As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Township-issued parking permit that is distributed to visibly physically handicapped persons, those who transport such persons and/or those persons who have handicapped children or adults in their residence, but are not eligible for the special handicapped license plates issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The permits shall be green in color and will be displayed on the rear bumper of the vehicle next to and in line with the license plate.
Any visibly handicapped or mentally impaired adult or child whose disability inhibits or prevents ease of movement in walking or other motor functioning. Such an individual shall hereafter be described as a "handicapped person."
Those parking spaces designated as "reserved for handicapped parking" by signs and/or symbols authorized by federal, state and local regulations. The reserved spaces are located throughout the Township near the entrances of public buildings and businesses.
Existing reserved handicapped parking places.
This article shall apply to and be enforceable for all handicapped parking areas existing on public and governmentally owned properties and businesses at the time of the adoption of this article.
This article shall apply to those handicapped parking areas existing on privately owned properties and businesses upon receipt and acceptance of written authorization of enforcement from the owner(s) of said property or business to the Township Manager and Police Chief.
Upon receipt of authorization, signs shall be displayed at eye level indicating that spaces are being provided in accordance with this article. Said signs shall be available from the police sign shop and will be erected after the written authorization has been accepted, as provided above.
Creation of reserved handicapped parking areas. New handicapped parking areas may be created upon request to and by resolution of the Township Council.
New parking areas must be erected in accordance with those provisions of the BOCA Code, as adopted by the Township as its Building Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 84, Construction Codes, Uniform.
Additional handicapped spaces may be provided and made enforceable under this article upon designation of location by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, provided that on private property the provisions of Subsection A(2) above shall apply.
Handicapped residents who are not eligible for state-issued special handicapped license plates but who are still considered handicapped in that they are limited in their mobility and motor functioning may be issued handicapped parking permits (bumper stickers).
Handicapped parking permits shall be issued by the office of the Township Manager upon request and application to visibly physically handicapped persons, those persons presenting medical proof of disability and/or those persons who produce notarized statements evidencing the fact that said person is providing frequent and regular transportation, by use of a vehicle registered in his/her name, to a handicapped person(s).
When such evidence is presented and accepted as satisfactory by the Township Manager, in accordance with this regulation, the applicant will be issued a handicapped parking permit.
Said permits will be signed by the Chief of Police and will be issued in numerical order as applications are received and approved.
Handicapped parking permits shall be valid for a period of one year from the last day of the month of issue.
Handicapped parking permits shall be renewable indefinitely, provided that continual proof of eligibility is submitted to Township authorities justifying such a continuance.
Vehicles displaying handicapped parking permits or state-issued handicapped license plates may be parked in handicapped spaces, subject to the restrictions of state law and the limitations set forth below.
The handicapped parking permit does not authorize parking in areas or spaces where parking is otherwise prohibited or restricted under state or municipal regulations.
A vehicle displaying a handicapped parking permit may be parked in a handicapped space only when used in the course of transporting a handicapped person.
Unless otherwise stated, use of the aforementioned permit pertains only to reserved handicapped parking areas existing within Bristol Township. Parking in areas located outside of and beyond the Township jurisdictional lines is not authorized by this article. Approval of the handicapped parking permit as permission to park in handicapped or reserved parking areas in another municipality must be mandated by the governing body of that municipality.
Subject to the conditions of this article, the privilege to use handicapped spaces provided in Bristol Township is hereby extended for use by vehicles bearing handicapped permits duly issued by the following listed municipalities, provided that it is understood that the same privilege reciprocally extends to permits issued by Bristol Township.
Falls Township.
Middletown Township.
Upper Southampton Township.
Violations of this article shall occur upon any person:
Parking a vehicle that does not display either a special handicapped license plate or a handicapped parking permit in a space labeled "reserved for handicapped parking" or one which displays the handicapped parking symbol; or
Parking a vehicle displaying a handicapped parking permit in an area reserved for handicapped parking when no transportation of a handicapped person by the vehicle is involved.
Penalty for violation. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment of not more than five days.
The provisions hereof shall be enforced by the Bristol Township Police Department in the manner of enforcement of all violations of the Motor Vehicle Code and Township ordinances adopted pursuant thereto.