[Adopted 8-24-1970; amended 2-13-2017 (Ord. No. 10-009)]
No employee of the Town of Thompson, elected or appointed official or member of any Town board, commission, or committee shall participate in any matter concerning the Town by contract or otherwise in which the individual has a personal financial interest, specifically including any contract or purchase order for supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services furnished to or to be used by the Town or any Town board or agency.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
No employee or public official as herein defined shall accept from any person, firm, or corporation to which a contract or purchase order may be awarded any rebate, gift or financial consideration or anything of value whatsoever.
The penalty for violation of this article shall be set as a fine pursuant to the Schedule of Fees and Fines. Further, in an appropriate case, the Select Board shall have the power to cancel or void any purchase order or contract executed in violation of this article.
This article shall not apply in the following instances:
To any unpaid volunteer who serves on a temporary or advisory board, provided such individual shall have no participation in the award or recommendation of any project or public work.
Any project which is publicly bid, provided the individual bidding the project is an unpaid officer or public official and provided further that said individual did not participate in any way in either preparing the specifications or bid documents or supervising the project subject to bid.
The provisions of this article may be waived by a unanimous vote of the full Select Board in appropriate circumstances wherein the Board determines that the waiver is in the best interest of the Town of Thompson, and the written request for the waiver, an explanation of the circumstances, and the vote of the full Select Board shall be entered in the minutes of the Select Board as a public document.