[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Thompson as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-19-1967; amended 12-3-1973; 3-18-1980 (Ord. No. 10-038)]
The Town of Thompson hereby adopts the provisions of Chapter 124 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The combined Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of 10 members and three alternate members. At each biennial election, members and alternates shall be elected to the Commission for terms of six years to replace those whose terms are due to expire. Vacancies occurring on the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be filled from the alternate membership by majority vote of the remaining Commission members. Vacancies occurring among the alternate members shall be filled by appointment by the Select Board for the unexpired portion of such alternate's term. Alternate replacement members shall be made on a party basis.
The Planning and Zoning Commission is authorized to adopt bylaws and such other procedures as it may deem necessary for the efficient management of its business. A copy of any such bylaws shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Nothing in this amendment shall be construed to affect the validity of regulations previously adopted by the Planning Commission or by the Zoning Commission or in any way affect the Zoning Board of Appeals.
[Adopted 1-30-2006 (Ord. No. 10-027)]
In accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes § 22a-354a et seq., the Planning and Zoning Commission is hereby designated as the Aquifer Protection Agency (hereinafter the "Agency") of the Town of Thompson. (The staff of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve as the staff of the agency.)
Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve coexisting terms on the Agency. The membership requirements of the Agency shall be the same as those of the Planning and Zoning Commission, including but not limited to the number of members, terms, method of selection and removal of members, and filling of vacancies.
At least one member of the Agency or staff of the Agency shall complete the course in technical training formulated by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 22a-354v.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The Agency shall adopt regulations in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 22a-354p and R.C.S.A. 22a-354i-3. Said regulations shall provide for:
The manner in which boundaries of aquifer protection areas shall be established and amended or changed.
Procedures for the regulation of activity within the area.
The form for an application to conduct regulated activities within the area.
Notice and publication requirements.
Criteria and procedures for the review of applications.
Administration and enforcement.
In order to carry out the purposes of the Aquifer Protection Program, the Agency will conduct an inventory of land use within the area to assess potential contamination sources.
Not later than three months after approval by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection of Level B mapping of aquifers, the Agency will inventory land uses overlying the mapped zone of contribution and recharge areas of such aquifers in accordance with guidelines established by the Commissioner pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 22a-354f. Such inventory shall be completed not more than one year after authorization of the Agency, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 22a-354e.
[Amended 5-30-2023]