Bristol Township hereby declares its intent to require any person, owner, lessee or operator of any motor vehicle parked, stored or left standing upon the streets and rights-of-way of the Township to remove the same or cause the same to be removed therefrom within two hours after snow or sleet falls in sufficient amounts to form, lay upon and cover the street surface, irrespective of any measured accumulation, so as to permit unimpeded access and passage by snow removal, salt or cindering vehicles and equipment.
The Township Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to issue violations to any vehicle left standing and unattended upon any streets or rights-of-way of the Township after a period of two hours after snow or sleet falls in sufficient amounts to form, lay upon and cover the street surfaces.
The Township Police Department is hereby further authorized and directed to issue violations and to undertake to have towed and removed any vehicle left standing and unattended upon the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XXI (§ 191-85), attached to and made a part of this chapter, provided that such streets or parts of streets are conspicuously posted with signs stating "SNOW ROUTE, VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED DURING SNOWFALL."
Any requirement imposed upon the Township to officially declare or announce a snow emergency as a condition precedent to authority to issue violations upon any public street and tow and remove vehicles from streets specified herein as "major thoroughfare snow routes" is hereby repealed.
The Township Police Department is hereby authorized and directed, during periods of snowfall or sleetfall as set forth in § 191-58, to issue motor vehicle citations to vehicles found to be in violation of this article and to levy fines for each violation in an amount not to exceed $25, plus costs of prosecution.