[Adopted 8-1-1937; amended 10-3-1960; 5-19-1981; 3-16-2022 (Ord. No. 10-049)]
The Selectpersons of the Town of Thompson are authorized and directed to establish four voting districts therein and fix boundaries thereof.
The four voting districts shall be known as "Voting District 1," "Voting District 2," "Voting District 3" and "Voting District 4" and are depicted on a map entitled "Town of Thompson, CT Voting Districts," dated March 17, 2022, and incorporated herein as the official map of the voting districts of the Town of Thompson.[1]
Editor's Note: The voting districts map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Each elector of said Town shall vote in the district in which he resides.
The registrars of voters of said Town shall prepare a list of the electors in each voting district, giving the name of each such elector and his residence by street and number if possible.
Any elector who shall move his residence from one voting district in said Town to another voting district therein shall notify the registrars of voters of such removal, giving the street and number from which he moved, the street and number of his new residence and the date of such removal, and may vote in the district from which he moved at any time within 15 days thereafter.