The Thompson Zoning Regulations are adopted pursuant to Chapter 124 of the Connecticut General Statutes, hereafter referred to as "C.G.S." unless referencing another chapter, as amended.
[Amended 8-28-2023]
The intent of these regulations is to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare; to provide for the best use of land in the Town of Thompson; to conserve and stabilize the value of property; to secure safety from fire, flood, environmental damage and other dangers; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to facilitate adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, recreation, and other public requirements; to conserve and protect existing and potential surface water and groundwater drinking supplies and other natural resources; to prevent unnecessary soil erosion and sedimentation; and to provide adequate housing opportunities for all citizens of Thompson in a manner consistent with soil types, terrain, infrastructure, capacity, the rural and developed areas of the Town and the current Town Plan of Conservation and Development.
The Zoning Regulations established hereunder, including the Official Zoning Map, are in accordance with, and are hereby declared to embody, the Comprehensive Zoning Plan of the Town of Thompson.
The Zoning Regulations of the Town of Thompson, and any future amendments, shall take effect upon their passage and subsequent publication notice in accordance with C.G.S. § 8-3(d), and shall take precedence over any prior regulations or parts of prior regulations that are inconsistent.