[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Thompson 11-24-2020 (Ord. No. 10-021). Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Material accepted at the Thompson Transfer and Recycling Station includes items defined by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection as bulky waste and oversized municipal solid waste. Thompson's Transfer and Recycling Station accepts the following bulky waste items: old carpet, pallets, insulation, wood scraps, paneling, old bathroom fixtures, and oversized municipal solid waste, including furniture, sofas, mattresses, carpets and rugs, oversized toys, stuffed chairs, and painted and clean wood. No asbestos or other hazardous waste shall be disposed of as bulky waste. See the Transfer and Recycling Station pamphlet.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Any person, firm, or corporation charging a fee for the collection, transportation, and/or dumping of garbage, and includes those who collect and dispose of refuse as a secondary aspect of other commercial services, such as contractors and construction companies.
The Thompson Transfer and Recycling Station accepts clean, organic materials for composting at the Transfer and Recycling Station. Natural, organic items accepted at the Thompson Transfer and Recycling Station for composting are: leaves, small quantities of grass clippings, hay and straw, stalks and stems from vegetable gardens, horse manure, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and bark in small quantities.
The area designated by the Town of Thompson for the dumping of garbage and rubbish and recyclables.
Depositing, discharging, placing, and disposing of garbage and recyclables.
Materials that are identified by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)[1] as hazardous materials. For example, household cleaning fluids, oil-based paints, explosives, acids, caustics, poisons, drugs, radioactive materials and refuse of a similar nature.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Includes garbage, rubbish, refuse, trash, waste and unwanted or discarded materials, including solids, liquids, and semisolid or contained gaseous materials. No asbestos or other hazardous waste shall be disposed of as MSW.
Any items, commonly regarded as wastes, which are designated by the Select Board and the Director of Public Works to be presorted for separate handling.
Individuals who reside in or own real property containing a residence or operate a home occupation business in the Town of Thompson.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.
Only persons, firms, or corporations whose residences or places of doing business are within the Town limits shall be eligible for a permit to use the facilities of the Town Transfer and Recycling Station for depositing of garbage, rubbish, and other refuse originating in the Town. Commercial refuse collection services operating in the Town are not eligible. No person, firm, or corporation, other than those herein designated, shall, without written permission from the Director of Public Works and the Selectpersons, enter into or upon the Transfer and Recycling Station. The depositing at the Transfer and Recycling Station of any garbage, rubbish, or any other refuse not originating from a permitted household within Thompson shall constitute a violation of this chapter and result in a fine and/or revocation of the permit for the balance of the current year.
Failure to pay charges incurred at the Transfer and Recycling Station within 60 days will result in suspension of Transfer and Recycling Station permit until fees are paid.
Applications for yearly permits shall be obtained from the Tax Collector's office, which shall issue all permits authorizing the use of the Transfer and Recycling Station, subject to the provisions of this chapter and other appertaining regulations. Temporary permits may be issued to Thompson residents borrowing vehicles. Temporary permits shall be issued solely to residents holding valid yearly permits. A temporary permit shall be valid for not more than one day and said permit shall be in the form of a letter from the Tax Collector's office. Temporary one-day permits are sold at the Tax Collector's office as well as the Transfer and Recycling Station. There shall be no charge to residents who already hold a valid yearly permit. The Director of Public Works is responsible for regulation, enforcement, and revocation of permits for failure to follow regulations. Appeals of denial or revocation of permits shall be made to the full Select Board. All permit stickers shall be affixed and displayed in the lower right interior corner of the motor vehicle windshield. A separate permit is required for each household in a multiple-family dwelling.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The Director of Public Works in conjunction with the Select Board is hereby authorized to enact from time to time other regulations supplemental to this chapter, deemed in the public interest regarding the separation, recovery, collection, removal, storage, and disposition of garbage, rubbish, and other refuse, including recyclables, and specially designated materials, in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes and other applicable state regulations.
