In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1996 Code have been included in the 2024 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. III.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1996 Code
Location in 2024 Code
Article 101, Title
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. III
Article 102, Ordaining Clause
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. III
Article 103, Purpose
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. III
Article 104, Definitions
Ch. 1, Art. I
Article 105, Violation Penalties
Ch. 1, Art. II
Article 106, Administration
Section 10601, Village Board
Ch. 59
Section 10602, Planning Board
Ch. 31, Art. I
Section 10603, Zoning Board of Appeals
Ch. 31, Art. II
Section 10604, Superintendent of Public Works
Ch. 24, Art. I
Section 10605, Zoning Officer
Ch. 24, Art. II
Section 10606, Police Chief
Ch. 37, Art. I
Section 10607, Village Clerk
Ch. 24, Art. III
Section 10608, Enforcement of New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code
Ch. 106
Section 10609, Residency of appointed Village officials
Ch. 24, Art. IV
Section 10610, Code of Ethics
Ch. 15
Section 10611, Business improvement districts
Section 10612, Site Plan Review Board
Section 10613, Early retirement incentive of 1991
Section 10614, Village of Dryden Fresh Water Wetlands
Ch. 165
Section 10615, Village of Dryden Records Management Policy
Ch. 44, Art. I
Article 107, Miscellaneous
Section 10701, Interpretation
Section 10702, Validity
Section 10703, Repealer
Section 10704, Effective Date
Section 10705, Fee Schedule
Ch. 146, Art. II
Article 108, Amendments
Article 201, Public Safety
Section 20101, Firearms
Ch. 152
Section 20102, Snowmobiles
Ch. 262
Section 20103, Suspended Obstructions
Ch. 281, Art. I
Section 20104, Gasoline and Oil Storage Tanks
Ch. 172
Section 20105, Sidewalks
Ch. 281, Art. II
Section 20106, Removal of Hazards
Section 20107, Abandoned Cellar Holes and Buildings
Ch. 179, Art. I
Section 20108, Open Burning
Ch. 118
Section 20109, Hunting
Ch. 185
Article 202, Public Nuisance
Section 20201, Animals
Ch. 85, Art. I
Section 20202, Dogs
Ch. 85, Art. II
Section 20203, Breach of Peace
Ch. 217
Section 20204, Loitering and Vagrancy
Ch. 194
Section 20205, Curfew for Minors
Repealed by L.L. No. 1-2000
Section 20206, Peddling, Vending, Soliciting, Hawking
Ch. 223
Section 20207, Auctions
Ch. 92
Section 20208, Open containers in public places
Ch. 78, Art. I
Section 20909, Parental Responsibilities Act
Article 203, Public Utilities
Section 20301, Utility Poles
Ch. 313
Section 20302, Aerial Construction
Ch. 313
Section 20303, Satellite antennae, free standing solar panels, towers and similar structures
Ch. 313
Section 20304, Utility tax
Ch. 294, Art. I
Article 204, Streets
Section 20401, Temporary Closing
Ch. 281, Art. III
Section 20402, Disturbing Surface
Ch. 281, Art. IV
Section 20403, Obstructing Street
Ch. 281, Art. V
Section 20404, Street Extensions
Ch. 281, Art. VI
Section 20405, Stop Intersections
Ch. 322
Article 205, Public Parking Lots
Ch. 322
Article 206, Parks and Playgrounds
Ch. 211
Ch. 207, Refuse and Weed Control
Section 20701, Refuse Collection
Ch. 274, Art. I
Section 20702, Garbage Collection
Ch. 274, Art. II
Section 20703, Weed Control
Ch. 100
Section 20704, Mandatory recycling
Ch. 274, Art. III
Section 20705, Dumping of solid and liquid waste material
Ch. 274, Art. IV
Article 208, Drains and Watercourses
Ch. 132
Article 209, Trees
Ch. 306
Article 230, Village Hall
Ch. 65
Article 240, Motor Vehicles
Ch. 322
Article 260, Village Property
Ch. 229
Article 280, Fair Housing
Ch. 140
Article 290, Outside Police Service
Ch. 37, Art. II
Article 300, Zoning Regulations and Site Plan Review
Ch. 350
Article 311, Administration and Enforcement of Building and Zoning Laws
Ch. 350
Article 312, Adult Entertainment Businesses
Ch. 350
Article 315, Unsafe Structures
Ch. 350
Section 320, Signs
Ch. 350
Section 330, Site Plan Review Board (SPRB)
Ch. 350
Article 340, Communication Transmission Towers and Telecommunication Facilities
Ch. 350
Article 500, Wastewater
Ch. 238
Article 600, Water Regulations
Section 601, Use of Public Water Required
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 602, Private Water Systems
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 603, Water Services, Connections and Fees
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 604, Water System Extensions
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 605, General
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 606, Protection from Damage
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 607, Powers and Authority of Inspectors
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 608, Penalties
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 609, Water Service Charges
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 611, Water Non-Payment Provisions
Ch. 332, Art. I
Section 620, Watershed Protections
Ch. 338
Section 630, Mandatory Water Conservation Measures
Ch. 332, Art. II
Section 640, Safeguarding potable public water supplies from potential contamination
Ch. 332, Art. III
Article 700, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 159
Article 800, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 287
Article 900, Reimbursement of Costs, Fees and Expenses
Ch. 146, Art. I