector, for the installation of a central air conditioner in accordance herewith, shall be accompanied by a survey prepared by a licensed land surveyor of the State of New Jersey, showing the property lines of the lot, the location of the building or structure, the front, side and rear yard dimensions, and the proposed location, drawn to scale, of the condensing unit, fan, circulator or water tower. The application shall specify the following information:
Name and address of the applicant.
Name and address of the owner of the property, if other than applicant.
Address of the premises where the installation is proposed to be made, including the block and lot numbers, and the zoning district in which located.
Name of the manufacturer of the air conditioner, and the manufacturer's identification or classification of the unit.
All new and existing buildings, including, but not limited to, private dwelling units, installing a central air conditioner, as hereinabove defined, after the effective date of this section, shall contain and provide a fire and smoke detector and control system as hereinafter described.
The fire and smoke detector shall be of the ionization type. It shall operate on the ionization principle and shall be designed to activate by the presence of combustion products. The detector shall be listed and approved by Underwriters Laboratories.
Upon activation, the detector shall provide an audible alarm which is to be so distributed and of such character that it can be heard in all rooms of the building with their doors closed. This audible signal shall be distinctive from audible signaling devices which may be used for other purposes in the building. The detector system shall be designed for and capable of either self-restoration or manual restoration to normal condition after each test or alarm and shall remain in normal condition for operation. No provisions shall be made for deactivation of the audible alarm other than by reactivation of the detector system.
The detector alarm system shall be operated from the building's main electrical supply through a branch supply circuit designated and utilized only for the detector alarm system. The detector shall have a light or other signaling device indicating that the unit is in operation. The detector shall have no moving parts other than the audible signaling device.
The detector shall be so connected to the central air conditioner that activation of the detector will deactivate the central air conditioner's main power supply in addition to sounding the alarm.
The detection units shall be installed in the ceiling so as to provide detection in at least the following locations in a dwelling house:
Landing area at the head of each staircase in a dwelling of two or more stories.
Hall or passageway between the living quarters and sleeping quarters of a single-story dwelling, or in hallway between sleeping quarters where only the second story of a two-story dwelling is centrally air conditioned.
Combinations of Subsection E(1) and (2) if sleeping quarters are divided between first and upper floors.
Detection units may be installed in return air ducts at the cooling unit of the central air conditioner, provided that cleaning maintenance is not required or the design of the detector is such that improper, or the lack of, cleaning maintenance will result in sounding the alarm and disconnecting the central air conditioner.
All fans of the so-called "attic-fan type," that is, large high-volume fans used to withdraw air from an entire dwelling through pressure and/or mechanically activated louvers in the ceiling of the upper parts of a dwelling house, installed after the effective date of this section, shall have installed at the louvers a suitable safety switch of the fusible-link type which is sensitive to high temperatures and the effects of fire. Said switch is to be electrically connected to the drive motor of the fan so as to disable the fan if abnormally high temperatures due to fire are encountered. Operation of the thermally sensitive switch shall not impair the closing of the louvers.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties stated in Chapter 1, Article II General Penalty, Section 1-5 et seq., and each day that such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.