The following regulations shall apply to all applications for zoning permits, subdivisions, and land developments.
The applicant shall indicate whether or not any historic structures or resources are included within the project site for which development approval is sought. Historic structures or resources include the following. Any structure or resource that is:
Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the Department of Interior) or determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requirements and eligible for individual listing on the National Register;
Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district;
Individual listed on a Bristol Township inventory of historic structures or resources available at the Township Building.
Any such sites shall be shown on the plans, with a description of the historic resource. The description should cover the information outlined on Pages 28 through 32 of the National Register Bulletin 16A, U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1991.
Any building or structure that has been identified in accordance with Subsection A above as having national, state, or local architectural or historic significance shall be preserved unless the applicant can demonstrate that it is in irreparable condition. Where demolition is determined to be acceptable, the redevelopment of the property shall be undertaken in a manner which preserves the character, front yard setback, and design of the building removed, notwithstanding the front yard setback that may apply within the applicable zoning district. New or reconstructed buildings shall maintain the setback of the original building and shall maintain the architectural style, scale, bulk, and design of the original building.
If a subdivision or land development is proposed for the site of any structure identified in accordance with Subsection A above as having national, state, or local architectural or historic significance, the lot lines of the proposed subdivision or land development shall be drawn so as to preserve the historic context of the building, including its outbuildings, with adequate setbacks. Setbacks should be sufficient to protect visual boundaries and edges around the historic resources. Council may permit the alteration of lot sizes or setbacks on other proposed lots within the same development in order to allow adequate land area or setbacks to preserve the historic character of the historic resources, without increasing the overall permitted density of the site.
No building shall be demolished except in compliance with the Bristol Township demolition permit requirements. A permit must be granted before demolition.
Site plan and demolition application.
In addition to the applicable requirements under the Township Building and Fire Codes,[1] any applicant seeking a permit to demolish an identified historic resource shall provide a site plan and file a written application stating the following with regard to that historic resource.
Owner of record.
Site plan showing all buildings, structures, foundations, walls, ruins, historic trees, and any other features that add to the historic character on the site.
Recent interior and exterior photographs of the resource proposed for demolition.
Explanation of the reasons for demolition.
Proposed method of demolition.
Future proposed uses of the site and the materials from the demolished resource.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 84, Construction Codes, Uniform.
The Township Zoning Officer shall forward a copy of the application to the Bristol Township Planning Commission within five working days of a properly completed application. The planning commission will make a recommendation to Council. The applicant shall be provided with notice of any meeting where Council will make a decision regarding the demolition.
No permit for demolition of a historic resource in the Township shall be recommended unless the applicant provides a certified engineering report regarding structural stability of the resource that would indicate threats to public safety.
Passive demolition or demolition by neglect of historic resources will not be used as an excuse by an applicant as justification for an active demolition application. Demolition by neglect shall be considered to be the readily observable deterioration of a structure due to lack of routine maintenance, which has detrimental effect upon the character, stability, or structural integrity of the resource thereby constraining or negating the structure's ability for rehabilitation or reuse.