[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Thompson 6-16-2010 (Ord. No. 10-056). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Per the Thompson Plan of Conservation and Development adopted November 23, 2009, the mission of the Agriculture Commission is to maintain, sustain, and enhance agriculture so that it will remain a fundamental part of the Thompson landscape and economy by providing flexibility to assist in the evolution of the agricultural industry.
The Thompson Agriculture Commission shall be an advisory board with the following charges and duties:
To foster sustainable agriculture in Thompson.
To serve as a conduit between local farmers and nonprofit agencies, civic organizations, municipal boards and commissions, elected officials, and nonfarm residents.
To advocate for agriculture before land use and other committees and commissions.
To act as a resource for agricultural information.
Education and outreach.
To increase awareness of agricultural enterprises in the community.
To provide information to Town government about agricultural laws and legal issues.
To promote the value of agriculture viability in the areas of employment, property taxes, environment and open space preservation.
To provide information and guidance on agriculture-related issues, such as zoning, inland wetlands, public works, and others, to Town departments and other boards and commissions, and other members of the community, as necessary.
To support farmers by supporting local, regional, and state vocational agricultural education programs.
To recognize and support farming operations and farms.
Conflict resolution. To assist in limiting farm and nonfarm conflicts.
Economic opportunities.
To identify opportunities for expanding agriculture in Thompson.
To promote opportunities for residents and local businesses to support farming.
To provide information regarding available financial support related to agricultural viability.
To foster a climate that supports agricultural viability in Thompson.[1]
Editor's Note: The original section titled "Elected/Appointed" of Ord. No. 10-056, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 5-30-2023.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The Agriculture Commission will be appointed by the Select Board in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, as amended. Insofar as practical, members appointed shall be representative of all groups interested in the management, protection, and regulation of agriculture as defined by Connecticut General Statutes § 1-1(q), as amended, particularly those directly involved in agriculture. The initial appointments to the Commission shall be as follows: one member to be appointed for a term of one year; one member to be appointed for a term of two years; one member to be appointed for a term of three years; one member to be appointed for a term of four years; and one member to be appointed for a term of five years. Alternate members shall be appointed initially in the same manner: one alternate member to be appointed for a term of one year; one alternate member to be appointed for a term of two years; one alternate member to be appointed for a term of three years; one alternate member to be appointed for a term of four years. Thereafter, each new appointment shall be for a term of five years, except that, in case of vacancies occurring for any reason, appointments may be made to fill the unexpired portion of such term. A meeting to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and a Secretary shall occur annually. Each December a schedule of meetings for the upcoming year shall be filed with the Town Clerk.