The Selectpersons are authorized to employ and/or negotiate and enter into contracts within available appropriations with individual persons, corporations, or governmental agencies for the separation, recovery, collection, removal, storage, or disposition of garbage, rubbish, or other refuse, including recyclables.
An annual permit fee for the use of the Transfer and Recycling Station by residents and other eligible parties may be established by the Selectpersons. Other fees for disposal, deposit of specially designated materials and tipping fees and fines may be instituted by the Select Board. The fee for yearly permits issued after May 1 will be at a reduced rate of the annual fee. See the Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines for current fees.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
No person engaged in the business of collection or disposal of garbage shall deposit garbage in the Transfer and Recycling Station.
Except where otherwise specified in this chapter, any person or permittee violating any provision of this chapter, or regulations enacted hereunder, shall be subject to a fine, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines, and/or revocation of permit for use of the Transfer and Recycling Station. In addition, the Town or its agent reserves the right to refuse access to the Transfer and Recycling Station where the provisions of this chapter or regulations enacted hereunder are violated.
All garbage, rubbish, or other refuse collected and transported within the Town of Thompson shall be covered or secured in such a manner as to prevent scattering of these materials upon the streets and highways. All vehicles entering or leaving the Transfer and Recycling Station shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. Any vehicle containing inappropriate or unacceptable materials or unsecured loads shall be refused entry to the Transfer and Recycling Station.
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, deposit, or leave any litter or rubbish in any public park, public playground, or recreation area, public street or on any private property of another in the Town. Such litter or rubbish shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided, and when receptacles are not so provided, such litter or rubbish shall be carried away by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere. Violations of this section shall be punishable by a fine, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines, for each occurrence.
Except as specifically permitted by the Town, it shall be unlawful for any person to throw upon the streets, or any private property of another, or any other property under the control of the Town, or in any catch basin, fire hole, drain, river, or other waterway in the Town any garbage, rubbish, hazardous waste or other refuse. Violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines, plus the cost of cleanup for each occurrence.
No person having custody or control of residential, industrial, or business premises from which garbage, rubbish, or other refuse, including recyclables, is collected for disposal in the Transfer and Recycling Station shall permit or cause any garbage, rubbish, or other refuse, including recyclables, within his/her control to become a hazard to public travel, health, or safety, or to become a nuisance of any sort as determined by the Select Board.
No person(s) engaged in the business of separation, recovery, collection, removal, storage, or disposition of garbage, rubbish, recyclables, or other refuse within the Town of Thompson, except as are specifically authorized by the Selectpersons, shall pick up or procure from the Transfer and Recycling Station any garbage, rubbish, or other refuse deemed recyclable under this chapter or a valid regulation. This restriction shall also apply to any citizen, resident, taxpayer or person who might engage in such practice for personal gain except so far as such persons may be collecting roadside litter. Violations of this section shall be punishable by a fine, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines, and/or loss of Transfer and Recycling Station permit.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
There will be a flat fee to dispose of all bulky waste for loads under 100 pounds to be determined by the Select Board; see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines. All demolition materials and bulky waste 100 pounds and over are subject to being weighed in over the Transfer and Recycling Station scale and will be billed accordingly, on tonnage, at the rate set by the Select Board.
It shall be unlawful to dispose of, within the Town of Thompson, materials which are identified by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)[1] as hazardous materials. Household hazardous wastes should be held at home until the Town announces a household hazardous waste collection day. Refer to the annual "Town of Thompson Transfer and Recycling Information" packet for permitted and prohibited materials.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances, resolutions, regulations, or other documents inconsistent with the provision of this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
This chapter and the various parts, sentences, sections, and clauses thereof are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, section, or clause is adjudged invalid, it is hereby provided that the remainder of this chapter shall not be affected thereby.
The law enforcement agency of the Town of Thompson shall be charged with enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and any legal recourse, civil or criminal, available to the Selectpersons.