[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Thompson as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-27-1967 (Ord. No. 10-035)]
No person shall burn any garbage, refuse, or wastes outdoors, on the Transfer and Recycling Station of the Town of Thompson, or elsewhere in the Town, or on public or private land. Exception may be granted in writing by the Burn Officer and/or the Fire Chief, if deemed by them to be for the public good or for the elimination of a hazard. The burning of brush must be in compliance with regulations of the local Burn Officer of the Town of Thompson.
Any person violating the provision of this article shall be fined; see Schedule of Fees and Fines for each violation.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
[Adopted 5-6-2019 (Ord. No. 19-001)]
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The purpose of this article is to establish a fee schedule[1] to allow the Fire Marshal's Office of the Town of Thompson to collect fees in connections with the Fire Marshal's fire inspection and plan review responsibilities under Connecticut General Statutes § 29-305, the State Fire Prevention Code, the Connecticut General Statutes, and/or the regulations promulgated by the State Fire Marshal's Office or the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Where the Fire Marshal's Office performs an inspection that requires official certification issued from the Office, a fee shall be charged for such inspection prior to issuance of the certification. The fees for such inspection will be listed on the fee schedule form.
Plan review requirements listed below are defined in the Connecticut Fire Safety Code, Part 1, Administrative:
Section 104, Plan Submittal and Review: "Detailed plans and specifications for new structures and additions, renovations, or alterations to existing structures shall be submitted by the applicant to the local fire marshal having jurisdiction to demonstrate compliance with section 29-263 of the Connecticut General Statutes and this code."
Section 105, Building Permit Approval: "The local fire marshal shall provide to the local building official certification in writing prior to the issuance of a building permit that the construction documents for any building, structure, or use subject to the requirements of this code are in substantial compliance with the requirements of this code. Because of the 30-day time limit imposed by section 29-263 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the fire marshal shall notify the building official of the degree of compliance within that time period."
Whenever any person, firm, business, or other entity submits a plan in connection with a building permit for review and/or approval from the Fire Marshal's Office, the fees for said review shall be based on the fee schedule.
Any building plans for buildings 25,000 square feet or greater may be required to have an independent plan review, as determined at the sole discretion of the Thompson Fire Marshal's Office. The independent plan review shall be conducted by a plan reviewer hired by the applicant and is subject to approval by the Fire Marshal's Office. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with the approved and contracted plan reviewer's independent review. The applicant shall submit the plan reviewer's written report, along with documentation that the reviewer's cost has been paid in full. A fee of 1/4 the plan review scheduled price shall be assessed for the Fire Marshal's Office review of the written report and plans. The Fire Marshal's Office will have 10 days to review and, upon approval, shall submit authorization to release the building permit, in writing, to the Town of Thompson Building Official in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes § 29-263.
Approval to install, operate, or conduct an operation listed below shall require a permit to be issued from the Fire Marshal's Office prior to such action. When the Fire Marshal's Office issues a permit to install, operate, or conduct an operation, the fees on the fee schedule shall apply.
Retail fireworks/sparkler vendor (annual).
Retail fireworks/sparkler vendor (thirty-day).
Private fireworks display.
Fireworks/explosives storage.
Pyrotechnics/special effects.
[Added 5-30-2023]
Underground flammable/combustible storage tank removal.
Commercial fuel tank installation.
Propane filling station (annual).
Propane exchange retail operation (annual).
Blasting permits.
Open burning permits.
Missed (no-show) inspection fee.
Return check fee (per Town policy).
All requests for copies of reports will be charged a fee in accordance with the Town of Thompson policies and the Freedom of Information Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See C.G.S. § 1-200 et seq.
No permit or required certificate shall be issued to any party until the fee for such permit or certificate has been submitted with appropriate application.
The First Selectperson may take all enforcement action necessary to secure payment of the delinquent unpaid fees, including the authorization of the Town Attorney to bring action for payment in the court of law.
All fees shall be made payable to the "Town of Thompson."
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this article or violates any condition attached to a permit or fails to carry out any order made pursuant to this article shall be subject to a fine listed in the Schedule of Fees and Fines in Chapter 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties, of this Code.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Government, public education, and nonprofit organizations are exempt from fees listed on the fee schedule but are still subject to the required permits and inspections.
The Select Board, upon written request from the applicant and with approval from the Fire Marshal's Office, may waive any fees listed in the fee schedule for the good of the Town of Thompson.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Any building deemed as a hazardous condition to firefighters by the local Fire Marshal based off NFPA 1 shall be required to display a twenty-four-inch by twenty-four-inch sign complying with the Fire Department's marking system. The cost of such signage and mounting shall be paid for by the property owner, and the signage shall be mounted on the front exterior of such building in plain sight for so as to be visible for Fire Department personnel.