[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Thompson 11-2-1978; amended 4-25-1985; 9-26-2006 (Ord. No. 10-040). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of Thompson, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 130 of the Connecticut General Statutes, hereby creates a Redevelopment Agency to consist of five electors of the Town having no salaried municipal office, to be appointed by the Select Board as follows: one to be appointed for a term of one year, one to be appointed for a term of two years, one to be appointed for a term of three years, one to be appointed for a term of four years, one to be appointed for a term of five years, and successive members to be appointed by the Select Board for terms of five years each as the various terms shall expire from time to time. Each member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and has qualified, and any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term.
The Agency shall have all those necessary powers conferred upon such agencies by law, as the same may be modified from time to time, specifically to include the power to make application on behalf of the Town of Thompson for state and/or federal funding for its purposes as set forth in Chapter 130 of the Connecticut General Statutes and in appropriate federal laws.
The Agency is hereby authorized to acquire and rehabilitate any property it deems necessary or in the best interest of the Town of Thompson within a proposed redevelopment area bounded northerly by Buckley Hill Road corridor, easterly by the Route 12 corridor, southerly by the Route 200 corridor, and on the west by the Main Street corridor.
Said Redevelopment Agency is authorized to acquire said properties up to a maximum expenditure of $200,000, said expenditures to be funded by state and federal grants, existing appropriations and such further appropriations as the Town may, from time to time, authorize.
The Agency shall, from time to time, conduct public hearings within the Town of Thompson concerning its proposals and shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coordinate its proposals with the Thompson Planning and Zoning Commission.
Said Agency shall have three alternate members who shall also be electors of the Town, having no salaried municipal office, to be appointed by the Select Board; one for an initial term of one year, one for an initial term of three years, and one for an initial term of five years, and such successive appointments shall be for a term of five years. The various terms shall expire from time to time and each member shall serve until his or her successor is appointed as qualified and any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Select Board.