Council shall appoint a Township Manager and set his or her compensation.
The Manager so appointed shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote of Council. At least 30 days before the removal becomes effective, Council shall notify the Township Manager of its decision to remove him or her from office, by a majority vote of its members, stating the reasons for his removal. The Township Manager may reply in writing and may request a public hearing which shall be held not earlier than 20 days nor later than 30 days after the filing of the request. After the public hearing, if one is requested, and after full consideration, Council by majority vote of its members may adopt a final resolution of removal. By a preliminary resolution, Council may suspend the Township Manager from duty but may in any case cause to be paid immediately any unpaid balance of his salary and his salary for the next three calendar months.
The Township Manager shall:
Be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative abilities; possess an M.B.A. degree in public or business administration and considerable experience in the area of municipal finance; or have equivalent experience in planning, organizing and directing administration and operational services and have considerable experience in the area of municipal finance.
Have extensive knowledge of present-day concepts in the field of public administration; a thorough knowledge of personnel policies and procedures as they apply to municipal finance administration; and a thorough knowledge of managerial principles and activities of a large multi-departmental municipal government.
The Township Manager may designate a qualified administrative officer of the municipality to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability. In the event of his failure to make a designation or if the absence or disability continues more than 30 days, Council may appoint an officer of the municipality to perform the duties of the Manager during the absence or disability until the Manager returns or his disability ceases.
[Amended 8-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-04]
The Township Manager shall be the chief executive and administrative official of the Township, and shall have those executive duties described in the Optional Plans Law, the First Class Township Code, this chapter, and general law, including but not limited to the following:
To execute all laws and ordinances.
To appoint and remove department heads and the deputy manager, if one is authorized by Council, and appoint and remove subordinate officers and employees under procedures established for the appointment of subordinate officers and employees under § 3122 of the Optional Plans Law.
To negotiate contracts for the Township, subject to the approval of Council, make recommendations concerning the nature and location of municipal improvements and execute municipal improvements as determined by Council.
To assure that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Township or its inhabitants in any statute, public utility franchise or other contracts are faithfully kept and performed and, upon knowledge of any violation, to call the same to the attention of Council.
To prepare the agenda for and attend all meetings of Council with the right to take part in the discussions, but without the right to vote.
To make such recommendations to Council concerning policy formulation as he or she deems desirable and keep Council and the public informed as to the conduct of municipal affairs.
To prepare and submit the annual budget to Council together with such explanatory comment as he or she deems desirable and to administer the municipal budget.
To perform such other duties as may be required of the Township Manager by ordinance or resolution of Council.
To be responsible to Council for carrying out all policies established by it and for the proper administration of all affairs of the Township within the jurisdiction of Council.
Supervising, contacting and reporting duties referred to in the Optional Plans Law.
Developing, justifying and recommending Township objectives and policies to Council and promulgating, implementing and delineating approved policies into operating procedures.
Planning, organizing, administering and directing all operations under the jurisdiction of the Township.
Formulating and implementing all policies, procedures, rules and regulations concerning the administration of managerial agreements.
Conferring with Department heads to formulate and develop departmental plans and policies.
Implementing and coordinating the preparation of the fiscal budget and the review of departmental budgets to ensure compliance with established budgeting policies.
Developing and implementing viable public relations programs.
Reviewing all personnel functions periodically to determine compliance with Township policies.
Providing guidance to departmental heads on accomplishing their administrative functions and duties.
Preparing the agenda for each meeting of Council and supplying facts pertinent thereto, in cooperation with the President of Council, with such input from the President of Council or the Council as a body, as they may direct.
Keeping Council informed as to the conduct of Township affairs, submitting reports of the condition of the Township finances and other matters as Council may request and making recommendations to Council as he deems advisable.
Having general supervision over all Township property and equipment and its use by the public or Township employees.
Being the repository for all complaints regarding Township services, investigating and disposing of such complaints and reporting the disposition thereof to Council.
Being responsible for the enforcement of all ordinances and regulations of the Township.
Performing such other duties as are required as Director of the Department of Administration and as may be required by Council.
The Township Manager shall not hold any elective governmental office.